Chapter 47: Meet Ino

Walking slowly down the street, Shikamaru thought a little.

"Okay, today we should leave the shurikens, I'm more interested in the ricochet trajectory. It looked pretty impressive in the anime. If everything is calculated correctly, then maybe I will succeed. Perhaps it would be possible to use the Sharingan, but I'm afraid it won't work ... As long as the Uchiha live, I'll be more careful with that. "

Quickly reaching Chоji's home, the two immediately went to one of the training grounds near the Forest of Death. They often trained there. The clans of friends were neighboring, and the Forest of Death was a stone's throw. And there was almost always no one there, so it was much calmer to train.

But, this time it was completely different. This time there were already some at the training ground.

As the two drew closer, Chжиji sighed in displeasure.

- Yeah, it looks like someone took our place.

`` There are a couple more polygons here, so don't be nervous, besides ... '' Glancing at the trio again, Shikamaru muttered in surprise:

- It's ...

- What? Do you know them? Chоji asked interestedly.

After scratching behind his ear, Shikamaru nodded.

"Yes, a little ..." Squinting, Shikamaru watched the trio.

The first was a man. Shikamaru recognized him immediately. Blond hair in a ponytail, green eyes and a leaf protector on the forehead. The man was also distinguished by his red cloak, over Jonin's vest. Inoichi Yamanaka, someone, and his Shikamaru did not expect to meet here. Yet as far as he knew, this Shinobi had a rather important job of controlling and maintaining the Sensitive Barrier. Although, after listening a little, the guy realized that he was not here for long ...

- Listen to Avie, show her the basics, okay? - Inoichi turned to the blonde young girl on his right hand. The girl was a little shorter than the man, and also much younger. She looked about seventeen years old, no more. She wore a rather unusual outfit. It was a black kimono with a yellow sash and a red sash tied around the top. The kunoichi's face was very impressive, bright blue eyes, a slightly upturned nose and small blush on her cheeks made her very cute. On top of all this, even her loose outfit could not hide the girl's noticeable shape. Her hair was tied in a ponytail and adorned with a couple of pretty flowers. She had a calm smile on her face as she quietly listened to Inoichi's instructions.

Shikamaru even involuntarily gazed at such beauty:

"Damn, how long have I had a woman, I forgot how attractive girls in this world can be ..."

"Oh, brother, this lady is nothing at all…" Chоji nodded contentedly.

Looking at his friend, Shikamaru smiled.

- Maybe so, only she is an experienced ninja, so our chances are slim ...

- Ha, as if we had them anyway? Chоji laughed, attracting the talking three. This time, Shikamaru did notice the girl's face, which was still turned to the side.

"Hmm, so you are what Ino Yamanaka ..." - smiling at the little blonde, Shikamaru immediately appreciated her appearance. The girl was ... Cute. Well, she was still a child, so Shikamaru wasn't too upset. Just a pretty girl with green eyes and short white hair that falls down to her shoulders. She looked like an ordinary mischievous child.

Although, Shikamaru certainly understood that very soon this girl would grow into a charming beauty. Moreover, this beauty will be in his team ... This could not bring a smile on the guy's face. He may have been a five-year-old, but inside he was still a grown man as well. Although, with the fate of the child, he resigned himself and one might even say got used to the role, as if he had rejuvenated.

When Inoichi noticed two guys, he immediately smiled and waved at them:

- Shikamaru, Chоji.

"Hello, Inoichi-san," Shikamaru waved his hand back, and Chоji just repeated after another.

Shikamaru only saw Inoichi a couple of times when he visited his father, and Chоji just caught a glimpse of him with his father.

In the three clans, it was no secret about Ino-Shika-Cho, but the parents tried not to start talking about it. Maybe they wanted to do a surprise or something. But of course Shikamaru had already talked about it with his father, and then he told Chоji.

- Wait, brother, is this the same girl who will be with us on the team? Chоji asked in surprise. It finally dawned on him when he heard Inoichi's name ...

Shikamaru nodded briefly and walked slowly towards Ino. Just at that moment, Inoichi asked:

- You two also came to practice?

"Yes, we're here every day," Ch Чji replied calmly. Shikamaru was looking at Ino with an appraising look. The girl was half a head shorter than Shikamaru and watched the boys walking in her direction with curiosity. Turning to her father, Ino asked:

- Dad, who are they? Do you know them?

- Well, they are the children of my close friends ... I really hope that you get along. Well, I think it's time to go. Avie, look after her, and the guys too, you never know ... "With a wave of his hand, Inoichi smiled at the guys who had already approached, and then simply disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

When the man disappeared, Chоji immediately exclaimed:

- Haa brother, when will you teach me this technique? It's so cool!

Frowning at his friend, Shikamaru replied:

- I told you, first learn to walk on water, and then we'll talk ...

Still silent before, Ino sharply interrupted the conversation:

- Walk on water? Can you walk on water ?!

`` Uh, only he ... '' Chоji replied with a sigh, nodding towards his friend, `` I fall after the first meter ...

- Oh, maybe it's all about your weight? Ino asked with a cheerful smile.

Shikamaru chuckled wryly as he watched Chоji's reaction out of the corner of his eye. The fat man just opened his mouth, and then gritted his teeth and, turning to Shikamaru, growled:

- Grr! Brother, you see what is happening ... Now, if I had explained it better, this would not have happened.

- Ha-ha-ha, what have I got to do with it? Do you think it was easy for me?

- Isn't it ?!

At that moment, Ino spoke again:

- Boys stop fighting, let's practice together.

"Ha, if with this beautiful older sister, then I do not mind," Ch противji held out with a smile, looking at the girl smiling aside.

- Wow, how long have you become so confident with women, my brother? It's a success ... "Shikamaru said with a little chuckle.

- Well ... How did you say there? Confidence is also power, isn't it?

Shaking his head with a smile, Shikamaru finally began to realize his influence on this fat man. If this continues, then Chоji will definitely change ...

Smiling at Ino, Shikamaru asked:

- Maybe let's get acquainted first?

- Oh, right ... I'm Ino Yamanaka, and you?

- Well, I'm Shikamaru Nara, and this is my friend - Chоji Akimichi, - the fat man nodded contentedly and turned to the tall girl: - What is your name?