Chapter 27: Subordinates

Standing away from the immobilized boy, Shikamaru could only smile at the crowd's reaction. Holding his hand in front of him, he asked with a grin:

- Are you ready to recognize me as your boss?

The guy just stood still and could not move, attentive people have already noticed that something is wrong here. A long shadow stretched from Shikamaru's feet to the immobilized boy. The guy did not even understand what was happening and why he could not move, so he panicked a little:

"W-what… what did you do ?!

"Hmm, is this the first time you've seen ninjutsu? - Grimacing derisively, Shikamaru snorted: - If you weaklings want to learn something, then I advise you to accept me as your boss and then maybe I'll teach you techniques.

The guy tried to move, but when nothing came of it, he shouted:

- Let me go! Let go or I'll tell my father! If my ...

"Shut up, even if your father is the Hokage himself, he's not here right now, right?" And here you are, and if you piss me off, my shadow technique will break a couple of your fingers. Maybe you want to check?

The trapped man finally began to understand his situation:

- No, no, stop! I get it, I get it… "But seeing Shikamaru's cold expression, tears started to flow from the guy's eyes:" I-I, I recognize you as the boss, okay? Just let me go ...

Of course, Shikamaru did not believe such nonsense, but he could not hold it for a long time. Chakra was wasted with every twitch, so the technique was more of a mere intimidation. In real combat, she's not much use, especially with Shikamaru's current reserves. And he himself was amused by this ridiculous situation. It was ridiculous to behave so pretentiously, and even in front of children ...

Dispelling the technique, he looked at the surprised faces of the children and coldly said:

- So what? Want to become a ninja? Or will you still associate with these weaklings? - the guys looked at each other, and then someone shouted in agreement:

- I want to be a ninja!

- And me!

- Me too!

All as one began to pick up and agree. Shikamaru smiled and, not paying attention to the beaten jerks, went up to the children and said:

- Then let's go, I'll explain to you how to become a ninja.

The children's eyes sparkled, and they completely forgot about their recently beaten friends and followed with a brisk pace after the slowly leaving Shikamaru.

Looking at all this, Chоji even forgot to scoop up a fresh batch of chips and stared in amazement at his returning friend. When Shikamaru approached, he turned to nearly a dozen children and said gloomily:

`` This is Chоji, they believe some of you already know him. '' Several of the guys looked down, to which Shikamaru only grinned.

"That's good ..." Shikamaru said gravely, shifting his gaze to Chоji.

- It's up to you, buddy, I can help you deal with them. It will be very simple ... Of course, you can choose another option. Get stronger and make them feel sorry for yourself. They called you fat, right? So turn your calories into strength, isn't that what an Akimichi ninja should do?

As he listened to his friend, Chоji's face changed and his fists clenched. He looked at everyone who had called him names in the past and then at Shikamaru.

"Brother Shikamaru is so strong ... If I want to be his friend, then I have to be strong too. So that next time I don't look so weak! " - mentally vowing to become stronger, for the first time in his life, a real fighting spirit ignited in this innocent fat man.

Taking a serious look at his friend, Chоji nodded.

- I understood Shikamaru, I will become stronger!

"Children are so easy to motivate ... Oh, youth ..." - a four-year-old child laughed inwardly and looked at his new employees with the face of an adult.

"Okay, guys, you'll solve your problems with Chоji yourself, my friend is not some weakling for me to stand up for him. Now, if you still haven't changed your mind and are ready to become a ninja, then let's go ...

With a wave of his hand, Shikamaru, without waiting for a response from the crowd, walked slowly into the dark alley. What he had in mind should not have been done in plain sight, it was only worth hiding a little ...

Chоji smiled and quickly followed his friend. Those who still remained, only looked at each other strangely, and then began to slowly follow. Even those who now felt a slight fear of their peers still wanted to know what would happen next. Will they be able to become ninjas?

When everyone passed into an inconspicuous alley, Shikamaru finally stopped and then turned around. Chоji stood by his side and turned too. Glancing at the eight arrivals, Shikamaru nodded contentedly.

"Well, it looks like there are no cowards among you.

At the first words of Shikamaru, the children even began to smile proudly, but when the next words followed, the smiles instantly disappeared from their faces.

- And now, who is not afraid of pain, come forward ...

They all looked at each other with incomprehension. At first, no one moved, but then, at some point, the eldest of all came out of the crowd, he smiled a little and said confidently:

- I'm not afraid of pain, boss!

"Oh, and you're a daredevil, I like that ..." Turning to Chоji, Shikamaru said, "Look carefully."

The fat man nodded, and Shikamaru slowly walked up to the child a head taller than himself. But although he was older, he did not look very impressive, in front of the thin and short Shikamaru. His knees were even slightly shaking.

Shikamaru noticed the boy's nervousness and said soothingly.

"Don't be afraid, a ninja shouldn't be afraid of pain. Or don't you wanna be a ninja?

- I want! - the boy could not resist at once.

Shikamaru nodded.

"Okay, then stop shaking." After looking around everyone, Shikamaru asked, "You know that a ninja never reveals secrets, even after experiencing pain, right? No amount of torture will break a real ninja, have you heard of that?

- Y-yes.

- Yeah.

- Have you heard.

All as one began to nod and agree, to which Shikamaru smiled calmly.

- Then you should remember well that what we will be doing, no one should know about it, not even your parents. Even those trinity of beaten, don't have to find out anything. At the time we met, I already marked you with my shadows, so you should keep your mouth shut. As soon as you tell about what will happen here and about your training, I immediately find out about it and you will be very bad. Is everything clear to you?

Many had fear in their eyes and quickly nodded.

"Okay, I'm giving you one last chance, leave and you can live peacefully without experiencing pain. But if you stay, prepare for a difficult life. Well, who wants to leave?

Silence was a good answer, even if they didn't understand what was ahead, it didn't matter. Which of the little naive children could give up the chance to become a ninja? Who among them would have thought that Shikamaru just decided to use them?

Even if they blabbed out, Shikamaru could easily avoid problems. Now that they had agreed, it was time to proceed.

"Well, okay, now ..." Looking back at the boy in front of him, Shikamaru suddenly moved and his fist landed right in the boy's face.

- Ahh! - he screamed and grabbed his broken nose. Shikamaru nodded in satisfaction and said:

- Next ...