Chapter 72: Successor

When Shikamaru mentioned him, Hiruzen laughed.

"Ha ha ha, you know what to say to cheer up the old man. Charming such beauties at your age is truly a talent. One of my students would definitely be jealous, he-he-he ...

Shikamaru looked up in surprise.

- Are you talking about Jiraiya-san?

- Ha, if you immediately understood, then his "certain" glory is ahead of him ... - Hiruzen sighed: - Yes, my unlucky student has not appeared for a long time. The last time he took on several assignments and again went on a journey. I am glad that he still fulfills them ...

- Unlucky? He is one of the strongest shinobi in the world.

Hiruzen smiled warmly and nodded.

- Yes, he is a very strong ninja, but he remained the same as I remember him ... I am already old Shikamaru and once in the past I planned to appoint another student of my Hokage, but ... As you might already know, he became a renegade shinobi who betrayed the village, - at this moment, the Hokage noticeably appeared wrinkles, and he sighed softly: - Well, Tsunade categorically refused, she does not want to appear in Konoha at all, but Jiraiya ... to see him now in his place, but, he decided to devote his life to another goal, so it is impossible. Of course, I respect that, because he had reasons.

Returning his gaze to Shikamaru, Hiruzen smiled again.

- And so, I took a new student. Shikaku is the most important advisor to me, and you are his son who took over his father's enormous intellectual abilities. This is not always enough to become Hokage, as you should understand - strength is also important. The Hokage is called the strongest shinobi of the village for a reason ... To great luck, you also have this. Therefore, you are an ideal candidate to become, though not the fifth, but perhaps the sixth or seventh Kage in our village. Even if not, and you decide not to choose this path or for some reason change something in your views, you will somehow become an important Liszt shinobi. Well, and I will try to apply all my abilities and knowledge to this.

Shikamaru looked thoughtfully at Hiruzen and asked:

"Isn't the Hokage chosen by the council of the Jonin and Daimyo?" And making pets and raising them as a substitute looks a little strange. Do people like that? I, one might say, became for many an obstacle to such a desired place.

Hiruzen smiled mysteriously and nodded.

- You are very knowledgeable in certain things, it is very encouraging. But, you should know the main thing - if the Hokage has chosen a successor, then he will take his place. The Jonin Council discusses other matters, although this too. But, of course, the word is always for the Hokage, if, of course, he is still alive and did not choose a successor during his lifetime. As for the Daimyo, well ... - the old man thoughtfully scratched his beard: - His voice is certainly important, but in certain matters the Kage has more power, especially in choosing a successor. The daimyo basically just makes the obvious choice with everyone else.

Shikamaru chuckled.

- Then it turns out that the election of the next Kage is essentially not a choice, but an already resolved issue.

- Here you are right, - exhaling smoke Hiruzen rose: - Usually no one argues with the decision of the Kage, just as they did not argue with the decision of my teacher when he chose me in his place. And, in fact, no one argued with my decision when I nominated Minato. He had an excellent reputation and all the necessary qualities, there could not even be any objections. In his case, I've been eyeing the boy for years. Moreover, I had several candidates in mind. It's easier with you, I already have quite a lot of experience in such matters, which is why I consider you suitable. That is why I immediately decided to choose you, since I was lucky to find such a talent. Otherwise, who knows which way you would go, and who would teach you ... - Hiruzen, smiling rather, removed his hands behind his back: - Well, and also, you have a Sharingan, perhaps you will become the link that can change relations with Uchiha. But, for the same reason, everything will be much more difficult for you. Revealing the power of your eyes to others will not be easy ... Plus, you will be the clear successor, so it will definitely create a lot of trouble for you and allow you to see if you are suitable for this post or not. I will very seriously watch your progress, let's see if it turns your head ... Well, I definitely won't have much time left. I doubt that I will live to see the next generation. Therefore, either now or never. So, since there is an opportunity, I have already made a choice, it is unlikely that I will have such a chance yet. The rest is up to you.

Leaving the table, Hiruzen nodded:

- Come on, today we will test your ability to natural transformation. I was very impressed by your control, and even more so by the amount of chakra. Let's see what you show now.

Shikamaru followed the Hokage and asked in surprise:

- Don't you know my elements? You kind of asked me to demonstrate everything I can.

The old man nodded.

- Yes, but ... You see, your earth and fire may not be the limit. For example, since childhood I had a predisposition to three elements at once. And I'm not the only one. There are quite a few similar cases in Konoha. If we immediately identify your elements, then I will be one step closer to your training program. But even if you only have two elements, it's even better. I specialize in earth and fire techniques. If not, we'll decide there ...

Ten minutes later, Shikamaru and the Hokage finally made it to a nearby training ground, exactly where they first encountered in a short-lived battle. When both arrived, Hiruzen raised his hands up and quickly nodded. Immediately after his signal, one ninja appeared from four sides of the training ground. They all quickly folded the same seals and shouted:

- Print!

As usual ... Shikamaru mentally chuckled and waited for the end of the barrier installation process.

Hiruzen also folded the signs and hit the ground with his palm. In the same seconds from the place of his touch, barely noticeable black marks spread in all directions, connecting with the same marks emanating from the four directions where the ninja touched the ground. When the seals joined together, a spider-like pattern formed on the ground. It spread quickly, and then turned from round to rectangular. It was one huge round seal enclosed in a regular rectangle. In some ways, it even looked like a huge explosive seal, just with a lot of symbols, and they were clearly more complicated. When the seal completed its growth, all four directions were connected by a dark stripe, like a shadow. As soon as this happened, the shadow slowly began to rise. But it was not black, but slightly cloudy. So four walls were formed, blocking everything within this place.