Chapter 50: Shikamaru vs Avie

Avie was already beginning to regret having decided to fight this guy. Her first impression of him quickly changed, from being a hardworking youth to being an annoying jerk.

- What else? - Evie asked displeased, completely ceasing to smile.

Shikamaru's eyes sparkled, now he realized that she was not such a smiling girl and not as calm as she seemed. It was quite possible to piss her off. He wanted to force her to act, and perhaps to provoke her anger ... If everything goes right, then the chances of winning will increase. In addition, he had another idea how to use this collision to his advantage.

- Well, I wanted to ask ... If suddenly you lose, then how about becoming my partner?

- A partner? What do you mean? - in the girl's voice one could already notice obvious irritation.

- Yes, nothing like that, just a sparring partner, I have no one to train with, and you are a strong ninja ...

Avie's face changed again, but restraining herself with displeasure replied:

- Why should I agree at all? Not only will you not be able to win, but even if you do, why should I do anything for you at all?

"Oh, but don't you love cute little boys?

* Pff *

Ino chuckled and laughed, while Shikamaru stared innocently at Avie. The girl's eyebrows twitched, but she pulled herself together again:

"Calm down, he's just a small brat ... A small and impudent brat, with perverted manners. I can't believe that there could be someone like that in the Nara clan. "

With a piercing glance at Shikamaru, Avie said loudly:

- Stop acting like that, you and I are not friends. I refuse to fight you until you apologize.

- Oh, was Avie scared? Are you afraid of hurting my pretty face? Shikamaru waved his hand with a mock sigh.``I would happily apologize if you won ...

- Brat! Do you think I'm some kind of little girl? Do you think I'm going to be so stupid? And stop calling me by name! - the girl finally lost her temper.

Glancing around her, Shikamaru scratched his beard and nodded in satisfaction.

`` Well, I would give you no more than sixteen, so you're not that old ...

After these words, Ino laughed on the sidelines:

"Hee hee, Shikamaru, my sister is only fourteen, she's not that old.

Shikamaru widened his eyes in amazement and stared at the girl's two perfect curves:

"Damn, she's only fourteen ?! Who's that old here ... "

When Avie caught sight of Shikamaru's gaze, she involuntarily covered her chest.

- What are you allowing yourself a boy ?!

"Hey, hey, you're still a little girl yourself ..." Shikamaru waved his hand and sighed, "Eh, so that's why you don't want to fight, you're just afraid that a genius like me will defeat you, right?"

- Genius? Avie growled irritably, "I'm one of the youngest Chūnin in the clan and are you a genius here?"

Shikamaru glanced around the girl's figure again out of the corner of his eye and chuckled.

- Yeah ... You're not that bad. But then why are you afraid to fight?

- I'm not afraid! Why would I fight such an insolent guy? You insulted me! I haven't said a bad word to you, but that's how you behave.

Shikamaru chuckled wryly ... Maybe he really overdid it a bit and acted like a boy, but he had a plan so he couldn't back down. Plus, it was fun to watch this reaction ...

- Okay, I understand ... You can only make excuses. First you came out and wanted to beat me, and now you are afraid of some small deal with a six-year-old child. Is this what adults do?

- You ... Insolent kid ... - gritting her teeth, Avie stood up and said loudly: - Okay! I'll beat you up and then don't you dare complain. Do you mean a deal? Well, if you win, I'll become your party ... Sparring partner! But if you lose, you, I not only demand an apology, but also, I wish that you no longer appear in my eyes!

"Oh, what's wrong with her ... I didn't think she was that angry. I'm only six years old, why is she ... "- Shaking his head, Shikamaru grinned and stood up:

- Then the deal is closed! But just to be clear ... Swear by the Will of Fire that you will fulfill your terms of the deal. I ... I swear!

- Tts ... I swear! Let's start already!

Smiling, Shikamaru instantly moved. Avie also started acting ...

In an instant, both clashed.

* Bang! *

Avie's leg was blocked by the young man's strong forearm, and then a series of fist attacks. Shikamaru's bones withstood her blows quite well. Even so, he was tense to the limit, the blows were very painful. This girl did not spare him at all, she thrashed him mercilessly, pouring out all her anger. Her speed was fast enough that Shikamaru didn't even have time to attack himself. At a certain moment, the blow of the girl fell right on the guy's ribs ... This time he could not dodge.


* Bang! *

- Kha ... - having flown several meters, Shikamaru did not even have time to catch his breath, as Avie appeared nearby and attacked with a swing of her leg.


The ground cracked slightly, but Shikamaru barely managed to escape using the swap.

When the guy's body turned into a piece of stone, Avie snorted in annoyance:

- Brat ... You even know the substitution.

"We have to admit, but he is really talented, only six years old, but he is already capable of this. At his age, I could only dream of something like this. "

The girl did not lie when she spoke of herself as one of the youngest Chūnin of the clan. She was Yamanaka, like Ino. Avie was able to pass the exam at ten, and now she was already very close to Jonin's level. Choosing her as an opponent for Shikamaru was not a particularly smart decision. Of course he would have mastered simple sparring without chakra. But fighting in taijutsu is a completely different level. The Academy often conducts sparring without chakra, but now everything is different ...

Of course, Avie also did not overdo it, although there was no ban on ninjutsu, but she did not use them. He was half her age, not even a student of the Academy yet, she simply could not use techniques against him, she would not have let her pride. Plus, if she had used Ninjutsu, Shikamaru would have lost. But, no one limited him ...

So using substitution, he quickly moved to the side, and then he quickly folded the seal. As soon as this happened, an incredibly fast shadow escaped from under the guy's feet. Avie barely noticed this shadow when she was already a couple of meters away:

"What the hell is this ..." - the girl's eyebrows tightened and she, without thinking, moved back. She knew the shadows of the Nara clan well, but this was the first time she had seen such a fast one. No Genin would have been able to escape her. Perhaps the strongest and most experienced of them.

Already gone far enough, Avie realized in shock that the shadow had not stopped its movement at all. Unlike a normal shadow, this one lengthened a lot further and wasn't going to stop at all.