Chapter 71: Finally Arrived

Dodging the kick, Shikamaru jumped to the side, doing a quick somersault in the air.

"Ha, how I missed that, she's great ... Damn, sometimes I regret that I'm still a small jerk" - mentally laughing at the unpleasant problem, Shikamaru immediately dodged another blow to the body. Having gone to the side, the guy struck a blow with his palm to the left, then the firm edge of the palm met the block with Avie's elbow.

- Damn it! - the girl grimaced painfully and took a step back, Shikamaru did not waste time and with just one movement grabbed her free hand and threw her over his shoulder. Avie didn't even have time to react when a kunai touched her snow-white neck.

- Haa, I knew that you would take advantage of this ... - sighing heavily, the girl frowned in displeasure.

Shikamaru grinned, but the kunai did not remove.

- What's with the elbow?

- I ... - Avie looked away: - I fell.

- Fell? Shikamaru chuckled, "It doesn't sound like you."

- Can you take away the kunai already? - the girl frowned in irritation: - And your hands!

- What? It's just a shoulder ... - Shikamaru removed the kunai in his pocket, and then his hand from the naked shoulder of the blonde. During the fight, her kimono slipped slightly, exposing her charming shoulders and charming collarbones.

Having risen, the guy immediately stretched out his hand to the girl. Avie did not hesitate to accept help, and then quickly straightened her clothes.

After following her, Shikamaru noted thoughtfully.

- Hmm, and you have changed ...

- What? Avie quickly ran a glance over her clothes and then checked her hair. "What's wrong?"

Shikamaru sighed and shook his head.

"That's why you always think that it's a matter of appearance."

- We?

- Yeah, you ... Girls, - the guy grinned: - You are beautiful, as always, I meant something else ... You usually do not smile and generally did not accept my help to get up when you recently lost. Although it wasn't often, Shikamaru scratched his chin thoughtfully. "So it's weird, you suddenly become so cute ... By the way, why did you come?

Avie didn't answer right away, she tried to digest all of Shikamaru's words. First, he called her beautiful, and then cute, which was completely unlike him. His compliments usually boiled down to vulgarity, but this time it's different. Sometimes he was completely absorbed in training and was too serious. Now he also asks why she has changed ...

"Yes ... Have I changed?" - Avie slowly began to realize that this is true. In the past, she certainly would not have behaved like that. She probably wouldn't have spoken to Shikamaru if it hadn't been for the incident with that battle.

"Hmm, if you think about it, it was so long ago ..."

Looking at the guy's thoughtful expression, the girl began to realize that she just enjoyed spending time with him. He was different from any of her acquaintances at the academy, or even those with whom she studied. He was never embarrassed and always looked confidently into her eyes. At the same time, there was a feeling that this was absolutely not the look of a child. From which the girl clearly felt uncomfortable. And his behavior was very unusual. In addition, he fought well and next to him the girl always felt differently, not alone as usual. Therefore, Avie herself did not notice how attached to him.

But even admitting it now, she just couldn't say it out loud. So quickly finding the answer, which was to some extent the reason for coming here, Avie said:

"I came because of Ino," but even though she said so, for some reason she even felt a little ashamed. Especially when Shikamaru sighed and nodded.

- So that's why you came ... I could tell right away. Well, you know, I don't want to spend time with Ino, I just don't have as much time as it might seem. Whenever possible, I try to show her something useful. But, usually I train in the morning and then go to the Academy. Then I finish before the others and go either to the residence, as it is today, or to my father's restaurant. In the evening, I do another workout, just a little special ... Hmm, actually, only on weekends I have time for friends. Only then Chоji takes me to a barbecue or to go fishing ... - Shikamaru nodded a little thoughtfully: - Yes, I should probably tell her all this, I would not want to offend her because of a misunderstanding. I showed her how to throw shurikens and still haven't asked about the results. Yeah, my shitty friend ...

"That's not true," Avie frowned, which obviously surprised Shikamaru. "You're a good friend." I just didn't think you had so many responsibilities. If I knew...

Seeing the look on Avie's face, Shikamaru laughed.

- Haha, I can't believe you called me a good friend. Hot little sister, are you really in love with this young boy?

- You ... Fuck you! Swinging, Avie struck with her fist, but Shikamaru deftly dodged and laughed again.

"Don't forget, I'm stronger now.

- Mm? Oh really? - Avie recklessly grinned: - What about Ninjutsu?

Shikamaru shrugged his shoulders and turned around and waved his hand.

- I have to go, I was glad to meet you, oh ... - stopping, Shikamaru slightly turned his head: - Come tomorrow to our training ground, I would not mind checking these of yours - Ninjutsu. I just love to watch your clothes slip forever. It's so mesmerizing!

- Oh you!

Laughing, Shikamaru disappeared in a burst of leaves.

Left alone in the wasteland, Avie unclenched her fists, and then for some reason smiled warmly. For the first time in a while, she felt better. Talking to him noticeably lifted her spirits.

- Then until tomorrow ... - smiling, the girl turned around and disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

At the same moment, Shikamaru finally reached the Hokage residence. Fortunately, no one met him again. Although Hiruzen does not pay attention to being late, Shikamaru is not used to making others wait, because he himself did not like it. So this time he hurried and quickly arrived at the door of Hiruzen's office.

Before he could even knock, a hoarse voice was heard from behind the door:

- Come in Shikamaru.

He immediately entered the Hokage's office. After fleetingly inspecting the situation, the guy's gaze immediately settled on the grinning Hiruzen.

"What's the matter with him?" - The Hokage's smile was not uncommon, only he had never met Shikamaru with such a happy face. It was even creepy.

- You, as always, are circumspect, even having visited my office so many times. Do you think I'll set a trap here?

Shikamaru shrugged.

- Habit, nothing can be done. While a couple of armchairs would be good for you, every time I secretly hope, but ...

- Yes, - Hiruzen exhaled smoke: - I think it's worth doing a rearrangement, otherwise look, there is a spider web all around. There was no sensible cleaning for ten years ... - clenching the pipe in his teeth, Hiruzen returned his gaze from the ceiling to Shikamaru: - And you are great ... Well kept, your skills have grown noticeably. This girl from the Yamanaka clan is a pretty good Kunoichi. As far as I know, she was going to Anbu and could easily pass the test ... She has great talent in clan Hijutsu, perhaps, she is one of the best that their clan has seen. Unfortunately, she is rather closed and not often found surrounded by people. So it's even amazing that you found a common language with her.

Shikamaru chose a seat near the closet and sat down on the floor, then chuckled.

"Well, I'm a Hokage student.