Chapter 73: Pedigree Features

It was difficult to see what was behind this barrier, because of the white muddy walls, but still possible. This barrier was completed in just a couple of seconds, the ninja coped pretty quickly. Yet they already had experience in this, we are not here for the first time.

When it was over, Hiruzen and Shikamaru stood surrounded by barely visible walls and ceiling. The light penetrated well, although the outward view was difficult, but those who were just on the other side of the barrier simply saw emptiness, or rather, an ordinary polygon, without a barrier or something else. All that is left in place are four shinobi sitting in the same position with their eyes closed. They stayed behind to maintain the hiding barrier. It was he who always hid the ongoing training of the Hokage and Shikamaru. He perfectly coped with his pre-assignment, Hiruzen almost always ordered him to be installed. The barrier was even capable of blocking the Byakugan's unique abilities. Unfortunately, it was temporary and needed the support of at least four people. Those inside had about three hours of time. Although that was quite enough ...

When it was over, the Hokage took out a few pieces of paper from his robes and immediately redistributed a small piece to Shikamaru:

- Direct the chakra into it.

The guy nodded and accepted the sheet, and then immediately sent chakra into it. He already knew how to do this, since he had already tested his elements a couple of months ago. Fortunately, you can easily buy this paper in the village. She was an important resource that, oddly enough, the hidden village was producing. This was mainly done by the Chūnins specializing in Iryoninjutsu, it was easier for them to interact with plants. But, sometimes Konoha herself gave out tasks to young shinobi to feed wood with chakra. The process just required special skills and some chakra control. And the trees were unusual.

The cultivation of these trees was natural for the village, yet ordinary people were unable to do this. So while shinobi usually didn't produce anything themselves, these plants were one of the exceptions. It was the same as with weapons for ninja made of special chakra-conducting steel, or medicine pills. All hidden villages were required to have these resources to conduct battles. Chakra paper was used not only for these five-element predisposition checklists. Its main use is of course explosive seals and scrolls, mostly sealing. The conductivity of this chakra paper for the shinobi was irreplaceable.

When Shikamaru sent chakra to the leaf, everything happened just as he expected. The paper caught fire and burnt. It was like that the first time, and this one ... Although Shikamaru increased his compatibility with Yin, it would not have been reflected on paper. Unfortunately, paper does not respond to the elements of Yin and Yang. In addition, she does not react to non-innate elements, so even with a good possession of the land, the paper did not show this in Shikamaru. Of course, if he specifically directed the transformed chakra into the leaf, then everything would have happened differently. But here, as in the case of Kakashi, who once demonstrated his element, even if he owned five of them, the paper showed an innate lightning. Although, Shikamaru believed that the paper reacted rather not to the innate, but to the strongest. But, the question remained, what would happen if Fire and Earth, for example, were equal in percentage of the system.

When Hiruzen saw the expected result, he nodded.

- Okay, Fire is wonderful. Your earthwork techniques are very good too.

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow and asked in surprise.

"Sensei, you knew the result, so why was this check?

- Checking will not hurt, I actually expected it to be earth, but if fire is your main element, that's fine too. It is difficult to check the innate element with other methods. But, we are not here for that. You are great at using two elements, but I have a suspicion that there may be something else with your talent. You at least possess the genes of the Uchiha, Kaguya, as well as ... Uzumaki and Inuzuka.

Shikamaru widened his eyes in shock, and then a couple of moments suddenly came to his mind where Hiruzen seemed to accidentally injure him.

"Damn, you should have expected this sly old man ..."

Hiruzen, who was expecting such a reaction, only laughed:

- What did you want? Thought I would just watch and not find out the truth? The old man grinned. "Naturally I did the tests, even Shikaku was surprised by the results. In general, like me ... It was rather not because of so many pedigrees that it was almost impossible, but rather because of their uniqueness. Some people have compared your blood to all the Konoha clans, so when we found matches with Inuzuka, it was very amazing. You did not tell me about this ... But, as I said before, the main thing that shocked us all was the peculiarities of your blood.

- Features? - Shikamaru had a strange premonition and Hiruzen immediately justified it:

"Your bloodlines differ from those of their owners who were born with this blood. I even asked to get the blood of Inuzuka, Nara and Uchiha in order to accurately compare and understand how everything happened to you. Well, the result shocked us all ... - grinning at the waiting Shikamaru, Hiruzen said:

"You see, the inheritance of blood leaves its mark. I don't really understand this, the Iryonins will tell you more. But the main thing that I understood was the truth about your strength. Your ancestry Nara is congenital, or rather inherited from your father and mother, there is absolutely no doubt about it. Even though there were some oddities. But, as for the other pedigrees that we have tested, namely Inuzuka and Uchiha, everything is completely different here. You see, your blood has a similarity to the ancestry of these clans, which is natural, but this similarity is not simple. We even checked the completely distant relatives of the Inuzuka to make sure of their differences and similarities. In your case, the similarity with their representatives was almost minimal. It exists, but, as I understand it, only between people of different clans can there be such a difference. We can say that although you have the Uchiha bloodline, you are not a close relative of the current Uchiha from Konoha. But, at the same time, there is still a similarity with them, somewhere deep, in some genes ... Estus, one of the Nara researchers who was initiated into tests by your father, even suggested that your blood is like the distant ancestor of Inuzuka and Uchiha. After all, during the check it turned out that the relationship was a little more with Hide Inuzuka, who is about my age. But with a younger member of the clan, the percentage of kinship was noticeably lower. This is the whole strangeness. I have absolutely no idea how you can get the pedigree of a unique clan, but at the same time it would be so different. You were definitely not born with them, but over time you gained. So, Shikamaru, can you finally tell me what's the matter?