Chapter 69: House

- Well? What do you think? Shikamaru asked calmly without taking his hands out of his pockets. He and Naruto quickly arrived at the center of the village, a small residence. More precisely, small by the standards of other Konoha residences. It was almost a mansion, with two floors, a small courtyard, and at the same time quite well-groomed. An ordinary-looking house with light walls and dark red tiles, and a small balcony.

In general, this was the very house of the Fourth Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki, Naruto's parents. Shikamaru decided to show him, and not the one behind the barrier at the edge of the village. Since it was the best option for Naruto.

The boy was here for the first time, or rather, he was looking at this house with such interest for the first time.

"Um ..." Naruto frowned. "Nice house, but ... Why did we come here?"

Shikamaru sighed and shook his head.

- Oh, Naruto ... I agree, my mistake, I should have explained everything at once. Well, in short, this is the home of some of your relatives. I would not advise you to ask others about him, as you may have already noticed he does not have an owner, and several signal fuin seals are installed around the perimeter.

- Eh? A relative ?! - the guy completely ignored everything that he said to Shikamaru, the only thing he caught were the words about relatives. But Shikamaru did not even have time to say a word as Naruto ran to the house ...

"Yes, yours ... I also missed that" - slapping his forehead, Shikamaru quickly moved and stood right in the path of Naruto.

- Stop!

The blond braked sharply and asked in surprise: - What?

Shikamaru sighed.

- Damn, did you hear me at all? As I said, the house is under signal seals, if you go there, they will immediately spot you. If this happens, then we will both have major problems.

I have for sure, Shikamaru added to his mind, but he didn't say anything else out loud.

Naruto hovered slightly and then asked in displeasure.

- And what to do? If this really is my relatives' house, then why can't I go there?

Shikamaru walked over to Naruto and quietly said:

"Because your relatives were not ordinary shinobi. Have you forgotten how everyone in the village looks at you? It's not just that ... If you want to know about your parents and your clan, then you should first start listening to me and not be stupid. If you and I are spotted for this case, then we will not turn around ... - slapping Naruto on the shoulder, Shikamaru said: - You are still too weak to go through the signal seals, and you are too weak for me to tell you anything else. ... It will only make you worse if I say something else, so ...

Before Shikamaru finished speaking, Naruto interrupted him.

- I'm not weak! I will become Hokage! I cannot be weak!

- Well, yes ... - Shikamaru shook his head: - All I can say now is the name of your mother, but remember, you don't even have to say this name out loud, and even more so ask someone about her, Am I making myself clear?

Naruto's eyes sparkled sharply and he quickly nodded.

- Yes, yes, yes! I promise! I swear!

- Ha, that's good. Your mother's name was ... - Leaning slightly towards Naruto's ear, Shikamaru said softly, "Kushina Uzumaki."

"Kushina," Naruto spoke the name quietly but clearly, and then smiled warmly.

Shikamaru chuckled.

- I'm glad you're happy, but that's all you can find out for now. As soon as you become stronger, I will ask you to do something for me, it will also be related to your clan. In return, I will share more information, maybe say your father's name.

- Yes? True?!

- Don't shout! Shikamaru covered the blond's mouth with his hand. "Be like a normal ninja and be calm."

Naruto nodded quickly, causing Shikamaru to finally open his mouth.

- Okay, let's go, I'll show you a few tricks and give you an assignment for the first time. If you fulfill it, then we will proceed further.

- Uh-huh.

At the same moment, Shikamaru noticed a shadow behind a distant tree out of the corner of his eye. It was a fleeting movement, so it was hard to tell what happened. Still, the guy simply could not take and detect Anbu or an experienced Jonin at the moment. But if he was not accurate, then it may well be. Still, he was a difficult child and the one who was following Naruto could not take into account this, and the fact that it was Naruto who was being followed, Shikamaru had no doubts at all. If Hiruzen simply left the jinchūriki unattended, that would be as stupid as possible.

"Hmm, I spoke quietly enough, I doubt he heard everything. Unless, of course, this is an Uchiha with a Sharingan who can read everything I said ... Then it will be bad. Well, the fact that I brought Naruto here is already unusual. The third one can ask questions. Okay, I was already expecting this when I contacted the kid ... If anything, I'll find an excuse. I will say that I spotted the Kyuubi chakra thanks to Shiringan, then I will move on to the past bearer of the Jinchūriki Kushina and the Uzumaki surname will be a good help ... Actually, you don't need to be a genius to draw a parallel and come to Minato and the truth about the boy's parents. I am Nara damn it. "- grinning at Shikamaru without worrying about problems and being followed, he led Naruto to a nearby training ground.

That evening, after Shikamaru and Naruto finished their grueling workout. Very exhausting for Naruto, a man in a cat mask escorted the young jinchūriki to his apartment, and then quickly moved from a tree branch to the roof. There was already another member of the Anbu, in physique it was a girl with a katana on her back. Her long purple hair fluttered in the wind. On the face of the girl was the usual porcelain mask for Anbu, in appearance it resembled the face of a cat.

With a short nod to the girl, the man quickly disappeared. The girl, following his gaze, quickly turned away and moved to the same tree where her colleague had recently sat. It was from this tree that Naruto's room was perfectly visible.

At the same time, having surrendered his post, the masked man quickly arrived at the Hokage's office. He usually didn't do that, yet the young jinchūriki very rarely did anything worthy of the Hokage's attention. Of course, there were occasional skirmishes with some of the disgruntled villagers gaining courage, but often they fainted under strange circumstances, so Naruto was rarely in serious danger. And for often he was simply bypassed by everyone, not even wanting to talk to him. But, something strange happened that day that Korui had to tell the Hokage about. His job was very simple - protection and surveillance. So, noticing the strangeness, the ninja hastened to report.