Chapter 51: Shikamaru vs Avie (2)

After stepping back five meters, the shadow finally froze, and Shikamaru gritted his teeth. He knew it wouldn't work, but he had to try. All that is enough for him is another such shadow, no more ... You have to pay for a fast and long shadow, and of course you pay with chakra, but he didn't have much of it anyway. The Nara were generally not predisposed to even medium volumes. Even the best Jonin of his clan had chakras just below average ...

In addition, getting out of the shadow with a good supply of chakra will not be a problem for someone caught in the shadow. Of course, Shikamaru is not the same as before, now his shadow is quite capable of holding even his father for a whole minute, so he can definitely hold the girl. Just on special S-class ninjas or Kage, such tricks of course will not work. Even Shikamaru's father would not have worked that way if he hadn't allowed himself to be caught. Shadow techniques are such that they are not intended for combat, but only for capture by others. This is one of the reasons why the Nara became friends with the other two clans. But, his case was different, unlike typical representatives of the clan, he could well have done without clan techniques. It was just that in this battle there was nothing without them ...

In any case, Shikamaru now has only one opportunity to use the shadow grip. All that is worth hoping for is a surprise effect ... Since it is impossible to use bones and the Sharingan, we can only hope for the girl to miss. Shikamaru was not naive, he did not even think of defeating her in a direct taijutsu clash with taijutsu. The girl has much more experience and skills.

"Okay, as I thought, we can't avoid a second collision ... Hopefully it works." Exhaling, Shikamaru opened his arms, and then slowly began to untie the bandages.

Avie, at that moment, looked in surprise at the disappearing shadow:

- Frankly, this is the first time I've seen such a strange shadow technique ... If I were a little slower ... Huh? - Looking up, Evie furrowed her eyebrows. Shikamaru suddenly began to untie the bandages and she was surprised.

"What is he doing?"

Ino watched the battle of the two with gleam in her eyes. She even liked this slightly weird guy. Although he behaved a little rudely, Ino was even amused by this situation, it was not every day that she saw her strict sister so angry.

As for Chоji, well ... The fat man was sitting next to the target and chewing on the chips that had come from nowhere. Watching his friend's battle, the guy only occasionally nodded and muttered:

- Not bad, very good ...

When Shikamaru unwrapped the bandages, he threw several small weights to the ground with a rather loud sound in one light movement. Avie widened her eyes in surprise.

- This is indeed...

But Shikamaru did not stop there, he began to untie his legs and pulled out a few more weights. These weights alone carried almost as much weight as Shikamaru himself weighed. Having got rid of them, it was easy to guess that he certainly added in maneuverability. Unbuttoning his shirt, the guy threw it aside and stood in a rack.

Observing from a distance, Avy furrowed her eyebrows.

"This ... Is this the body of a child? What is he doing in his training ... "- the girl walked a glance over Shikamaru's body and stood in a rack. Now she began to take him more seriously. She might be stronger now, but Avie wasn't sure how long it would last. Exercising six-year-olds were not uncommon, but often they lacked either good motivation, or talent, and the main quality inherent in adults - endurance. As you can see, Shikamaru had enough of everything ...

"This guy, he's just like those crazy Taijutsu masters ..."

Shikamaru's body was covered with a lot of relief muscles, due to proper nutrition and constant training, he definitely did not look like a six-year-old child, except that he lacked growth. But his body, especially without clothes, was really impressive. Especially his forearms and fingers, almost every muscle was visible to the naked eye. There were bruises and blisters on his fists that went down to the elbows.

As the guy undressed, Chоji shook his head from the side.

- Show-off ...

As for Ino, she only muttered in surprise:

- Wow.

Well, Avie ...

* Vshuh *

Shikamaru instantly made his move noticing the slight confusion on the blonde's face. Anyway, she was still a young girl, even if Shikamaru was just a child ...

Throwing a smoke bomb at his feet, he flew out of the smoke screen to the side in a second.

As soon as Avie moved away from a slight stupor, the guy's leg was flying straight into her head. Shikamaru did not hesitate, he was ruthless.

"Damn ... this brat" - clenching his teeth, all Avie had to do was block the punch with his hands.

Shikamaru was just expecting this ...

With a hard smile, the guy directed chakra into calcium and strengthened his leg with all possible power.


A strong blow fell directly on the fragile hands of the girl, but oddly enough she withstood flying a couple of meters to the side, Shikamaru seized the moment and attacked again. But Avie was already ready ... Shaking her slightly numb hands, the girl struck a quick kick to the quickly arrived Shikamaru. But to the girl's surprise, he was still able to dodge this quick attack ... though not without consequences.

As soon as Shikamaru dodged to the side, Avie instantly overtook him in the air.

Shit ... With a mental curse, Shikamaru suddenly began throwing kunai around. Easily dodging several of them, Avie quickly caught up with Shikamaru. But during this time, he managed to throw out at least a dozen of them ...

After exchanging a couple of blows, Shikamaru could no longer keep track of her speed and was sent on a long flight ... But as soon as the blow hit the guy directly, his body suddenly disappeared with a pop.

Having already landed on the ground, Evie suddenly felt a chill on her back and she turned sharply, but at that very moment one of the thrown kunai with a clap changed shape and in the same second a long and incredibly fast shadow escaped from the cloud of smoke.

Just a moment and Avie was almost caught, but the girl had enough reaction, and she immediately understood what Shikamaru was up to, so she managed to walk away. Unfortunately for her ...

As soon as Avie took a few steps, she immediately looked down with shock and swore:

- Heck!


The thread was severed and an explosion followed. The girl could not even imagine that several abandoned kunai would be tied with a thread and, in fact, would be a stretch that activates an explosive seal.

Avie was quick enough to walk away, but she immediately realized that it was a mistake ... As soon as the first explosion thundered, everyone else followed, all the kunai were special and connected. Shikamaru unclenched his other hand and removed the seal of the snake, quickly slipping it into his pocket, he took out a small ball and quickly threw it at his feet. Impenetrable smoke spread with a strong pop. This was exactly what he needed ... Since he could not show his eyes, then they simply should not be seen ...