Chapter 38: Disclosure

After completing the status check, Shikamaru immediately went home. He won't be able to verify the Uchiha pedigree yet. Dojutsu has not yet been awakened, and he does not know the technique of fire. Though, remembering the techniques, Shikamaru unconsciously smiled. Perhaps, getting the Sharingan even in this situation was very useful. The Byakugan was still coveted, but the Sharingan was almost as good at learning new techniques as the system. Of course, something very rare cannot be copied, but something simple is quite real. Especially in the case of Shikamaru, if he gets more Genomes, he can even copy special techniques. Even a meeting with Kimimaru can be very useful, yet now he also possesses the Shikotsumyaku Genome and if Shikamaru understood everything correctly, then it will be quite possible to copy his techniques. Of course, the Sharingan was still worth learning and understanding some things. Anyway, to awaken him to begin with, but in this regard, Shikamaru had several ideas. The Uchiha massacre is coming soon, and this could be a good chance to get at least one, but the Sharingan. And the brains of the Uchiha themselves would be good for research ...

Thinking about this, Shikamaru himself did not notice how he returned home, and when he heard his mother's displeased voice, he slightly smiled. Usually Yoshino is dissatisfied with only one person ...

"Back then ..." Shikaku was on a mission, so Shikamaru didn't have a chance to learn a couple more techniques. Now it was possible. If his father doesn't teach him, he can at least give him a scroll.

Shikamaru already had plans to learn how to walk in trees and on water. Well, of course, he did not forget about the cloning technique and other E-rank Jutsu. Fortunately, all this could be found in the Konoha library. Simple techniques should be there ...

Back at home for dinner, Shikamaru greeted his parents with a smile and sat down at the table.

After putting the plate to her son, Yoshino asked displeasedly:

"Shikamaru, can you explain what you did in the forest until nightfall?"

- Trained.

- Hmm, did you train? But what about the morning workout, wasn't it enough for you? I let you do the simple exercises after the hospital, but I didn't let you wear yourself out. What are you doing there?

After chewing on the rice, Shikamaru calmly replied:

"I'm just throwing shurikens," the guy pulled out a couple of shurikens to prove it.

- And where did you get them from? The woman asked gloomily: - Who gave them to you?

- You and the father of the ninja, where do you think I could take them? Shikamaru asked calmly. He did not lie, in the house of any ninja you can find weapons, if of course you look. What Shikamaru enjoyed doing in his early days.

Shikaku smiled slightly, but that could not hide from his wife's keen eyes.

- Why are you smiling? Your son is using a weapon, and you decided to smile? Maybe you can say something?

`` Uh, um ... '', clearing his throat slightly, Shikaku turned to his son and said instructively:

"Shikamaru, put the shurikens back, I'll buy you my own.

Yoshino's face changed dramatically.

- What did you say ?!

- Uh, but shouldn't he start training already? Four years after all, at his age I was already studying at full length ...

- You also studied? - the woman snorted: - Who do you want to deceive?

- Uh ... But ...

- Enough! Yoshino interrupted, then sighed, "Son, it's commendable that you want to get stronger." But think about your health, you just got out of the hospital, what if it hurts you?

Shikamaru ate calmly all this time and was not particularly worried about the conversation, he smiled slightly at his mother's question and replied:

"Mom, I'm fine, it's just shuriken throws and chakra training.

- What kind of training? The woman asked seriously.

Shikamaru scratched his chin slightly and replied:

"I read about chakra control in the library, so I'm trying to climb a tree.

- Oh! Practicing tree climbing, not bad ... Any progress? Shikaku asked with interest, which made Yoshino look at her son with curiosity.

Shikamaru shrugged.

- I do not know, I just started, and then something happened ...

- What happened? The woman asked seriously.

"Well ..." Shikamaru feigned nervousness, and then asked, "No one is spying on us?" This is pretty important.

Shikaku noticed his son's gaze and slowly looked around, then nodded.

- It seems like nobody.

"Okay ..." Shikamaru sighed and braced himself. He knew that sooner or later he had to show it. Once the chance presented itself, it was worth it now. Father and mother are unlikely to harm him, rather the opposite. So showing them that was the right choice to avoid unpleasant situations. Shikamaru has always considered trust to be an important part of relationships with people, but he just rarely came across someone he could trust. But the current situation was very simple, these two are his parents, trust in them should be natural. So Shikamaru did not hesitate and, stretching out his hand, began to perform chakra.

As soon as the boy's skin stirred, Yoshino flinched slightly, and Shikaku began to watch the changes tensely.

* Shhhkk *

The flesh on the hand instantly split and a sharp bone emerged from the hole. Shikaku widened his eyes in shock, and Yoshino covered her mouth with her hand and jumped up. Still, to see how his own son's flesh is torn, and then a bone crawls out of it, a rather unpleasant sight ...

Shikamaru only smiled a little, and then the bone slowly returned to its place. The skin grew back together, and the boy continued to eat rice.

- E-this, what is it? Yoshino asked in amazement, stepping back a little from the shock.

Shikaku, on the other hand, was a little calmer, frowning his eyebrows and seriously asked:

- Shikamaru, how did it happen, where did you get it from?

- I'm not sure, I started falling from the tree, and tried to catch on to the branch, and then, a bone came out of my hand and I was able to stop the fall. Something like this...

- But ... What is it? Shikaku, have you seen this already? This is bad? Yoshino asked, with a tinge of fear in her voice.

The man shook his head slowly.

- I'm not sure if this is bad ... Rather, it is simply impossible. As far as I know, what Shikamaru has now used is a unique ability inherent in rare members of one clan from the Land of Water. The Kaguya clan is famous for its special disposition and cruelty, and thanks to Shikotsumyaku, they are known as one of the strongest in Taijutsu ... But, I just can't imagine how he could get this ability ... - Seriously looking at his son, Shikaku asked:

- Shikamaru, what else was weird going on with you?

The guy immediately shook his head.

- Nothing, only my eyes hurt a little, and my vision improved, otherwise everything is fine. I had bone pain from the hospital itself, but after what happened yesterday, when this power awakened, I began to feel just fine.

After the words of his son, Shikaku began to think tensely:

"First the bones, and then the eyes ... Maybe that's why he ended up in the hospital? Maybe it's some kind of rare genome of our clan? But then why have I never heard of him? This is strange..."

While Shikaku thought, Yoshino approached her son with concern and stroked his head.

- Sonny, now nothing hurts you?

"No mom, everything is fine, I just feel great, don't worry," Shikamaru laughed like a child and reassured the woman a little with his smile. Shikaku was not calm, he wanted to know the reasons, he wanted to understand why everything happened like this.

"Hmm, I should probably do some tests, I think Ernu-san will be able to hide some things from others. I would not want undesirable persons to know about this. Shikotsumyaku plunged many into fear if Shikamaru learned how to use it ... "- nodding slightly to his thoughts, Shikaku internally decided:" Okay, it's worth checking if it's not dangerous, the members of the Kaguya clan were quite bloodthirsty, who knows why ... " - Deciding to conduct several tests, Shikaku immediately told his wife and son about this. Although Yoshino was a little worried, she also understood that it was necessary. Shikamaru, of course, did not mind, he knew what would happen, so he was already ready for this in advance.

Now that he had finally let his parents in on some of his secrets, he felt a little light. Now he was ready for long and hard training ... There was still so much to study and so much to learn.

After finishing dinner, Shikamaru went out into the backyard and breathed in the fresh evening air.

"Okay ..." With a slight smile, he looked at the stars.

Now, he finally did everything that was needed, it remains only to train until the very academy.

"Let's see how everything goes ... These two years should be interesting" - smiling slightly, Shikamaru relaxed. Just at that moment, the door opened and Shikaku appeared. Noticing the shogi board in his father's hands, Shikamaru immediately sat down and waited.

This evening was very calm, father and son talked slowly and moved the figures ...