Chapter 54: Changes

The place where Shikamaru was going to go was quite far from the Ninja Academy. This time, he chose not the forest of the Nara clan, but the outskirts of the village, a grove just outside the Uzumaki quarter. After studying the barrier, he noticed that there are no people in this forest at all. So it was the perfect place for a secret base or for "special" training with the Sharingan and Shikotsumyaku. So lately, if there is a free minute, Shikamaru goes there and trains the technique of throwing shuriken and tries to give time for his eyes to get used to. Shurikens and kunai, along with threads, were generally interesting to him, so he tried to train with them as often as possible ... And with the Sharingan it was very exciting.

It would be his will and Shikamaru would always walk with an activated Sharingan. Of course, this would hardly work due to the small amount of chakra, but a few hours a day would be a good exercise for the eyes. It's a pity that now it was impossible ...

In any case, Shikamaru did not go to the outskirts of the village to train, but to take new pills and bloodlines. Maybe even pedigrees, he hasn't quite decided how the situation will turn out yet ...

Learning a new bloodline will be a very unpleasant process, he was already convinced of this when he received the Kaguya bloodline and the Uchiha bloodline. After that, he even received a weaker one, Inuzuka, as a reward for completing the quest. But this pedigree was very painful to assimilate, even if it was very weak, fortunately not so much as Shikotsumyaku, nothing can compare with that horror.

From all this pain and the whole process, the shadow clone will probably be dispelled, so that the restaurant will temporarily be in the hands of an ordinary chef. Fortunately, he was not bad, Shikamaru trusted him in terms of cooking. The restaurant had two chefs, his clone and one middle-aged man. Shikamaru planned to hire one more, as well as a couple of waiters, but he decided to postpone this for now ... Problems with supplies from the Land of Fire are sometimes problematic due to robbers, it was worth solving this first.

Having quickly reached the Uzumaki quarter, Shikamaru looked around and after passing several houses went out in the direction of the forest. Part of the territory was under the barrier, but if you walk around it correctly, you can go into the thicket of the forest.

Finding the right place, Shikamaru made himself comfortable between the two trees and finally said:

- Status.

At that very second, a window appeared in front of the guy's eyes. Shikamaru hasn't given much time to him lately. All he did was take mission rewards and that's it ...

Name: Shikamaru Nara

Age: 5 years old

Faction: Nara Clan, Hidden Leaf Village

Ninja Rank: Genin

- [Strength: 95] - [Stamina: 112] - [Speed: 92] -

- [Talent: 165] - [Chakra Size: 545] - [Chakra Control: 70] -


[Nara - strength 425%] → Improved mastery of the element "Yin" - 85%

- Improved Genome: absent

[Kaguya - 50% strength] → Unique body + 5 to indicators - Strength, Endurance and Speed.

- Improved Genome: Shikotsumyaku

- Evolution: absent

[Uchiha - strength 50%] → Improved mastery of the element "Fire" - 10%

- Improved Genome: Sharingan → [Second stage = 2 tomoe]

[Inuzuka - 50% strength] → Upgrades of all senses +5 speed

- Improved Genome: absent


- Wind Release → 3%

- Earth Release → 36%

- Fire Release → 27%

- Yin Release → 115%

- Yang Release → 15%


- Ninjutsu:

Shadow Binding Technique [Hijutsu, Yin Release]

Shadow Binding Technique Shadow Imitation [Hijutsu, Yin Release]

Shadow Neck Binding Technique [Hijutsu, Yin Release]

Shadow Shuriken Technique [D-Grade]

Body Replacement Technique [E-rank, General Skill]

Transmutation Technique [E-rank, General Skill]

Shadow Clone Technique [B-rank, Clone Techniques]

Clone Technique [E-rank, General Skill]

Invisibility Cloak Technique [E-Grade, General Skill]

Body Blink Technique [D-Grade, General Skill]

Guided Shuriken Technique [D-rank, Shurikenjutsu]

Three Blades Controlled Windmill [C-rank, Shurikenjutsu]

Temporary Paralysis Technique [D-Grade]


Earth Release: Reverse Coastal Earth [C-rank, Earth Release]

Earth Release: Earth Wall [B-rank, Earth Release]

+… Several techniques of Earth Release.


Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique [C-rank, Fire Release]


+… Several General Skills of E-rank (Release from ropes, illusions, etc. Standard skills based on a small amount of chakra)

- Taijutsu:

Hurricane Leaves [D-Rank]

Shadow of the Dancing Leaf [S-Rank]

Leaf Style (Basics) [E-rank]

Leaf Style (Full) [D-rank]

Ten Finger Piercing Bullets [Enhanced Genome]

+… A few standard academy moves that don't even qualify as E-rank techniques.

- Genjutsu:

Illusion of White Mist [D-Rank]

Black Enveloping Mist of Shadows [C-Rank]

The fact that Shikamaru was only five years old was natural and not for long. He's having a birthday in just twenty-two days, so for now he's still a five-year-old boy. Usually children are admitted to the academy at the age of six, but if their birthday happens before winter, then they are admitted to the academy. If later, as in the case of Chоji, who is already six, then they go the next year. Of course, there may be different situations, and the child may go to the academy later than others or even earlier. Some clan ninjas may never visit the academy at all, but they may well get the rank of Genin. True, this happens very rarely, yet even for clan descendants in the academy, you can learn and gain a lot. Friends for example or allies. Teamwork for shinobi is a very important part of training. This is one of the reasons why Shikamaru has remained at the academy ever since. Although, in the past, there were clans that did not send children to the academy. But that was a very long time ago, even at the time of the birth of the academy as a whole.

Further ... The whole status has undergone significant changes, even Shikamaru himself was surprised. He looked at it about two months ago, even before training with Avie and learning some of the techniques gathered in the clan. The changes have been significant, yet training with other people can help a lot.

Also, a new pedigree was added with a nice bonus and the Sharingan status was changed.

The power of elemental transformations also increased, especially Yang and Fire. As for the techniques, dozens of new ones have been added to the list. Basically, most of them Shikamaru studied in the library of Konoha, and as for the Jutsu of the Earth and the one and only Fire technique, then it is worth thanks to the clan's library for that. There were several interesting Jutsu not higher than C rank and even a couple of B-rank, only Shikamaru decided not to teach the second because of poor compatibility with the element of water. The clan mainly kept the techniques of Earth and Water, Wind and Fire were in the minority, and those that were, were too weak and useless. Shikamaru was not Orochimaru, obsessed with all the Jutsu in the world, he wanted only useful ones in the future, and not everything. Although, if there was time, then he was ready to spend it on them ...

For the rest, he mastered a significant list of Jutsu. He even managed to master Kimmimaru's technique through several attempts. But it was understandable, the technique is very simple, just shooting with bones from the fingers. Anyone could have learned this .... Otherwise, he has not mastered anything else related to Shikotsumyaku, except pulling out bones. He did not know how to perform famous dances, although he guessed about some. Just his memories of Kimmimaru's style were almost lost.

Otherwise, the status has not changed much. Even some indicators have increased nothing at all. The same strength, for example, has grown noticeably slower lately, even thanks to Shikotsumyaku. Shikamaru already had some thoughts and a better understanding of the three indicators: strength, endurance and speed ...