Chapter 46: Senju Clan

Even after gaining two bloodlines, Shikamaru still lagged behind the Chūnin, although he was noticeably superior to the Genin. Although, in Taijutsu, perhaps he could even fight a weak Chūnin using Shikotsumyaku and Sharingan ... But he wanted to be sure of his exit into the world. And for the next couple of years, it was simply necessary to wait in order to strengthen strength. Crawling on the rampage at his age is still stupid. There will still be opportunities and more ... So for now, it was worth meeting new people and starting a new pumping.

"Hmm, since it's time for the Academy, the Uchiha massacre is already close ... If you think so, there are absolutely no assignments for this. The system ignored the situation, even got the Root assignment, but nothing about the Uchiha ... In any case, I would not mind getting, though not their eyes, but the brain for sure "- while Shikamaru was thinking about the best way to get a fresh Uchiha body, he did not even notice how he went to the right office.

Looking bored at the door, the guy sighed:

- Well, I'll hope that everything goes well ...

"Well, I could well miss almost all of the classes, so it's not that bad. Hmm, regarding the Uchiha ... I remember in the northeast of the village, right behind the barrier, there is a rather familiar place ... It seems like this is where Shisui will end his journey. Well, maybe this is a chance ... "With a little grin, Shikamaru finally brushed aside his thoughts and opened the classroom door with a satisfied grin.

At the same time, Iruka was still calling the names of the students.

- So, then ... - Sakura Ha ... - As soon as the door opened, Iruka was distracted. The pink-haired girl who had already risen from her seat, like the whole class, turned her gaze towards the entrance.

`` Yo ... '' Shikamaru waved his hand and smiled at the whole class, then bowed to the teacher.

- Hello, Iruka-sensei, sorry for being late.

When Chоji saw his friend, he immediately breathed out in relief.

"Well, finally ..." and then waved to Shikamaru.

The teacher examined the new one and held out in surprise:

- And you ...

- Shikamaru - Shikamaru Nara.

"Ah, son of Shikaku-senpai ... Come in, we're almost done."

The guy nodded briefly and walked slowly to the left of the classroom, right in the direction of the waving Chоji. Two interesting guys were sitting next to the fat man ...

"Ho, who is this here? Kiba Inuzuka, Naruto Uzumaki ... Heh, this fox doesn't look good. Looks like he still remembers our last meeting. "With a slight smile, Shikamaru noticed a smiling Ino out of the corner of his eye. Smiling back at her, the guy quickly looked around the class. Many familiar faces: Sasuke, Hinata, and of course Sakura. The girl was clearly striking as she was still standing. And her large forehead, along with her bright pink hair, was quite noticeable. Anyway, Sakura was pretty cute. Shikamaru certainly did not see any problems with her forehead, although he stared at him thoughtfully ...

When the girl caught the guy's gaze, he smiled slightly and winked at her. Sakura blinked in confusion and Shikamaru finally sat down calmly.

"Eh, youth ..." - Making himself comfortable, Shikamaru thought again as Iruka continued the roll call.

"If you think so, I only met three of my class. Chоji came first, and then Ino ... Yes, it was a fun day ... "

Two months ago, Konoha.

For Shikamaru, who rose in the morning, it was quite an ordinary day. He was going to devote himself to training again and read about the Senju clan. Their disappearance was not specifically explained in the manga, but upon arriving in this world, Shikamaru naturally became interested in all of this. The disappearance of such a clan was definitely not an easy matter. He already had some guesses about the reasons for their disappearance, but there was no evidence. But after reading, he seemed to understand everything and also realized the reason for the rarity of the Tree's genome.

First of all, all the Senju were not always related by blood, they were not even a clan, but rather a grouping consisting of many different clans, subordinate to the Leader, who belonged to the Senju bloodline. Unlike the same Uchiha, who are just a pure representative of the real clan. They did not mix their blood with anyone and always tried to keep the Sharingan only for themselves.

Senju, on the contrary, they simply united with other clans and thus increased their strength. Simply put, Senju mixed with others, and these others mixed with them. What happened in the end? That's right, there are simply no purebred representatives of the clan left. Hashirama was probably the last and it was on him that the inheritance of the Tree genome ended. The same Tobirama did not own it, so there is a very high probability that they had different mothers. This could explain a lot ... The same Uchiha all polls dark-haired and dark-eyed. The diluted blood may well have weakened Senju's genes, and therefore he was unable to awaken Mokuton.

From all this it follows that the main branch of the Senju was a kind of dynasty, which nevertheless disappeared, simply due to the mixing of blood. Well, and Tsunade, although the granddaughter of the First, but in the end, she is still a half-breed. The truth is a bit special due to the ancestry of Uzumaki and Senju. Unlike the Uchiha, Senju did not breed using relatives, so they lost the power of Mokuton. The same Uchiha, thanks to internal reproduction, were able to maintain the strength of their eyes.

In general, many clans such as Sarutobi, Nara, Akimichi and others. Even in the distant past, they joined the Senju banner. This is very reminiscent of some of the factions in the past world of Shikamaru, which rose under the banner of a noble family.

Now, the main branch of Senju has disappeared, and as such the banner has been replaced by Konoha. So this clan, in fact, did not disappear, just those that remained are not purebred. Of course, they have a chance to awaken the power of Mokuton, but much less than a purebred heir like Hashirama.

Well, as well as the struggle for power could well have taken away some of the representatives of this clan. Yet Senju can be called the ruling family to some extent. To all this, it is also worth adding constant wars, as a result of which many of the remaining even half-breeds of the clan ceased to exist. So what may have remained of the once great family, but Senju's banner simply changed to Konoha, and the clan disappeared into the village ...

"Hmm, it's a pity there are no blood inheritance records or any family tree here. The same old man Third may well even be a relative of the first. The mixing of blood is so ... "

After taking a few notes in his notebook, Shikamaru finally got dressed and left the room.

After finishing breakfast and washing up, the guy quickly jogged and went to meet Chоji. After that incident with Shikotsumyaku, Chоji regained consciousness for a couple of days, and then seemed to be as good as new. Shikamaru didn't really care about it and didn't ask any questions. Once a friend has come to his senses, then there is no need for unnecessary chatter. Chоji has trained quite hard since then and has shown himself well in sparring.