Chapter 26: Fight

Money was a problem. Now Mom had given Shikamaru only fifty ryos, which would only have been enough for a few servings of ramen. This was very frustrating, especially for someone who had no money problems in the past. Now he felt like some kind of schoolboy putting aside a penny. This annoyed him terribly ...

Now, by training with Chжиji, purchases will double. Genin probably could have provided for himself, but both children were only four years old, they were completely dependent on their parents. This, already an adult in the body of a child, was not particularly pleasing, so Shikamaru wanted by all means to get money for his needs. Of course, there was no hope for Chоji at all, he may have been a little smarter than a four-year-old, but not much. There is a long way to learn ... So pushing aside a few coins, Shikamaru said:

- This will not be enough. Some of the pills require expensive herbs to craft, so we'll need more ...

Shikamaru planned to repeat a couple more drugs from the scroll and get to grips with the study of the pills of this world. The system gave him a lot of inspiration, so the medical field was very interesting to him. Having received the first pill, he immediately had many ideas. What if they can be repeated? Such a question should have been examined ...

In addition, Shikamaru was from the Nara clan, and he could well have the opportunity to see special medicines from the family's healing books. It was also quite interesting knowledge. After all, learning only one technique and just increasing strength is too small a goal. Shikamaru wanted to take a broader path. This world was so huge and interesting, he was drawn to explore everything. Well, for the study you need resources for which you need money. Fuinjutsu also had an interesting section, so the money was definitely needed. Well, and how to earn them, he already had several ideas ...

Chоji was not that important in this case, just his friend could learn from this, which was quite useful. And his loyalty should increase ... Seeing his childish behavior, Shikamaru was a little annoyed. But unfortunately he could not do anything, he was a child himself, so it was temporarily worth it ...

Getting up from the table, Shikamaru waved his hand.

- Come on, I have an idea.

- What is this idea? Chоji asked interestedly.

`` You will soon find out ... '' When the two left the house, Shikamaru looked around and calmly asked:

- - I remember that someone called you fat, right?

"W-well, yeah ..." Chоji lowered his head slightly, but Shikamaru patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, they'll get theirs soon. Besides, they can be useful to us.

- Come in handy?

Shikamaru chuckled.

- Exactly, now lead them where they usually go?

"Well ... Okay, let's go." Chоji looked at Shikamaru oddly, but guided him anyway, starting to quickly eat chips. At the guy's nervousness, Shikamaru just smiled. He wasn't particularly worried about the fat man's past. Shikamaru was not one of those who got into other people's problems and arranged vengeful fights. Plus, they were just children. Now he was more interested in money, which these jerks could easily get with their innocent faces. Taking control of the bunch of suckers was much easier and safer than robbing the villagers. Much more reliable if the residents themselves give money ...

Chuckling a little, Shikamaru stopped at one of the shops and motioned to stop Chоji.

- Wait, you need to buy props ...

- Requie ... What? - to a friend's question, Shikamaru just waved his hand and went into the store. Coming out of there a couple of minutes later with a small package, he nodded:

- Come on, you'll see everything soon.

"Well, okay ..." Accepting the package, Chоji nodded and followed his friend.

A few minutes later, Chоji led Shikamaru to a small clearing. There were several children of different ages in this glade. Four to six, maybe even eight. All of them took turns throwing stones at the target, some hit, but most missed. They looked like simple petty street punks. Shikamaru had no particular desire to beat up such little monsters, but now it was necessary.

Turning to the depressed Chоji, Shikamaru calmly said:

- Remember buddy, there is a simple rule. If you want to get someone to do the dirty work, you have to either give something of value or make you afraid of losing something. Pain is a good incentive, but sometimes it's not enough. The best option is both. In our case, we use just this option. Fear first, then motivation ...

Patting Chоji on the shoulder, Shikamaru chuckled.

"Be here and watch, it will come in handy for you," having said this, Shikamaru thrust his hands into his pockets and walked slowly towards the ten boys. Among them there should definitely be those who attended the academy. But Shikamaru was not particularly worried, his physical indicators, thanks to the pills and the elixir, reached almost genin levels. Of course, the indicators were one thing, but the skills and Jutsu were another. Even if he reaches the required indicators, it will be impossible to defeat the genin. But, in front of him are not genins, but just petty punks ...

As Shikamaru came closer, he calmly scanned the crowd and asked with a grin:

- Who is in charge here?

- Chief? Uh ... - the children began to look at each other, but then a rather large and tall guy came out. He looked like the oldest, hitting himself in the chest, he said loudly:

`` I'm in charge here, '' looking at Shikamaru with narrowed eyes and noticing Chоji in the distance, the guy grinned: - If you want to play with us, then you're too fat without that, - everyone looked at Akimichi and began to chuckle quietly.

Shikamaru didn't even need to see to understand Chоji's current state. But, he was not particularly emotional because of this, he came here not for revenge and not for heroism, but for labor. But there was no point in chatting anymore, so he went up to the heftiest guy and hit him with a swing.

* Bang! *

- Kha ... - the guy did not expect this at all, and bent over like a match, falling to his knees and greedily gasping for air.

All the punks immediately stopped laughing and stared blankly at Shikamaru, the same one just smiled hard and said:

- Now I'm in charge, are there any objections?

The children began to look at each other and at some point, one of the older ones shouted:

- Don! Oh, you little ... Get him guys! - at the same moment, three older children rushed to the calmly smiling Shikamaru. Such a reaction was expected, so he only grinned and stretched out his hand, easily intercepted the first. Throwing it over his shoulder, he dodged the second and, having performed a sweep, knocked down the third. As soon as the two were on the ground, Shikamaru lunged forward and delivered a couple of blows to the nose of the last one remaining.

- Ahhh! - clutching his broken face, the boy screamed. Shikamaru wasted no time, and kicked him to the ground. Two of them had already started to get up, but a few good blows quickly defused them.

At the same time, while the trio lay and groaned, all the small people watched the fight with passion, and the first of the defeated finally caught his breath and began to slowly rise. If he knew that one should not gulp the air greedily, but rather exhale, then he could recover earlier ... So now, when he was ready to fight, it was already too late.

Unknown in these places, the fighting style was first demonstrated by a small child, almost two times his age. As soon as he was ready to rush to Shikamaru, the guy immediately froze motionless ...