Chapter 39: Academy

Two years later.

Hidden Leaf Village, Shinobi Academy.

Exactly one day has passed since the enrollment of the next batch of students. After a few years, some good candidates for becoming a ninja should appear among them. Today was the first day of school and many tried not to be late.

When the whole class gathered in the audience, the children carefully looked at each other. Many of them were unfamiliar, but there were also those who had already made friends. Among the children, there were few who sat quietly and looked around, most just started getting to know each other until the teacher came to class.

At the same time, a large guy in a gray sweatshirt and disheveled hair was sitting on the last row, quietly chewing chips. Chоji looked at the crowd boredly and often glanced at the door.

"Where is he wearing it? He said that he would come ... "- rising from his seat, Chоji slowly went down two desks forward and sat down next to a couple of children. By the window sat a blond with a little unusual stripes on his face a bit resembling a mustache, and next to him was a dark-haired guy with red marks on his cheeks.

Sitting down next to him, Chоji immediately started a conversation.

- Hi, I'm Chоji Akimichi ...

`` Uh, hi, I'm Kiba ... Kiba Inuzuka, and this ... '' When both looked at the blond, he smiled and said loudly:

- I, Uzumaki Naruto!

- Oh, well, nice to meet you guys ... Do you want chips? - Without waiting for an answer, Chоji poured the last chips into his mouth and grinned: - Well, who did not have time, he was late, hehe.

The two immediately threw displeased glances at the fat man ...

"Hmm, Kiba, what's that on your face, and you have Chоji too?" Uzumaki asked with interest.

Chоji ignored the question as Kiba began to explain.

`` Well, that's how it is with us, in my clan for example ... '' while the guys talked, Chоji continued to calmly inspect the class ...

"Hmm, here's Ino ..." - waving at the little blonde, she smiled and waved back, and then quickly began to inspect everything next to Chжиji. Not finding what she was looking for, the girl's eyes slightly saddened, but then she calmed down and continued to communicate with the girls.

Chоji continued to look around. He hardly knew anyone, but he had heard about some from his friend.

"Hmm, that one with strange eyes must be Hinata Hyuga, and that pink-haired one must be Sakura ..." Continuing to look around, Chоji muttered in displeasure.

`` Where he wears it, the teacher will come soon ... '' stopping at the curious character, Chоji immediately realized who it was:

"Uchiha Sasuke, ha, Shikamaru was right, I recognized him right away ..." - a dark-haired boy with a pretty pretty face, sat quietly on the first desk and hardly moved. The boy had a curious look, but he was not particularly sociable, so he sat quietly alone. In this he was perhaps not the only one. Although, of course, there were opposites ...

- I will become Hokage! Naruto yelled as he jumped out of his chair.

- Phe, are you the one? Don't make me laugh ... You should finish the academy first, "Kiba snorted.

- Ha, finish, do not hesitate!

The abuse from the two gave Chоji a headache. He was very much accustomed to quiet training and not particularly noisy company. Moreover, after spending two years with Shikamaru, Chоji has noticeably changed not only externally, but also internally. Even at the age of six, he already thought almost like a teenager, so the company of these kids amused him a little. While not all shinobi children behave their own age, here most certainly did not think of as six years old. Most shinobi are considered adults by the age of twelve.

Chоji had heard about Naruto from Shikamaru who had contact with this blond, so he wanted to make sure what this guy was like. But it turned out that he is a rather loud type ...

Taking a breath, Chоji continued to wait for his friend. Although they arrived at the academy together, Shikamaru was summoned for some reason to the director. Of course, Chоji was not particularly worried, he knew for sure that this was not a problem for Shikamaru at all. Moreover, even in the academy, he does not need to study, with his abilities.

Just then, the door to the auditorium slowly swung open. Many curious glances were instantly thrown at the newcomer. But, Chоji just sighed and looked at the man with interest. Still, this is his first day, he was also a little nervous ...

A tall young man with a noticeable scar on his face entered the office, which horizontally crossed his nose. He wore a standard Chūnin vest and wore a village protector on his forehead.

Walking into the middle of the office, Iruka stopped and looked around the classroom, put his hands behind his back and said loudly:

- Greetings, I'm your homeroom teacher - Umino Iruka. Now I will tell you your names and we will get to know each other. "With a slight smile, the man lifted the magazine and began to take turns calling the names of the students.

At the same time, in another part of the Academy.

In a small office, at a wooden table, several people were sitting and discussing something. At the head of the table sat Hiruzen, and next to him was a small old man in a Panama hat. This old man has been the director of the shinobi academy almost since its inception. But his age made itself felt, he was even older than the third Hokage.

In front of the two sat two, a short dark-haired guy and a man with a couple of scars on his face. Over the past two years, Shikaku has not changed much, but Shikamaru has grown a little and became a little larger. Two years of hard training hardened his body and he no longer looked like an ordinary skinny child. He was wearing the same dark shirt with a couple of open buttons on the top and black breeches. The only thing that has changed is his shoes and bandages on his hands to the elbows. The arms and legs were bandaged, but it was noticeable that the bandages were slightly thicker than they should be. Of course, there was a reason for this too ... Also, Shikamaru was now cut short and got rid of the typical Nara clan tail. Although his hair remained quite sharp.

Right now, the four were discussing exactly Shikamaru's situation.

`` So, um ... '' With a little cough, Director Tenzou handed a small sheet of paper to the Hokage and said:

`` I don't think this will be news to you, Hokage-sama ...

The old man nodded and began to read:

- Heh, you're right, it was expected ... He answered all the questions in less than five minutes and, apparently, this is the highest result.

Tenzou smiled slightly and said:

- It's so easy to pass the graduation test at this age, this child is really a genius. If you hadn't warned the Hokage-sama, I wouldn't have believed it. Finished before even introducing, shinobi like that appear very rarely.

Shikamaru sat to the side smiling slightly, while Shikaku grinned proudly.

Hiruzen looked at the results a little more, and then put the sheet aside:

- Okay, all this was so clear ... - shifting his calm gaze to the young man in front of him, Hiruzen calmly asked:

- Shikamaru, what have you decided? I've already seen your skills, I'm afraid you have nothing to learn at the academy ...