Chapter 53

At the academy, Shikamaru did not stay long. The lessons were supposed to start the next day, so the guy was finally free. Iruka-sensei listed all the students, including Shikamaru, and then explained some of the rules of conduct at the Academy. All this took no more than an hour and was rather tiring.

After everyone left the academy, Shikamaru and Chоji stopped in the shade of a nearby tree.

Sitting down next to a tree, the fat man sighed with relief:

- It's finally over ... I thought he would not finish with his rules.

Shikamaru settled down next to him and chuckled.

- This is his job, he is an instructor.

"Yeah, I hope it won't always be so boring ..." With a sigh, Chоji turned to his friend. "Okay, now what?"

Shikamaru shrugged.

- I don't know, training probably ... What else can we do?

- Eh, again? Shall we go for some ramen or meat at the barbecue? All my legs ache after yesterday.

"You go ..." Shikamaru smiled a little. "I have some business to finish, I won't be here tonight either."

- What are you up to? You usually don't miss training with her.

Shikamaru waved his hand.

- It doesn't matter ... If he asks where I am, then just say that we have only a week left. Then she finally gets rid of me.

"Okay ..." With a sigh, Chжиji asked, "By the way, how did it go with the director?"

- Well, quite good ... Now I can leave the academy at any time. I, one might say, became a Genin. I think you can even count on assignments.

"Ha, I didn't doubt you. Only I don't understand why you decided to stay. Didn't you want to become a ninja as early as possible?

Shikamaru chuckled.

- I've already become one, and if you're talking about assignments, then they are not interesting to me yet. I already said, until we are at least twelve, it is worth postponing leaving the village.

- Ha ... Okay, I get it. You keep saying that we should wait, but you never said the reason. It's a little unpleasant ... You don't trust me?

"Ha, it's funny to hear that from a six-year-old child," laughing inwardly, Shikamaru slapped his friend on the shoulder.

- I have already told you about my powers, isn't that enough for trust?

Chоji sighed and nodded.

- Yes, but ... It just always seems to me that you are acting too adult. Even I ... Looking at myself in the past am surprised at everything. You were exactly the same two years ago.

Shikamaru nodded.

- You're right, I myself do not know why this is so ... After the incident when I got sick, everything changed. My vision of everything, a little ... Has changed.

This was probably the only excuse Shikamaru could use. And he simply could not tell him a lot about himself. He even decided not to talk about the Sharingan for now, since nothing will change from this information, and it can only get worse. Unless Chоji knew about Shokotsumyaku. Still, Shikamaru had to say something to his close friend. Of course, what Akimichi was good at was that he didn't ask questions often. He was mostly used to listening to his friend in everything, so Shikamaru found it much easier with him. Plus, Chоji quickly grew wiser, which was an added plus. Although his laziness and gluttony still remained ...

After his friend's words, Akimichi sighed a little.

- I see ... Well, if you don't want to go, it's up to you. It's just that Ino will be upset if you don't come.

At that, Shikamaru could only smile.

- Well, tell her I have to finish my special training, and when I get back, I will give her a present. - The situation with Ino was quite funny. Shikamaru, of course, noticed that Ino often looked at him and behaved strangely. But they did not see each other very often, at least less often than with Ch сji. In addition, Ino was a child and it could hardly still be called falling in love. Shikamaru didn't even want to think about it, he felt too strange about it. But the fact that Ino was interested in him was very clear. Especially in the last month ... This girl has become more courageous, and generally does not miss the opportunity to meet with him. So it's amazing why she didn't show up now while the guys were chatting.

- Okay, I'll tell you ... By the way, I noticed this Naruto's eyes, it looks like he doesn't really like you.

Shikamaru chuckled wryly and nodded.

- Indeed, our last meeting turned out to be unpleasant for him, although I don't think that he doesn't like me, rather he is just serious about winning. Last time I was pretty tough with him, and we made some bet.

- Ho ho, bet? Chоji's eyes sparkled. "What kind of bet?"

- Yes, nothing special, I told him something important, but I hid some of the information. Then, I demonstrated his weakness and pressed a little ... In general, I will not say that he was satisfied. But he decided to fulfill one of my conditions in order to get all the information. This is something very important, but worth it ...

- So what's the deal? What should he do?

Shikamaru shrugged.

- Just to become stronger, I gave him the same task as you. If he can climb a tree with the help of the chakra, then I will immediately tell him everything.

Chоji asked with a grin:

- And why do you need it? I remember you said that this guy was special, but you didn't specify why ... Is this the case?

Shikamaru nodded briefly.

- Indeed, the guy may not look very strong, but this is for now. Remember that Bijuu book I made you read?

"Ah ..." Chоji grimaced. "Of course I remember how you can forget this…" Akimichi's gaze suddenly cleared up and he said in surprise: "Wait, you don't mean to say that this guy ...

"Exactly," Shikamaru nodded. "And this is just his first feature, don't forget about Uzumaki's blood." He does not bear this name for a simple reason.

"Hmm, yeah, you said they were famous for their vitality and fuin seals. The guy has good genes ...

- Yes, he will also make a good ally. This deal will add motivation to him, and he will master the standard genin exercise, which will be very useful to him. Well, then he will help me again.

- Will it help?

"Yes," Shikamaru smiled enigmatically. "You remember our walk to the Uzumaki area, right?

"Ah ... Yes." Chоji nodded. "There was that strange barrier."

- Right ... If I studied everything correctly, then this barrier is tied to the blood of Uzumaki. Of course, I'm also sure that it can be opened without it. It's just that my knowledge in this section of Jutsu is zero. So if we can't crack it, we'll just find the key. It is quite possible that the boy will do ...

Chоji smiled broadly and said,

- Good plan, just ...

- What?

The fat man scratched his head and asked:

- Hasn't anyone already penetrated this barrier? Do you think there is something valuable left?

Shikamaru smiled slightly.

- Here you are right, with the skills of the old man the Third to penetrate this barrier would be easier than ever. But, Uzumaki are not so simple, who knows what could have remained there.

Shikamaru was of course referring to things like the Death God mask or something similar. It is possible that something like this is left there. So he could not miss this possible. Even getting a mask would be quite nice.

Shikamaru walked away from the tree and waved his hand.

- Okay, I'll go, soon it's evening, I should hurry.

- Yeah ... Happen.