Chapter 52: Shikamaru vs Avie (3)

Avie shouldn't have suffered much, these explosive seals were of weak power. Plus, Shikamaru threw them in a specific sequence. If the girl was not stupid, she would move to a safe area in the center. And she had no options, except that she could go underground or use technology. In this situation, Shikamaru already could not do anything ... All he could do now was to act according to the plan ... Long training in throwing kunai was worth it.

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible for the average person to use the shadow in this position. Everyone in the Nara clan relied on their eyes to take over. Although there was sensory contact with the shadow, it could not help in determining the goal. Shikamaru could rely on intuition, but speed was important now ... The target must be in sight, otherwise nothing will work ... But for the owner of the Sharingan, everything changed ...

* Zzzn *

As soon as the bloody eyes flashed, Shikamaru instantly detected the movement of the girl's chakra, this was already enough to act on his own.

The final touch in this difficult battle was a fast and lightning-fast shadow ... Avie could not even imagine that in a completely invisible environment Shikamaru would easily catch her ...

As soon as the dust cleared, the situation finally cleared up ... The smoke around Shikamaru also slept, and his eyes returned to normal.

Avie stood in the center of the landfill covered in dust and with a displeased face. A long black shadow stretched across the ground straight from her towards Shikamaru.

The satisfied guy met this evil look and grinned: - I won ...

Avie snorted.

- Rogue ...

"Maybe, but ..." Shikamaru took a few steps towards the girl, and she immediately mirrored them. Avie had anger written right on her face, lightning almost flashed in her bright blue eyes and a flame of hatred burned. Just think of losing not even to Genin, in such a collision ...

When the two closed the distance and stood one meter apart, Shikamaru said:

- In the life of a shinobi there is no such thing as a swindler, you just lost, admit it ...

- I'm not yet...

* Tink *

Shikamaru put a kunai to the girl's throat, and she, in turn, put her free hand to his throat. It wasn't hard to see who was in the worst position.

Noticing the blonde's nervous gaze, Shikamaru chuckled.

"It's a pity you didn't bring your kunai with you, right? - Glancing around the girl, Shikamaru continued: - Of course, it's even better, these clothes suit you. You are very beautiful, you know ...

Avie looked at Shikamaru oddly and blushed slightly.

- What are you talking about? I lost already, scatter the technique and let me shake off!

The guy smiled a little and dispelled the jutsu ... Once again meeting Avie's gaze, Shikamaru's mood lifted even more, after which he turned around:

- Sorry, I didn't want to offend you, but just wanted to win, - returning to his clothes, the guy dusted off his shirt and threw it over his body: - I only have a couple of months to go to the academy. Not more than a couple of hours a day, right?

After brushing all the dust off her clothes, Avie looked at Shikamaru again, but then quickly looked away and nodded.

- Okay ... Get dressed already.

Noticing the girl's unusual reaction, the guy did not miss the opportunity:

- Huh? What? I'm only six years old, don't forget, did my baby body seemed to be ...

Before Shikamaru finished speaking, a piece of mud flew into his head.

* Bach *

"Oh, you ..." Shikamaru, barely having time to dodge, rubbed his head and snorted, "It could have been easier."

"I won't go with you," Avie chuckled and walked quickly towards Ino. The girl at that moment looked at Shikamaru in surprise, she could not believe that this guy, the same age with her, was still able to defeat her sister. She could not even think that this was possible ... For a little girl, it was something incredible ...

When Avie returned, Ino immediately asked:

- Big sister, why did you ... Why did you lose?

Out of the corner of her eye, Avie saw Shikamaru wrapping the bandages and answered through her teeth:

- He was lucky ... if I had used Ninjutsu, he would have been lying in the mud.

- Oh, why didn't you use them?

- Hmm? I just didn't want to get my hands dirty, let's go, Ino, I don't want to linger here.

The girl looked towards Shikamaru and Chоji who came up to him.

- But ...

- None, but you still need to train, and as for these two ... - Glancing displeasedly at the two guys, Avie seriously said to her sister: - You shouldn't be friends with them, they won't teach you anything useful, especially this one ...

Just then, Shikamaru turned around and waved his hand with a cheerful smile. Avie snorted and turned around: - Come on, I know a better place ...

As soon as they were ready to leave, a loud voice was heard:

- Hey, blonde ...!

Avie stopped and asked without turning: - What else?

The two guys walked up quickly and Shikamaru said:

- It's about our deal ... We haven't discussed how it will go. You agreed for two months, but what about your missions and in general, where will we meet ...

Avie finally turned around and answered coldly:

- I do not have missions yet, if they appear, then the time spent on them does not count, but we can meet right here, in the evening. Will it suit you?

- Will arrange.

Without another word, Avie briskly left the range. Ino turned to the guys and waved goodbye and immediately caught up with her sister.

Chоji looked at Shikamaru and said,

"It looks like you're not going to say hello in these trainings. I don't think she really likes you ...

- But I like her, so who cares, yes brother?

- Um, I guess ...

Shikamaru smiled and patted his friend on the shoulder.

- Calm down, I'm not going to marry her, it's just sparring, the harder she is with me, the better for me, isn't it?

`` Uh-huh ... '' With a slight nod, Chоji said, `` Just be careful ...

- Ha-ha, brother but she is a girl, what could be dangerous?

- Well, I hope you're right ...

Shikamaru smiled and waved his hand.

- Come on, shurikens will not learn to throw themselves ...

Returning back to the Academy class.

Shikamaru looked away from Ino and smiled.

"Chоji was right about something, she was really rude ..."

Since that time, Shikamaru has done dozens of training sessions with Avie and the deadline for their contract is coming up very soon. Of course, the guy already had some thoughts on this ...

As for Ino, the guy often crossed paths with her. She even sometimes came to training with her sister, so the guys often trained as four. Although, Ino trained with Chоji, and Shikamaru trained with Avie. Yet the levels of the guys were different ...

Shikamaru looked at his friend and nodded.

"Yet he is much stronger than himself in the original. Probably the pill also showed its effects. The guy is certainly not Genin, but also not a weak student of the academy. I think in a couple of years he may even be able to graduate. Maybe even earlier ... As for Ino, I still have time to work with her. So soon I will have more problems "

Sitting calmly and thinking about the situation, the guy suddenly felt someone's gaze and immediately turned to the observer. Meeting Naruto's eyes, Shikamaru smiled slightly and nodded. The blond frowned, but nodded back. Not that Naruto was somehow angry with Shikamaru, rather, these two were also connected by some story ...

Anyway, now was not the time for that. Shikamaru was currently planning to quickly finish everything at the academy and start pumping ...