Chapter 35: Sharingan

Also, one should not forget that the Sharingan was not inferior to the Byakugan in its three tomoya version, and in some ways even superior. And for taijutsu, it will be more useful, because copying movement and improved reaction, this is an incredible ability of the Uchiha eyes, just what the Hyuuga eyes do not have. For those eyes, only the Tanketsu attack style works and there isn't much variety. In addition, if you think a little, you can understand that the Uchiha's brain works much better than that of other Shinobi. After all, how can a simple brain process so much information and memorize techniques? The eyes were a tool, but without the powerful capabilities of the brain, this would not have been possible.

Of course, the Hyuuga had a special chakra circulation system, and unlike other shinobi, they are able to emit chakra from all tanketsu. But, the Byakugan had a significant drawback, in the form of a stupor in development. Still, reaching Tenseigan is almost a myth ...

In addition, the Uchiha clan will soon die out, there will be definitely fewer problems with them than with the Hyuuga. And the risk that the eyes will stand out, as can happen with the Byakugan, is minimal, and this is an additional plus for safety.

Although, in fact, for the current Shikamaru, both eyes are approximately equal. He did not even look at Mangeky as it was pointless. But if you look into the future, taking red eyes was a little wiser. All that remains afterwards is to buy another pill and awaken Mangeky, and with the Byakugan, this will not work.

But seeing some of the details in this quickly calculated plan, Shikamaru chuckled wryly.

- It's not that simple ... The task clearly states, awaken the Dojutsu, and not get the pedigree with it.

The gist of this was simple. Shikamaru simply will not receive the ten thousand points he counted on for the task of obtaining the Dojutsu, which means that not only will he not be able to awaken the Sharingan, but he will also not be able to buy pills. Roughly speaking, all he will have is zero fate points and two pedigrees, not counting his innate nature.

Looking at this from this side, and the choice of Byakugan was many times more profitable ...

Shikamaru could still buy the Hyuuga bloodline and save ten thousand, while returning another ten thousand for the task. This is quite a significant number, especially when you consider that the Uzumaki bloodline can be easily acquired for this amount.

The first option will give a good pedigree, without Dojutsu, and the second option will give both, and even extra points. The situation was interesting ...

Unfortunately, if the second option is chosen, it will not be very useful. Firstly, he cannot improve these pedigrees, and secondly, there will be little benefit from a large number at the moment. You need to at least deal with one, and only then make plans for others. Although, you could have chosen the second option, without buying Uzumaki, and then everything would have been a little better. But, Shikamaru still doubted a little, after all, the chance to get the Sharingan is very tempting.

Of course, having received it, Shikamaru will have difficulties with the next bloodline. With Uzumaki, you will have to wait a long time ... Yes, and you will need to get five thousand for the awakening of Dojutsu, and then it will be wasted on strengthening the bloodlines.

After thinking a bit about the situation, Shikamaru made a new plan, returning to several tasks.

"To achieve the power of genin, learn techniques, live a year, graduate from the academy ... Not bad ... Hmm, what about the elements ..." - there were a lot of tasks, in principle, in a year, getting five thousand is quite realistic. This time can also be shortened if you are lucky ...

With just that, Shikamaru made up his mind. The Sharingan was not canceled, its evolutionary opportunity was well worth it, even if it was not awakened. His respect for the Byakugan could not influence this decision. Having X-ray vision was the dream of many men, but Shikamaru was ready to temporarily give up this, albeit with some difficulties.

The eyes of the Uchiha were more preferable to him, and thanks to the bonus from the bloodline, Shikamaru could come close to the next task, with a reward of fifteen thousand points. Even if it took longer, it was worth it. It was stupid to miss such a chance ...

The affinity with the elements could give a lot, just what the Hyuuga did not have ... For this it was worth doing something and probably getting another weak bloodline.

In the future, he will spend on everything, about ten thousand, and return fifteen and at the same time get a new strong element. Well, and there it is a stone's throw to Uzumaki, a couple of small tasks for techniques and everything will be ready. With a good result, this may not be necessary. It was pointless to build long plans, anything can change with this system. Today he was convinced of this from his own experience.

The plan was not difficult, rather it could be influenced by various uncertainties, as in the current situation. Hidden rewards were one of those ...

With a long exhale, Shikamaru finally made up his mind and without hesitation spent fifty thousand points immediately on the Uchiha bloodline.

"Well, I hope it's for the best. There is a possibility that after the first Dojutsu, there may be tasks for two or three others at once ... But it's not worth the risk, I will choose the Sharingan in any case.

The risk might have paid off, but this time Shikamaru had no intention of doing so. Although he did not lose anything, he was in no hurry to go anywhere. Greed can lead to problems, it is worth knowing when to stop ... He already got a lot of luck, so it was not worth the risk.

- Okay, I've already sat too long, I just do what I sit and buy new powers. It looks strange, but I have such an unbalanced system. I bought one, got an award, a little cheating as for me ... Although, this is in my hands, so I'm even glad. Everything has dragged on too long, so I will try to be without the system for the next year or a little more. Then look at the circumstances ...

As soon as the fifty thousand points were spent, the strange energy in Shikamaru's body began to move. The guy's score instantly cleared, but no matter how strange it may seem, the luminous energy became a little brighter.

As soon as Shikamaru finished his words, the force of fate almost completely enveloped the boy's body, and came close to the brain. This was different from the last time, where the energy was mostly concentrated in the bones. This time it was just the brain, here the glowing crimson glow was the brightest and most concentrated ...

Within seconds, the force began to burn his eyes, causing Shikamaru to grimace and clench his fists. He was already prepared for the pain and assumed that this time his eyes would hurt more than usual. But, he could not retreat, for the sake of the Sharingan, a little pain was a trifle.

Unfortunately, there was no question of a "little" pain ...