Chapter 31: Shadow Clone Technique

At the same time, Shikamaru slowly began to feel the effect of the chakra cleansing pill ... Realizing that his body was heating up, he immediately realized that something unpleasant could happen, so he jumped up and quickly stripped down to his underpants.

"I already remember the effect of some pill, I don't want to spoil my clothes anymore ..." - Concentrating, Shikamaru continued to transfer the effect of the pill. The strangest thing is that there was no pain, rather a tingling sensation in all tanketsu and a slight burning sensation in all chakra channels. But it didn't hurt, rather a little discomfort ...

Twenty minutes later, Shikamaru finally opened his eyes and let out a long breath ...

Noticing that his friend finally woke up, Chоji ran up to him and asked:

- Are you like Shikamaru? Your body, it ... um ...

Shikamaru slowly lowered his head and only grinned wryly.

"As I thought, if cleansing is written, then you should be ready for something like that. Amplification rebuilds the body and uses its effects in conjunction with the capabilities of the human body, and this seems to lead to different excretions from the body. "

Shikamaru's entire body was now covered in a viscous, transparent liquid like snot. A large accumulation of this liquid was at the main points of the tank, in different limbs. This was sensible, since the pill cleared the channels. It was a bit unusual for Shikamaru, though. All these toxins in the past world were nothing more than a myth on which various charlatans liked to make money. Treatment with fire, various alternative medicine, people could spend a lot of money on them. As for Shikamaru, he was not particularly convinced of the effectiveness of these methods. But in this world, it seems that this is in the order of things ...

"Well, there is chakra, so you can take it." Smiling, Shikamaru walked briskly towards the river.

Rinsing himself quickly, he inhaled deeply of fresh air. He didn't really feel the changes, even the channels weren't very different from the past. The pill simply cleared them of unknown toxins. Actually, Shikamaru did not use chakra very often, so it might be worthwhile to postpone this pill.

Not really worrying about it, Shikamaru returned to Chоji and said,

- Let's practice, and tomorrow we'll start the most difficult part.

- The difficult part? Chоji tensed a little.

Smiling, Shikamaru waved his hand.

- Don't be afraid, everything will be fine with you, now it's my turn to suffer.

Seeing his friend's eerie grin, Chоji suddenly felt uneasy.

"Oh, and I don't like it ..."

The workout went pretty quickly. Chоji was not particularly tough, so Shikamaru had to do almost everything himself. Chоji didn't even have taijutsu skills. Although his father taught him a little, but only the basics. And Chжиji himself was not particularly interested in training, since he always did not succeed in something. But Shikamaru was very patient, he tried to teach his friend everything he knew, even though his knowledge was limited.

After drawing up some training plan for Chоji, the guy finally headed home, tired and haggard. This day was the most amazing in his life, and although he was tired, he unconsciously smiled and was even happy. The pill was difficult to take, but Chоji felt the effect very clearly. He felt himself lighter, even with his weight. In training, he held out much longer than in the past, which gave him even more confidence in the future.

"It's decided! I will train with my brother Shikamaru! "

Watching his friend slowly leave, Shikamaru closed the door of the house and returned to the forest again. He decided to keep the detox pill until the time he received new bloodlines. As for the elixir of elemental enhancement, he was ready to accept it right now. He left another pill to stabilize the pedigree until better times, they are now unlikely to be useful to him. So in the future he will find a worthy candidate for it. Still, it costs five hundred points, which is quite a lot. He was not going to distribute such expensive medicines to just anyone ...

As for chakra recovery pills, now they were useless. Shikamaru didn't have enough chakra to use them. But in the future they could well come in handy, their price was not very high and they did not have any side effects. But even so, such pills were not at all a particularly useful purchase; it was very unprofitable to spend points on them. They were restoring the normal genin reserve and that was their maximum.

In general, from these awards Shikamaru did not receive many useful things, even the elixir for enhancing the elements of the wind was useless. A mere two percent didn't really change anything for him. Unless the glasses of fate and the forbidden scroll were worth something, and everything else was so-so.

Opening the lid of a small bottle of clear liquid, Shikamaru drained it in one gulp. This thing had no taste at all, and Shikamaru did not feel the effect. But, he did not attach much importance to this, it is probably impossible to feel two percent at all, it is almost a drop in the ocean. With such a small compatibility it would be too difficult to manage the wind. Fortunately, this is probably not impossible, after all, some shinobi are able to transform more than three elements and this is due to training. So it was not very profitable to buy such elixirs. Probably, this will be of use only when the time comes when it is impossible to increase performance on your own.

Next, while there was time left, Shikamaru checked the scroll.

"B-rank shadow cloning technique" - getting this scroll can now be called a stroke of luck. But in reality, this is not entirely true. First, Shikamaru may well have found this technique on his own. This isn't some super forbidden technique unlike Multiple Shadow Cloning. And that is probably difficult to call that ... Secondly, there was not much sense from her now. Shikamaru could well have performed it, it was not particularly difficult, only he lacked chakra and was quite noticeable. The minimum to use it, you need an amount of chakra like Genin, and he was not even close to this level. At least, judging by the task of becoming a genin, where chakras needed two hundred points. The bottom line was that a very low amount of chakra could harm the user, and if the current Shikamaru split it, then it could be unsafe, although possible. Now he wanted to wait a little and reach at least a hundred points in the chakra.

Looking at it now, the technique was ultimately useful, but in the future. With a good imagination and a huge supply of chakra, you can create a lot with it ...

"Yeah, and how could Naruto create hundreds of clones at once?" This is how much chakra is spent ... And he also called himself a loser when he fought with Neji, what a sly one ... "With a wry smile, Shikamaru finally decided to go home. He had big plans for tomorrow. After that, he will learn a little history, and then only hard training until the academy itself. It will be necessary to stabilize all abilities, and learn to master new powers. Of course, if possible, it is worth talking about this with your father. After all, his ignorance can be costly in the future. Secrets are important, but not like Shikotsumyaku or Byakugan. After receiving them and teaching control, a conversation with the head of the clan is necessary ...

- Okay, it's too late, it's worth a good night's sleep, I sense that soon I won't have time for sleep ...