Chapter 68 *

All in all, Naruto is the perfect protagonist, not particularly smart, but with super genetics. It's funny, but this was often not emphasized in anime, but on the contrary, they talked about the guy as a loser, as if he was the most unlucky and generally a weakling incapable of anything . An interesting loser with the genes of Uzumaki, the father of the Kage, the Bijuu and the genius teacher, albeit a pervert ...

This is not to mention the fact that he was chosen by fate and is the reincarnation of Ashura, a direct descendant of the Sage of the Six Paths, who in turn descended from an even stronger monster.

In addition, Shikamaru also did not forget how Naruto promised to establish peace and end wars. But what is the bottom line? He never fulfilled Jiraiya's dream ...

The shinobi system, as it was, remains the same. Curious if this was the System he defended in that battle with Kaguya? The very system that led to this circle of hate ...

Naruto's main problem is his inability to assess things soberly.

After all, he simply did not even know how to establish peace, but could only talk about it.

All this nonsense about friendship, love, understanding is just nonsense. In a world where there is a winner and a loser, there will be both love and hate, because this is normal. It's not okay to always kill each other ...

The desire to become an authoritarian leader only in words sounds proud and dignified ...

He wanted to change the world, but he was simply unable to do so.

Because of the very complexes revealed on Turtle Island, Naruto aspired to this post.

He strove for this recognition ... After all, somewhere inside, he is still insecure and weak boy, sparing recognition.

And when he became a Kage, what was the result? Naruto just stopped developing, as if he had reached the end of his life. He was attached to the Hokage chair and slowly grew old ...

And did he develop at all? From the very first chapter of this story, the kid is still the same, he did not grow out of himself at all and still yelled at every corner about his dream. Undoubtedly, the boy also has positive sides, but there is simply no sense in them in the real and cruel world of shinobi.

More precisely, these positive features of him did not in any way make him, chosen by fate, able to establish peace in the whole world. Naruto has gained strength, but without brains you cannot build a world without wars.

Peaceful people cannot be seen without cruelty and composure. Hashirama is clear proof of this ...

It just so happened that the views of Sasuke with his "revolution" for Shikamaru were much closer and looked much more real.

The guy left the village and tried to achieve his goal, lived on his own and went only forward.

Yes, his youthful maximalism could be annoying, but isn't that normal for a young guy? How else could a teenager at the age of twelve or thirteen behave with such and such a childhood trauma? In the anime, Sasuke was a very lively and elaborate character, and those who called him a hysterical change of mind are just a bunch of fools.

It is completely normal to change your views, it is abnormal to be an undeveloped brake, fixated on one thing and shouting stupidity at every corner, not to mention belief in crazy things.

Naruto did not develop, but Sasuke has grown out of his past more than once.

Regarding the "revolution", the one that was supposed to bring peace to the whole world.

It was really an option that could affect something. Just what Naruto the "chosen one" was simply unable to do.

That is why the world ultimately remained the same, with the same system. Indeed, without the determination and those traits that Sasuke possessed, it was impossible to carry out this revolution.

Sasuke did indeed offer a sensible method to overthrow the policy of the hidden villages that had caused so many deaths, so many of his loved ones.

Perhaps this is exactly what Naruto had never understood.

"Haa, something I got off topic again ... That's how usual. Although, remembering all those names on the tombstones, I am more and more aware that something needs to be done, otherwise everything will be even worse. " -what a trump card.

Yet he not only expected to complete the task, it was even more important to do business ... Approaching the already more or less normal guy, Shikamaru shook his head in disappointment:

- You are weak Naruto ... Your parents would definitely be unhappy with these successes ...

The guy immediately grimaced, and after a moment looked up in amazement:

- Do you know my parents ?!

"Oh ..." Shikamaru arched an eyebrow in surprise . "Don't you know?"

As expected, Naruto immediately recovered and quickly ran to Shikamaru with questions.

- Tell me, who are they? What were their names? How do you know them? Shikamaru frowned in annoyance and patted Naruto hard on the shoulder.

- Calm down! Have you been told that you are too chatty?

- Um, I'm sorry ... We didn't say.

Shikamaru immediately sighed apologetically.

- Well, yes, you don't talk to many people ... Listen.

Meeting the blonde's eyes, Shikamaru quickly looked around and then said gravely.

"I know enough about your parents and why everyone is treating you like that." But remember, if I tell you anything, you will never even think about it out loud. Any our conversation is a secret that no one should know about, not your closest friends if they suddenly appear with you, not even the Third Hokage himself. Am I clear? Naruto nodded quickly.

- Yes.

- Swear. Naruto nodded seriously without thinking twice.

- Uh, I swear!

"Well, yes, I hope ..." - mentally Shikamaru has already decided everything, even without these vows. Still, he needed Naruto, so the vow was just for the sake of seriousness.

But, in general, it was not bad, nevertheless you never know what there will ruffle Naruto. Certainly not many know about the son of the Fourth and about Kushin.

Therefore, Shikamaru should be more careful ... But, Naruto may have been small, he could get the very minimum of information.

At least Shikamaru could throw in completely simple information and interest Naruto in this, and only then do something bigger ...

- Okay, I won't reveal everything at once. There are things you shouldn't know about yet. But this does not mean that I will be silent. Let's start with a simple one ... '' Glancing around the area, Shikamaru nodded in satisfaction.

- Okay, let's go ...

- Where?

Shikamaru didn't answer, but just turned around and waved his hand.

- Come on, I'll show you something.

"Well ... Okay," without hesitation Naruto quickly caught up with Shikamaru and the two slowly began to leave the range.