Chapter 29: Experiment

Having dispersed the trivialities on their "mission", Shikamaru could only grin at their enthusiasm. They did not even suspect that they were just making money on them, and they were not playing a game about ninja. Although they shouldn't know this, these suckers are only a temporary measure. Making money in this way certainly won't work for a long time, and there are some risks that would be undesirable. In any case, for the first time it will be enough, perhaps even to the academy. If strength appears, then a new method of earning money can be found, until the time when he becomes a ninja ...

Turning to Chоji, Shikamaru waved his hand and said,

- Let's go ...

- Where?

"Study," grinning, Shikamaru put his hands in his pockets and whistled off to the Konoha library. Chоji patted his eyes a little, but then went after his friend ...

The Konoha Library was located near the Hokage's residence. It was a small two-story building.

Arriving there, Shikamaru immediately began to select books. He wanted to know exactly the history of the shinobi and to orientate himself in this world in the same way. Understand geography, politics, and all possible threats or vantage points.

The Uchiha Massacre was about to take place, with about two years or so before this event. Shikamaru had no hope of stopping this. Not only was he weak, but his influence was too low. Plus, he probably wouldn't have done anything even if he had the opportunity. Not only was the death of the Uchiha important to the original story, but Shikamaru himself was not opposed to the death of members of this clan. They were undoubtedly very important to Konoha. If he were the Hokage, it would not be just stupid to allow their death, it would be the greatest stupidity. It was stupidity to awaken their nature prone to hatred, isolation and constant mistrust ... In this the first and second were masters.

Among the Uchiha there were interesting personalities like Sasuke, Itachi, Shisui. But the harm from the Uchiha was much more, the same Obito and Madara will bring a lot of problems to this world. Although it's hard to blame them, all this mess was brewed by their family or friends. The Curse of Hate was the problem that completely destroyed this clan. Even without this massacre, one day the Uchiha would have met their end.

"Hmm, though, you can say that about all people ..." - with a smile, reading a book about the founding of the village, Shikamaru thought more about the sage, and not about the Uchiha. Anyway, this old man made this mess ... Yes, and Kaguya did her best, but I must admit, she's pretty cute ...

Suddenly remembering something, Shikamaru cursed inwardly.

"Shit, I'm still a jerk, what should I do with women? Hmm, this is bad luck ... Maybe I can at least buy cigarettes ... "- in the past, Shikamaru liked to hang out in the company of girls and drinks, relaxing and having fun. But now that he's a child, it won't be possible ...

Glancing displeasedly at the serious Chоji, Shikamaru just grinned wryly and shook his head. It turned out that Chоji cannot read, at first Shikamaru wanted to laugh, but then he remembered himself as a child and smiled knowingly. After all, the guy is only four years old, what else can you expect from him?

In general, now the fat man just looks at the pictures. But, Shikamaru did not intend to leave because of such a trifle. Although the library was small, it was important to gain knowledge. Maybe he knew a lot about the world, he just could forget a lot. Still, human memory is a difficult thing ...

After spending another two hours reading, Shikamaru decided to stop and come back later. He's already delayed with the study and all this nonsense with money. He wanted to go back to training again, and to the shinobi system. All this daily routine was very tiring ...

Calling for Chоji, the two guys headed to Shikamaru's home. After going further into the Nara forest, they stopped at a small river. Shikamaru used to train here, so he wanted to spend everything in this place. For starters, it was Chоji's case. Thinking back to the time he had learned the pill, he knew Chоji would be able to handle it before evening. There was a river nearby, so everything was even easier ...

The stabilization pill will be useless to Shikamaru himself, and it is not clear to whom he can not give it. So Chоji's choice was reasonable.

While the friend is dealing with the pill effect, Shikamaru himself will be able to tackle the system without unnecessary distractions. There were many awards that were worth learning, and then the choice of pedigree ...

Smiling calmly, Shikamaru put his hand into his pocket and then pulled out a small paper package and handed it to his friend.

Chоji took the package and asked,

- What is it?

Shikamaru smiled mysteriously and without answering the question, said:

"Chоji, although we don't know much, but I want to ask, do you trust me?

- Uh ... Well, yes, of course I do, we are friends!

"Amazing naivety ..." Shaking his head with a grin, Shikamaru smiled calmly and said:

- This is a bloodline stabilization pill, by taking it, the strength of your bloodline will reach a good indicator.

- Um, I don't quite understand ...

Shikamaru sighed.

"Then it doesn't matter, just eat it ..." Shikamaru didn't even have time to finish when Ch закji dropped the pill and swallowed.

- Somehow tasteless ...

Shikamaru blinked and then grinned wryly.

"What did I expect?"

- Well, now what?

- Oh, it's simple, you will become stronger, and the clan's techniques will be easier for you.

Chоji smiled happily.

- Ha, that's good! But, Shikamaru, where did you get this pill?

- I'll tell you later, but for now, prepare for the pain

From the strange smile of a friend, the fat man began to get nervous and with panic in his voice asked:

- Pain? What is the Pain? You didn't say Thu ... "Before he could finish, Chоji grabbed his stomach and shouted," Aaaa!

Shikamaru chuckled and quickly gagged each other with a rag.

- Don't shout, we don't need curious faces here ...

Chоji looked at Shikamaru in resentment, but then pulled out a rag and growled.

- I can handle it myself!

Noticing his friend's fighting spirit, Shikamaru just smiled.

- Blame brother, life sometimes surprises, so be patient ...

Shikamaru himself remembered how the process of assimilating the medicine would go, the pain was quite bearable. Chоji should definitely do it, because it's not even an elixir of fortification. If he does not master this, then talking about becoming a ninja is meaningless ...

"Well, I hope he doesn't die ..." It might be a bit ruthless, but Shikamaru was only ninety percent sure that this pill wouldn't hurt his new friend. Still, he was sure that the system would not harm him, but about others, there were some doubts ... So Chоji had to dispel them. Plus, he was sorry to waste it on useless people, and Chоji could become quite useful. You can call it a cruel experiment on a person, but no one will know?

Chuckling at his dark thoughts, Shikamaru decided to get down to business.