Chapter 70

After finishing his report to the Hokage, the shinobi began to quietly await a response and further instructions. Hiruzen, for the entire time of the one-sided conversation, did not budge, calmly filling the scroll. When Korui finished his report, the old man put the parchment aside and nodded thoughtfully.

"This is quite interesting ... " Glancing at the still kneeling man, Hiruzen nodded. "This important information from Korui, let it stay between us as long as you can be free."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." After bowing quickly, the man immediately disappeared.

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair and thoughtfully lit his pipe. Breathing out the smoke, the old man muttered:

- What an interesting young man, what are you up to ... We should definitely get acquainted.


Shikamaru brushed aside the memories as he moved closer and closer to Naruto. The blond still did not notice him, as his head was lowered, and he tried not to look around at all. Although, this time, the expression on the young jinchūriki's face was different from usual, and his hands and feet were covered with many abrasions. This, of course, did not hide from Shikamaru's gaze, making him smile with satisfaction. Still, Naruto deserved some respect. His perseverance and desire to achieve the goal, when the path was quite understandable, it pleased. If Naruto had been told that becoming Hokage could only be practiced daily to exhaustion, he probably would have done so. But, unfortunately, the guy could only dream and shout about it at every corner, not knowing how to act, and achieve the desired and unclear goal ...

Shikamaru gave Naruto a rather difficult task for a simple child, besides, he did not explain anything at all, except for the basics. Therefore, Naruto tried to climb the tree with his chakra almost every day to exhaustion. After two months, he was finally able to stand in a tree, which was a huge achievement for a six-year-old. It was for ordinary genin that this lesson was given relatively quickly, because they more or less possessed chakra and could already use weak ninjutsu. But for Naruto, who was not familiar with chakra at all, it was not easy. Stubborn training did not press the result for a very long time, the guy generally began to suspect that it was almost impossible. But then everything worked out, now he quite calmly climbed a tree and could just stand upside down on a branch without any difficulties. True, this did not particularly please him, then an even more difficult level went - walking on water. This was all very sad ... Therefore, for the last week, Naruto has been walking around quite tense and a little depressed. He was impatient to find out his father's name, but as luck would have it, so far nothing has worked, except to constantly wet his clothes. While there were pluses, Naruto could now hold his breath longer underwater. True, comforting himself with this, he was even more upset.

The guy did not even notice how he almost crashed into someone. Only at the last moment, Naruto instinctively dodged, which even surprised Shikamaru a little, and then looked up sharply. At first, the guy was surprised, and then he sighed:

`` Oh, it's you Shikamaru ...

- Huh? What are you? So not happy to see me?

"No, but ..." Naruto sighed, "It's okay, it's just very difficult."

Shikamaru shrugged.

- How do you want? All strong shinobi train. Plus, walking on water and trees is the backbone of the basics.

- Have you already learned?

"Naturally," Shikamaru grinned. He remembered very well how difficult it was, almost two months of continuous falls. Therefore, he fully understood Naruto and knew well what it was like to fall from a height. Fortunately, he acquired pedigrees that helped in control, which significantly reduced the difficulty of training. Therefore, Shikamaru handled it relatively quickly. Of course, it was still a long time for Genin. But it should be borne in mind that the older the shinobi is, the better control is given to him and such training. Although a lot depends on talent.

Realizing Naruto's condition, Shikamaru decided to cheer the guy up:

"Even Chоji has already learned, although water was difficult for him. If you have any difficulties, then ask him for advice. You can do it, I'm sure.

Naruto nodded.

- Okay, thanks Shikamaru.

- Don't thank me, you do it for yourself. Later I will fulfill part of the agreement, so do your best.

Shikamaru waved goodbye to Naruto and walked slowly on to the Hokage's residence. But, similar, this day was doomed to meetings. So ten minutes later, when the guy was already approaching the academy, another unplanned meeting happened.

Sensing a strange movement, Shikamaru suddenly stopped and looked around, and then chuckled.

- Come out, I can smell your scent.

- S-smell ?! - Suddenly a blonde girl with a surprised face came out from behind a tree: - What else is this smell?

Shikamaru grinned and breathed in deeply.

- This smell, amazing and unique, girls smell so wonderful, did you know?

- Wha ... You, just ... Is this another dirty joke?

"No, no," Shikamaru shrugged. "I'm quite serious." My nose is no worse than Inuzuka's, so my nose can do a lot ...

Shikamaru's odd grin made Avie feel uncomfortable again. Every time she met this boy, she was nervous, because sometimes his questions and actions were just too strange. He did not behave at all like an ordinary child, but like an experienced old man who knows a lot of ways to find loopholes in words and make a girl blush. Sometimes Avie couldn't even answer him. On the contrary, if she tried, it only made her worse. So the girl did not continue this topic and came closer to the guy:

- Listen, I wanted to talk.

- Yes? Shikamaru finally turned and took off his jacket, then stood in a stance and said seriously, "Then we will fight, and then we will discuss.

Avie smiled without expecting herself and stood up:

- Then I'll start!

As soon as Shikamaru nodded, the blonde instantly took off.

This time, Shikamaru was already much stronger than in the past during their first battles, although his body ached slightly after recent training with Guy, but in recent months Shikamaru has pulled up very much in taijutsu. Thanks to Avie, of course. Even Hiruzen didn't give Shikamaru as much experience as this girl. He naturally didn't like that their training was over. Yet she was an incredibly beautiful girl. But he also realized that he was still a child and there was not much point in this yet. He got the experience he needed and he could finish. If everything is left that way, and continue, everything can turn into something too strange ... But, once again facing Avie in battle, Shikamaru began to regret a little about his past decision. It might not have been so bad to continue.