Chapter 36

While Shikamaru was in tremendous pain from slowly tearing eyes and a changing brain, the Hidden Leaf Village was calm and serene as always.

White clouds slowly floated across the sky and gradually drifted away into distant distances ... The pure scent of nature and a fresh breeze lifted the spirits of only awakened residents, and the view of an ever-rising rock with the faces of the Hokage gave a feeling of security and confidence in the future.

Especially in recent years, when there were no wars. It was even quieter here than before ... Shinobi went on missions, and ordinary residents were engaged in their usual daily routine. No one even could have imagined that right in the forest of the village, very soon a new owner of the legendary eyes would appear. The man who will completely change this village ...

All these days Shikamaru studied a lot, but he did not have time to get close to the important characters in the original story, he did not even suspect that this world had some differences from the one he knew about. Knowledge, history, everything that wasn't even mentioned in the manga was created here. This world was real, with its own rules and a long history.

There were those in Konoha that Shikamaru had not yet met or specifically avoided meeting them. Some of these were the Uchiha Sasuke and the nine-tailed fox's little jinchūriki Naruto Uzumaki.

Although Shikamaru managed to visit the Uzumaki quarter enclosed by an impenetrable barrier, he decided not to see Naruto himself yet. Uchiha Sasuke was still quite a child and rarely left the territory of his own clan. The boy has not yet experienced the pain of loss, has not awakened his Sharingan. He did not even suspect that the end of his clan was near ... and that one of the people closest to him would be one of the main people involved in this.

On the other hand, Shikamaru also didn't bother much meeting with the rest of whom he knew quite a lot. He decided to wait until the academy itself, and then figure it out. After all, they were all still quite children. Many of them don't even know about each other. Ino didn't know Sakura, Lee didn't know Neji and Tenten, and Naruto didn't even know that one day he would make many friends. The little jinchūriki had to leave the orphanage very soon, and very soon his new life would begin. But unfortunately she too, for some time will be filled with loneliness ...

Shikamaru thought about this more than once, he did not regret Naruto, rather was surprised by the strange actions of the third Hokage, or rather - inaction. The old man promised to take care of him, but in the end he left him alone. All would be fine, but Shikamaru was sure that Naruto's legacy was not a pathetic benefit received from Hiruzen. Even the sealed district of Uzumaki, there must have been something left ... In the end, Shikamaru could only be disappointed with this old man and just not pay attention.

At the same time, on the top floor of the Hokage Residence.

The main office, in which the head of the village was located, was quite spacious and a little empty.

There was a large table at which Hiruzen worked and several books on it. The entire room was lit by a couple of candles on the table and a small chandelier on the ceiling. Hiruzen usually closed the windows and did not let daylight into the room, he liked to work in the twilight, in a calm and quiet environment.

On one of the walls hung several portraits of the previous Hokage, which the Third sometimes glanced at. In one corner of the room, several books and scrolls were scattered. Otherwise, the office was almost empty ...

At a large table, with the symbol of the Liszt village, sat a small old man wearing a Hokage hat, on which a red kanji - "Fire" was depicted.

Hiruzen grimly read the recent report on the events in the Sand Village and the situation with the One-Tailed Jinchūriki. The situation with all the Bijuu bearers was very important, so every Kage had to be very clear about them.

"So this is how ... Race, was it really worth it? Poor boy ... "It was no secret how the jinchūriki were treated. But the way Gaara was treated as a child was quite ruthless ...

Hiruzen could only sigh at the boy's fate. Even as Hokage, Hiruzen himself could not control some things. Even giving Naruto the name of the already extinct Uzumaki clan, he could not change much. He understood that even the Uzumaki surname could cause problems for the child. But after the disappearance of this clan, possessing this surname was no longer so dangerous. At least Naruto got at least something from his parents. Moreover, it was impossible to hide the fact that the boy was a jinchūriki. Now, Naruto has a difficult life ahead of him. Hiruzen himself could not take care of him, as much as he wanted to, but it was impossible. He didn't even see his own grandson every day ...

This kind of inaction and thought was very characteristic of the third Hokage. So it was pointless to argue and talk about it. He was famous for his inaction on many issues. Both Danz and the jinchūriki are an orphan. He did everything he could ...

Looking at Minato's portrait, Hiruzen could only sigh.

- I hope everything will be all right.

Just at that moment, there was a knock on the Hokage's office.

- Come in ...

Hiruzen went back to his papers, and a dark-haired man with a couple of visible scars on his face entered the room.

Raising his tired look a little, Hiruzen calmly asked:

- What is Shikaku?

"Hokage-sama, we ended up in Kiri.

- Okay, put the report on the table ...

Shikaku slowly put down the scroll, and then, bowing respectfully with a calm step, began to leave.

- Wait ... Shikaku, I heard about your son, how is he?

Shikaku smiled slightly and nodded.

- It's okay Hokage-sama, it looks like the situation even went to his advantage, he began to train and is making great strides. But, I rarely see him, so I don't know much.

- Eh, I understand ... - lighting his pipe, Hiruzen got up from his chair and crunching his back a little, walked to the window and slowly opened it.

When the sun's rays crept into the office, Hiruzen smiled warmly and said:

"The new generation is growing, and many talents will surely appear among them.

Turning to Shikaku, Hiruzen said:

- Regarding Kiri, leave it to the ANBU, I will send a detachment, and you ... Go home for now, since your mission is over, rest a little. We will need your abilities soon ...

- Is it because of the Uchiha? Shikaku asked gloomily.

Hiruzen smiled wryly:

"There have been many problems with them in recent years. But I hope things don't get worse ... '' With a sigh, Hiruzen sat down on a chair and nodded:

- Okay, I'll see you Shikaku again.

- Yes, - the man nodded and quickly left the office. Already outside the door, he muttered softly:

- I hope you are right ... Eh ... - Shaking his head, the man slowly went home. The mission to gather information in Kiri was quite long, he had not seen his wife and son for a long time.