Chapter 76

When Hiruzen saw a feeble attempt to repeat his technique, he was visibly surprised. This time, Shikamaru did something. Of course, he already expected that the guy can own three elements, but up to this point he still doubted. Shikamaru's wind may have been very bad, but it can be developed to standard values. Hiruzen had experience in this, and Shikamaru was still very young. Some shinobi at his age do not even really know how to control chakra, so this is fixable. True, Hiruzen was not sure if it was worth doing now. The new element will only add to the guy's problems ... The Hokage was well aware that Shikamaru was taking on a lot.

"Hmm, I think a few weak techniques will not interfere with him, he may be able to use them in battle, and he will help in training as well" - nodding affirmatively to his thoughts, Hiruzen folded his seals again and said:

- Now we will check the lightning, and then we will deal with your wind.

Shikamaru did not answer, but simply strained his eyes, looking closely towards the Hokage. He already knew the result, but remembering the technique would not be superfluous. Everything that the Sharingan sees cannot be erased from memory, and one more technique will not hurt. The hokage will certainly not use something trivial in the demonstration. One day Shikamaru will master the lightning, so it will play into his hands.

Having folded the seals, Hiruzen slowly accumulated chakra, which over time began to sparkle after transformation and emit a characteristic crackling noise. Even the old man's body was hard to see from the intensity of the sparks. But Shikamaru did not look away, for the Sharingan the bright light was not important. When Hiruzen had gathered enough chakra, he finally shouted:

- Lightning Release: Thunder Dragon Bolt!

Having released all the power of lightning from his hands, a three-meter dragon formed in the air. Shikamaru knew that this was definitely not the limit of this technique, the Hokage, as usual, reduced the strength of the jutsu. Even so, the remaining stone wall simply shattered into pieces when the technique reached it. The jutsu was no weaker than the Fire Dragon, released not so long ago, this clearly showed the skill of the Third in all five elements. He was truly a Shinobi Professor. Shikamaru could not even imagine the power of all five elements in one technique if Hiruzen used it. Although he had "seen" the battles of the Jonin in the past, he now doubted his knowledge. Even these seemingly not particularly dangerous techniques could easily finish off Shikamaru, let alone S-Rank Ninjutsu.

Clapping his hands, Hiruzen seemed to give an order to his technique and the lightning immediately dispelled. All that remains are a few sparks still whizzing in the air.

Shikamaru exhaled a long breath and deactivated the Sharingan, today he really learned a lot and his views changed slightly. Especially on conversions and the impact of control with seals. The concept of true ninjutsu has certainly changed for him. Now he was sure that he could perform the Great Fireball much better.

He remembered absolutely everything, but already knew that this last Jutsu was not yet able to repeat exactly. The technique was very beautiful and at the same time very dangerous. Lightning has its own special beauty that slightly fascinated Shikamaru.

- Master, that was ... Impressive.

The old man stroked his beard and grinned:

- Ha, you should have seen me when I was young. Yes, there were times ... - Hiruzen somehow sighed sadly and raised his head to the sky. After a couple of seconds, he returned his gaze to Shikamaru.

- Well, will you repeat it?

Shikamaru shrugged.

- I doubt it, but I'll try.

Having folded the seals, Shikamaru naturally did not succeed. In principle, the Hokage could not bother so much and give some simple techniques. Compatibility with an element could be checked and much easier, without any Jutsu. But, Shikamaru did not argue, if the Hokage decided so, then why not. After all, he has already gained a lot from this training. Perhaps Hiruzen was counting on this.

When the Hokage saw, or rather did not see the results, he was not particularly surprised and simply nodded:

"Okay, then let me show you a few techniques of the element of wind, and then the lesson will be over. I still have a lot of work ahead of me, and you still have a lot to do.

- Got it.

For the next half hour, Hiruzen demonstrated a few more techniques to Shikamaru, and then, as usual, the old man left the barrier, followed by the Anbu training ground. So Shikamaru was left alone again, continuing to practice for about two more hours.


That same evening.

"Haa, how nice ..." Exhaling in satisfaction, Shikamaru completely immersed himself in the water. Finally, he relaxed calmly in the hot springs. Sometimes he liked to visit this place and often remembered his first visit here. Back in the days when he was in the hospital. Usually he only laughed at the whole situation. Taking pills in the hospital was just a brilliant idea, you can't say anything ...

With a relaxed smile, Shikamaru opened his eyes and was surprised to find a man on the other side of the source. He didn't get much attention, and Shikamaru didn't notice him when he arrived here. This, of course, did not surprise him much, this often happens, ninjas are very invisible. Rather, the personality of this man was very special. Shikamaru couldn't confuse him, it was definitely him ... White hair, bored eyes, closed left eye with a scar and a half-face mask. Someone, but Hatake Kakashi Shikamaru certainly did not expect to see here. He met Asuma a couple of times at the springs and even several times other famous Shinobi, but this is his first time.

Kakashi looked calmly at Shikamaru, who looked at him. They sat like this for about a minute, until Kakashi broke the silence.

- Good water.

"Yeah," agreed Shikamaru.

- Yes, and a good day.

- I agree...

And again silence. But, after a couple of minutes, the guy introduced himself:

`` I am Shikamaru Nara, and you ...

- Kakashi Hatake.

- Oh, - the young man made a surprised face, and then fell silent.

Kakashi thought for a bit and then asked:

- Are you surprised?

"Rather glad." When Kakashi was surprised, Shikamaru explained, "You're just famous."

- And what am I famous for?

Shikamaru raised his head and thoughtfully replied:

"Well, you are the son of Konoha White Fang, a genius, as well as a Copy Ninja. You are one of the most important ninja villages.

Kakashi smiled oddly.

- How much do you know ... How old are you, Shikamaru?

- Six.

"Oh," Kakashi was surprised now. "I forgot that his son had already grown so much." So many years have passed.

- Do you know my father? Shikamaru asked.

Kakashi nodded.

"Of course, he is also one of the most important ninja in the village. Although, I think each ninja is important in its own way.

The silence dragged on again. Shikamaru splashed a little water and washed his face, after which he asked:

"Kakashi-san, I've heard about your technique - Chidori. You can show?

The man slightly tilted his head to one side and asked:

- What for?

The guy shrugged his shoulders:

- Just wondering. In return, I will also show you my technique.

The man squinted one eye and after a moment asked:

- And what is this technique?

- Something special, I promise you will definitely be surprised.