Chapter 48: Meet Ino (2)

When Chоji spoke to Avie, the girl smiled slightly.

- I'm Avie, glad to meet you.

Chоji's eyes sparkled even more, to which Shikamaru chuckled.

"This guy, he absolutely does not know how to hide his emotions and how long has he become like this? Although, we must admit, this girl is impressive. Although it stands out, it is actually impossible to read. The smile never left her face, and she did not show any emotions at all. Such calmness and serenity in the gaze ... "

At that moment, Ino spoke up:

"Older sister Avie is my teacher. Isn't she beautiful?

"Uh-huh ..." Chouji nodded without taking his eyes off.

Shikamaru smiled and lightly touched Ino's shoulder.

- I am sure you will grow up to be no less beautiful.

- Huh? Ino blushed slightly, to which Shikamaru smiled and walked slowly towards several targets. Since training is worth training ...

Chоji finally caught himself and shouted:

"Hey Shikamaru, wait for me!

- Come on quickly ...

Ino looked thoughtfully at Shikamaru's back, while watching from the side, Avie chuckled.

- What a curious guy ...

Ino turned around and asked with interest:

- Curious?

- Yes ... - with a little smile, Avie said: - He's your age, just ... He's definitely strong.

- Yes? And how did you get it?

Stretching out her hand, Avie stroked Ino's head.

- Never mind, we'd better start training. Soon you will go to the Academy, if you do not want to lag behind others, then train.

"Well, okay ..." Ino sighed.

Avie, on the other hand, glanced at Shikamaru again and thought.

"So many abrasions, even the bandages can't hide them, how does he train?"

Shikamaru did not have his fingers hidden, as well as elbows, but he also trained them. Sometimes he practiced blows with his palms, did push-ups on his fingers and practiced blows with the same fingers. So the corns and multiple abrasions were natural. It's just that usually only very observant people pay attention to this, well, or shinobi who study theory well.

Walking away, Shikamaru clapped his hands and turned to Chоji.

"Okay, use whatever you can, then it's my turn.

"Got it ..." Chоji nodded and took out his shurikens.

Shikamaru stepped back and waved his hand to signal.

- Let's start! Shouting, Chоji threw three shurikens at Shikamaru and instantly jumped off the ground. Although the guy was a little overweight, this did not greatly affect his speed.

As soon as the shurikens were a few meters from Shikamaru, he quickly pulled out his own and threw them at flying targets.

* Tink *

"Damn ..." - Mentally cursing, Shikamaru jumped to the side. Only one hit the target, the rest of the shurikens continued their flight. To hit flying targets is much more difficult than it seems, especially without the Sharingan. But Shikamaru tried anyway ...

"Left ..." - turning around, the guy threw his fist to Chji who arrived in time. He grimaced and dodged kicked.

With a slight movement of his hand, Shikamaru blocked his leg, and then sharply pushed the fat man with his shoulder. A simple attack, but Chоji was knocked out of balance, taking advantage of the moment Shikamaru instantly grabbed a kunai and put his lying friend to the throat.

"Haa, here it is again ..." Chоji snorted in displeasure, rolling his eyes.

Shikamaru chuckled and quickly removed the kunai, then held out his hand to his friend.

"Not bad already, although I wouldn't even have to move, the shurikens wouldn't hit anyway. You never learned how to throw them ...

Chоji scratched the back of his head and smiled brightly.

- Well, I wanted to study yesterday, but it just so happened that my dad called me to the barbecue, so ...

- No wonder you lose every time ...

"Ha, you know what, everyone can beat a child, but you ..." When Chоji noticed Ino practicing punches, his gaze flashed: "You know what brother, why don't you fight that cute girl, mm?" If, of course, you are not afraid ...

After his friend's words, Shikamaru narrowed his eyes and coldly asked:

- What did you mumble at the end?

- Hey, I didn't say anything ...

- Well, of course, I won't tell you anything about today's ramen either.

- Huh ?! I'm sorry brother, I'm sure you can do it easily! What can she do, just an ordinary girl ...

Shikamaru shook his head chuckling.

- Enough already ... I do not mind fighting her, it's much better than wasting time with such a lazy person.

- Hey, I'm not lazy! It's just that today is not my day ...

`` Of course ... '' With a wave of his hand, Shikamaru quickly gathered up his shurikens and then walked over to Chоji.

- Learn to throw, if I like it, we'll go to the barbecue tomorrow.

Chоji's face changed dramatically.

- Huh? Seriously?! No problem! Before Shikamaru even finished speaking, Chоji began throwing shuriken.

- Ha ha ha! For meat, I'm ready to go beyond what is possible! - shouting, the guy did not even aim and began to throw shurikens.

In fact, Shikamaru simply had to resort to such methods. Only food could motivate this fat man. If he is not motivated, then he will continue to be lazy, which Shikamaru could not allow. Although he didn't bet much on Ino-Shika-Cho, he at least wanted a normal training partner. Now, Chоji cannot hold out in battle for more than a few seconds and even Shikamaru wasn't serious. Fortunately, Chоji grew up, he even learned how to climb a tree, so he had potential. And the force of his blow was impressive, so a good Shinobi should definitely come out of him. Especially if you continue to feed him ...

With a rather nod to his training friend, Shikamaru turned and walked slowly towards the training girls.

Ino practiced Liszt's standard punches. This is a simple taijutsu style taught to children. According to Shikamaru, this style is practiced at the Academy. In principle, although this is the basis, most of the shinobi in the village only own it. Is that rare Taijutsu masters have their own style, as well as certain clans. Uchiha and Hyuuga, for example, have their own style. This is understandable, because both of these clans own Dojutsu, thanks to their special eyes, they are able to perform what ordinary shinobi are not capable of.

Shikamaru also practiced these basics, he received simple techniques from the "main taijutsu scroll", and already a more complete version he received from his father and from the library. Still, Shikaku, although he does not often train his son, sometimes helps. So the library is sometimes a real salvation. The last time he had to ask his mother at all to mate with him. Perhaps thanks to her, he achieved his current success, because with Chоji there is little that can be done. In addition, the guy did not want to spend points on techniques, because he had a Sharingan, and buying Taijutsu for the owner of these eyes was as unreasonable as possible. Unless something very rare like the Eight Heavenly Gates. Shikamaru did not yet understand if they could be copied ... But even if so, how can you copy the full release? So he was increasingly inclined to believe that one day he would still have to buy this technique ...