Chapter 32: New Bloodline

The next morning was almost normal, only Shikamaru had to wait for Chоji as they agreed to train together this time.

After training, the right moment finally came for which Shikamaru was just waiting. Sitting more comfortably by the tree, the guy stripped down to his underpants and turning to Chоji asked:

- Do you remember what I said?

The guy nodded:

- Yes, to look after you and not let anyone in. If you scream, do not interfere and do not call for help.

Hearing everything he needed, Shikamaru nodded curtly.

"Okay, you can practice for now, I'll probably be stuck here for a long time.

- Yeah ...

After finishing here, Shikamaru closed his eyes and mentally said:


Name: Shikamaru Nara

Age: 4 years

Faction: Nara Clan, Hidden Leaf Village

Ninja Rank: None

- [Strength: 31] - [Stamina: 37] - [Speed: 24] -

- [Talent: 80] - [Chakra Size: 55] - [Chakra Control: 27] -


[Nara - strength 425%] → Improved mastery of the element "Yin" - 85%

- Improved Genome: absent


- Wind Release → 2%

- Earth Release → 28%

- Fire Release → 9%

- Yin Release → 115%


- Ninjutsu:

Shadow Binding Technique [Hijutsu, Yin Release]

"The statistics have changed a little, mainly the control has grown, but I think this is due to the clearing of the chakra channels. Although, I'm not exactly sure ... "- remembering the current statistics, Shikamaru was finally ready to spend points of fate.

Having opened the Exchange point - Bloodlines and Genomes, he focused his attention on the first of the chosen ones. Since he had already decided to buy Hyuuga and Kaguya, he did not hesitate and chose the most difficult to bear in his opinion. Still, Shikotsumyaku should have completely rebuilt the body and probably the pain from it will be many times worse. He wanted to endure it first, and only then begin to accept the pedigree from Dojutsu.

As soon as he selected Kaguya's bloodline, twenty thousand points were instantly debited from his account. But, at the same time, the strength of the boy's fate was slightly strengthened, deep inside his body a dim red light acquired a slight radiance. It was barely noticeable, but even so, Shikamaru slowly began to make progress. His fate was strengthened ...

As soon as this happened, this dormant glow suddenly took effect, slowly spreading throughout Shikamaru's body. At the same time, he began to feel heat, which gradually began to develop into pain ...

Watching from Chоji's side tensed as he noticed his friend's painful expression. Shikamaru began to sweat profusely and his skin began to behave strangely. The veins beneath his skin began to wriggle like worms. Even from a great distance, Chоji felt something strange, something inexplicable ... His friend changed before his eyes and at some point, even his skin began to move, followed by a terrible crackle of bones ...

From this sight Chоji began to feel cloudy, all the pores on Shikamaru's skin began to bleed, even two bloody rivulets flowed out of his tightly closed eyes. Shikamaru seemed to be decomposing before our eyes ...

Covering his mouth with his hand, Chоji turned away and tried to distract himself by looking at the quietly running river, and try to listen to the ringing birdsong. But, he did it badly, the crackling of bones and the quiet moaning of his friend became louder and louder. At some point, Shikamaru couldn't stand it anymore and started screaming terribly. This terrible and eerie scream frightened the little fat man even more, he closed his ears and shrank. But he still stayed and continued to wait, he could not leave his friend ...

"Enough, enough ... Everything will be fine with him ..." - mentally calming himself, Chжиji closed his eyes and continued to wait.

Shikamaru's screams did not last long, at first they were loud, but then the guy was completely hoarse and his voice began to disappear, turning into the growl of a dying beast. Chоji couldn't see what was happening, but Shikamaru felt it all on himself, it was terrifying ...

He could no longer sit, clutching the ground with his fingers, he continued to scream painfully. Vision became terribly blurry, and a bloody veil covered his gaze. He saw with his own eyes how his skin literally peeled off his hands, exposing muscles and bones. Muscles moved, and bones all over the body seemed to be grinding. Receiving the Shikotsumyaku really turned out to be monstrously painful ...

Twenty minutes later, the screams died down and Chоji finally removed his hands and breathed out in relief.

`` Huu, finally, Shikamaru, you are so fond of me ... '' but as soon as Chоji turned around and saw what was left of his friend, his eyes shook in horror and unable to bear the sight, he instantly lost consciousness.

Shikamaru was and was not at the same time. A strange force within him kept him alive and altered his lineage at the genetic level. But this power was not omnipotent, it could not relieve him of pain or bring him back to life. That is why, one wrong step and Shikamaru will die forever. There will be no more second chance, no more reincarnation ... Relying on the system for this was a very big mistake. No matter how many points he spent or earned, no matter how the system changes in the future, everything will always depend on Shikamaru.

Anyway, ten hours later, as night was approaching and the sun was setting over the horizon, Shikamaru finally awakened from the worst dream of his life. The pain of receiving this bloodline will be remembered forever.

At this time, Chоji woke up a long time ago and still sat by the river ... He was still trying to digest what he saw ...

Although he brought several packets of chips with him, he never touched any of them. After a recent spectacle, after seeing a mess of blood and flesh, the guy suffered a mental trauma ... From all this, the innocent little boy seemed to have matured for several years. If Shikamaru had known it would turn out like this, he probably wouldn't have invited him today. Even he wouldn't want to show that to a child. He himself was not happy about many things he saw in his childhood, so he understood what it was ... Unfortunately, now he did not know how Chоji felt, and he did not even think about it. He was more interested in his own state, which was, slightly, unpleasant ...

Slowly standing up and brushing a few bits of something slimy from his eyes, Shikamaru grimaced and stuck out his tongue.

- Bhe ... How disgusting ...

Chоji suddenly flinched and turned sharply.

- Shikamaru! Oh ... - but just looking at his friend, he immediately turned around and began to empty the remains of his stomach:

- Buee ...

`` Heh, call me, it's not easier for me myself ... '' holding back gagging, Shikamaru slightly shook his arms and legs, and then ran away and rushed into the river:

- Juhhu!

* Splash! *

Washing off pieces of flesh from himself, each time Shikamaru grimaced and swam away from his past place, quickly trying to get rid of all the shed skin.

After about ten minutes, it was finally over. Crawling ashore, Shikamaru could finally breathe a sigh of relief ...

`` Brrrahga ... '' shuddering all over, Shikamaru grimaced at the river and muttered:

- Well, horror ... This system will finish me one day ...