Chapter 30: Choosing New Forces

While his friend was digesting the pill, Shikamaru began planning. He himself was planning a difficult day, after all, pills are just a warm-up ...

The status hadn't changed at all since last time, so he didn't even look at it. After bringing up the quest bar, Shikamaru took a look at all the recently completed ones:

"Good compatibility"

Reach an affinity with one of the elements 50%

Reward 5000 points, elixir of enhancing elements (random).

"Perfect Compatibility"

Reach affinity with one of the elements 100%

Reward 10,000 points, a pill to cleanse the body from toxins, a grade B technique scroll .

Special reward for both quests: 6,500 points, two random pills and one elixir.

"The Power of Bloodline"

Raise one pedigree, up to 400%.

Reward: 10,000 points, bloodline stabilization pill.

Special reward: 2,000 points, three Akimichi and Kurama clan Hijutsu.

Only three tasks, in total he received thirty-three thousand five hundred points for them. If you add them with the points remaining after all the expenses, then thirty-five thousand points of fate will come out. This figure was very decent, especially when you consider that the pedigree of the same Hyuugas is worth forty thousand.

Now Shikamaru was not really worried about the current glasses, but rather the ones he could get by spending these. Plus, he didn't want to waste them thoughtlessly on useless things. It was necessary to spend them profitably and at the same time buy the necessary pedigrees. If everything goes as it should, he will complete two tasks and will be able not only to recoup his purchase, but even get an additional ten thousand points. What will happen in the end? Forty-five thousand points and probably a very strong genome and pedigree. Taking the same lineage of the Kaguya clan, it will allow you to get both a new lineage and a very good genome. Shikamaru liked taijutsu, so this power was very useful to him. Having spent twenty thousand, he will acquire thirty. Which will eventually turn into forty-five thousand points. It was at this moment that Shikamaru began to think hard ...

He had already decided on the Shikotsumyaku, but it was still a good option for twenty thousand. Uzumaki's pedigree was seductive, but there was no genome, so he decided to temporarily wait until better times. The question was, what to take after? After earning forty-five thousand, he will put five of them aside, for elixirs and pills, and possibly techniques. But here's forty, where to spend them? Take Uzumaki, which will help increase chakra volume and take Sarutobi, which will also help increase control? Together, both of these bloodlines can help you achieve a lot. Even five thousand extra points will remain. With ten thousand, Shikamaru may well be pumping those bloodlines to an acceptable level. But, he also wanted the Byakugan ... the first option could open the way to heaps of chakra and good control, but the second to huge opportunities in Taijutsu and unique Dojutsu. In fact, both options were roughly equal. But in the future, the ancestry of Uzumaki and Sarutobi can help healthy ... They evolved along with the user, so it was of great help.

It was tempting, but Shikamaru knew that he could still get those bloodlines one day. But there was also a catch, the number of tasks was just as important. After receiving his first Dojutsu, Shikamaru will be able to perform another one and will receive fate points again. But with the ancestry of Uzumaki and Sarutobi, this would not be possible, which could slow progress. Shikamaru was sure that in a year he would be able to take on the Uzumaki lineage if he received an award for that Dojutsu. Without her, it would be very unlikely ...

Plus, don't underestimate the Hyuuga. Based on information about this lineage, they have unique chakra channels. Together with Shikotsumyaku and the eight gates, one can truly become a real monster. Well, you should never worry about a heap of chakra, at worst there is a Biju ... Uzumaki was interested in Shikamaru because of his high vitality and talent for Fuinjutsu, and the chakra was secondary. Now, he is able to live without it.

As far as control is concerned, Shikamaru already had quite tolerable control from birth.

"Eh, nevertheless taijutsu is closer to me ..." - smiling internally, Shikamaru made his choice. In fact, the options were almost the same, so he decided to pick the one he liked best. Uzumaki's vitality is good, but the toughness of a Taijutsu master was closer to him.

Having decided on this, he began collecting awards for all tasks, he began with the simplest ...

The illusory disk icon stirred again in front of Shikamaru's eyes. The numbers on the disc panel began to change quickly, and then the first award was received.

- 5,000 points, an elixir for enhancing the elements of Wind.

While Chоji could not see, Shikamaru held out his hand and a floating bottle of blue liquids slowly fell into it. It was formed in the same way as the first elixir. After, the time has come for other awards ...

- 10,000 points, a pill to cleanse the body from toxins, a grade B technique scroll .

- 6,500 points, х2 Chakra restoration pill, chakra channel cleansing pill.

- 10,000 points, pedigree stabilization pill.

- 2,000 points, three Akimichi and Kurama clan Hijutsu.

Massaging his temples gently, Shikamaru exhaled heavily. New knowledge of techniques was a little painful. But, quite useful. Unfortunately, the received clan Hijutsu could not be used. The Kurama clan technician needs an improved genome, and the Akimichi technician needs a special clan skill. It can of course be developed, but with Shikamaru's current Yang compatibility, it won't be possible.

Although, the number of points was pleasing, which gave Shikamaru a wry grin ...

After collecting all the pills and elixirs, the guy put everything in his pocket and turned to Chоji. Here I have just finished digesting the stabilization pill.

Approaching his friend, Shikamaru patted him on the shoulder and asked:

- Well, how? Do you feel anything?

Chоji lifted his sweat-covered face and pushed his wet hair out of his eye, replied in displeasure.

`` Shikamaru, you didn't say it would hurt that much ...

But his friend's muttering, Shikamaru just chuckled.

- Well, how did you want? Pain is progress. Although, sometimes ... - Smiling, Shikamaru took a pill from his white pocket and instantly put it in his mouth.

- Eh? What is it?

When asked by Chоji, Shikamaru just sat down opposite him and said:

- Some kind of medicine, by the way, you remember our agreement?

Chоji scratched his head thoughtfully, then nodded.

"Uh, yeah, don't tell anyone about the pills and our training, not even our parents.

"That's good." With a short nod, Shikamaru smiled. "Go while you wash, I'll need your help soon.

Looking at the calm expression on his friend's face, Chоji shook his head slightly and walked slowly towards the river. His condition was not very good after digesting the pill, maybe because of his weight, or because of his unstable body, but he was sweating more than in the case of Shikamaru. But all this could be attributed to the elixir of strengthening, which he took at the very beginning. So Ch Чji Shikamaru did not notice any deviations, the experience seemed to be successful ...