Chapter 75: New Techniques

When the Hokage used the technique, Shikamaru clearly remembered the movement of the chakra, that before the hand seals, it was as easy as shelling pears. The water projectile hit the previously created earthen wall, but it did not slow down the technique even for a moment, only slightly weakening it. The water continued to rush towards Shikamaru, which he, of course, already expected. This workout couldn't be so easy.

Quickly folding the seals, Shikamaru hit the ground with his hands, at the same instant a thick wall of soil rose up a couple of meters away from him. The wave continued to move, and then the Hokage's technique collided with a wall of mud.

There was an explosion and somehow, but Shikamaru was able to stop the flow. Its entire wall was covered with a hundred cracks and was about to collapse. But, he was still able to withstand the attack. Although, it was immediately clear that Hiruzen did not even try, but Shikamaru was the opposite.

With a long exhale, the guy removed his hands from the ground and jumped onto the barely standing wall created by him. Noticing the smiling Hiruzen, Shikamaru nodded.

- I remember what next?

- Not bad, your wall is very worthy. Now repeat my technique if you can.

"Okay." Quickly folding the seals, Shikamaru tried to distribute chakra and transform. But, as he expected, nothing came of it. Not even a drop of water was created.

Hiruzen nodded curtly.

- Okay, then further ... This time do not block, I will just show you a good technique. I think you may well be able to master her. Ash first!

Folding the seals, Hiruzen breathed out a small cloud of ash:

- This is an exploding ash, as you may have noticed, the correct ratio of chakra and the correct transformation are important, and now ...

After folding the seal, the smoke exploded sharply like gunpowder.

Shikamaru nodded contentedly and quickly began folding the seals himself, then exhaled, but as soon as he did, the ash detonated abruptly, throwing it aside in an explosion.

Hiruzen appeared next to him and laughed:

- Ha-ha, not bad! You almost did it. But you must understand the essence of the transformation, or rather the moment when it is not yet completely complete, and then complete it after creating the smoke. This technique is very useful in this regard. Especially if you want to learn.

Shikamaru, covered in dirt and soot, slowly stood up and straightened his tousled hair.

- You could say that it will turn out that way.

The old man grinned and shrugged.

"I actually thought you could. Technique is only B rank.

"Well, yes, just something ... I taught the wall the ground for almost two hours, because he knows himself" - having shaken off the soot from his hands and face, Shikamaru did not suffer much, so he again looked at the Hokage and asked:

- Next is the Wind or Lightning?

Hiruzen stroked his beard a little, then said:

- Not yet ... Wait a minute with the Burning Ash Cloud, you will study it later. I'll show you a few more techniques, it's much easier than learning them from scrolls. If you remember the correct movement of the chakra, it will be much faster. Yes, and useful for the Sharingan. Let's do it for now, and then let's get down to the wind.

"Okay," Shikamaru nodded in agreement, and then Hiruzen continued to demonstrate fire techniques, sometimes complementing them with earth elemental techniques. Shikamaru used all the power of his eyes tensely so as not to miss a single detail. After all, Hiruzen showed not some weak techniques, but very powerful and useful ones. Of course, it was not something like a Combo of the Five Elements, but also worthy of a Jutsu.

Here is a long list of them:

Fire Release: Burning Ash Cloud

Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Projectile

Earth Release: Great Mud River

Earth Release: Underground Fish Projection Technique

Earth Release: Mud Dragon Projectile

Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet

Earth Release: Mud Spore

Earth Release: Landslide

Fire Release: Flying Fire Projectile

Fire Release: Fire Dragon Song Technique

Fire Release: Great Fire Flower

Earth Release: Mole Hiding Technique

Earth Release: Rip Drill Fang

Earth Release: Earth Dragon

Earth Release: Shadow Clone

Fire Release: Shadow Clone

Most of the techniques Shikamaru was able to perform immediately, especially those of the C rank. With experience, it turned out to be even easier to copy and there were much more positive results. As for the more difficult jutsu, Shikamaru probably had more practice with each of them. Although he had talents for control and transformation, he could not just take and execute everything perfectly like an experienced Uchiha or Copy Ninja. For such things, training was also needed.

Hiruzen basically reduced the strength of the techniques as much as possible, because among them were very dangerous ones, capable of literally destroying everything tens of meters around, and the barrier was not that big. So he had to adapt, and Shikamaru had to learn under these conditions. In the future, the guy decided to try to use these Jutsu in non-villages, for the sake of experience and consolidation of the result.

In general, the old man was right, learning by example thanks to the Sharingan was a hundred times faster and easier. Shikamaru may have made mistakes, but it was only temporary, when he became fully proficient in transforming and copying thanks to his eyes, this would quickly be resolved and he would be able to copy immediately, without much training. And everything that he saw now has already been deposited in his mind and will not be forgotten. This Sharingan was really very useful and dangerous. However, the Hokage immediately said that he would definitely help with this next time, now the teacher and student proceeded to the next stage - checking the remaining two elements.

Stopping again against the earthen wall, Hiruzen quickly folded the seals and shouted:

- Wind Release: Great Gust!

At the same instant, a strong gust of wind blew out of the old man's mouth, rushing immediately into the earthen wall. That from such a blow simply scattered to the debris to the sides, and then Hiruzen simply scattered his Jutsu.

Shikamaru folded the seals out of habit and tried to repeat the technique, but this time, oddly enough, he succeeded. A light breeze blew aside, kicking up some dust into the air, and then dissipating. In general, something like that Shikamaru expected. His ability to transform the wind was too weak. We can say they were minimal. Although, he knew that he had the opportunity to get more compatibility, and not only with the wind. Yet he had a very useful elixir available. But the guy waited until he had at least ten thousand points, so that he would certainly get the opportunity to get a new pedigree. He was not particularly eager to complete new tasks and obtain new elements, he still had not figured out these, so such a decision was reasonable. Show him now the five elements to Hiruzen and it could interfere. Although he was not averse to getting a new pedigree, now it all boiled down to a new pill.