Chapter 77: Dance of the Dead Shadows

Kakashi was naturally very surprised. It was not often possible to meet such a knowledgeable guy. Although, it even slightly interested him. It wasn't difficult to show Chidori, and why would he refuse, is it just a common technique?

`` Hmm, well, why not ... '' With a sigh, Kakashi pulled his hands out of the water and folded several seals.

Ox → Rabbit → Monkey.

Kakashi's hand seals folded quite quickly. But this was natural, Shikamaru did not even pay attention to such a thing. Jonin has to fold hand seals at that speed. Otherwise, he would not have dared to be called Jonin. And the Copy Ninja should definitely be a master at this.

Then, Kakashi raised his left hand in front of him, after which he took it by the other hand by the wrist. After a couple of seconds, small sparks of lightning began to crackle on the open palm, and after a moment the sparks increased in thousands and the sound immediately changed. Instead of crackling, lightning began to whistle, creating a sound similar to the chirping of birds. After completing the technique, Kakashi glanced at Shikamaru, who in turn was keeping an eye on the man's hand. Lightning flashed in his eyes. The technique clearly impressed him. Kakashi chuckled slightly and stopped the chakra flow, which quickly dispelled the Chidori.

- Well, now it's your turn. What will you show there? Kakashi tilted his head in interest and waited. He had long since realized that Shikamaru is not just an ordinary child. He clearly practiced Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. His whole body was talking about it, especially his hands, and it was definitely not something ordinary. Besides, he was Nara, which only fueled interest.

When the Chidori dissipated, Shikamaru blinked and smiled.

- Really good technique. Your lightning transformation is impressive. Apparently, the technique is not very stable, right?

Kakashi raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked:

- Why do you think so?

Shikamaru scratched his chin thoughtfully, then nodded.

- A big waste of chakra ... The shape of your technique is not very stable, a lot of chakra goes to empty due to incomplete shape. It can be said that your Chidori is not exactly the technique that was intended. Well, I think so ... I doubt you expected such chakra losses. And control over lightning is not needed weak. This differs from normal ninjutsu, with slightly different rules for control, shape change and transformation. You are a strong shinobi though, so this is not such a problem for you. But, in a long fight, this technique is not very useful, am I right?

Kakashi was clearly amazed, at first he didn't even know what to answer, and then he pulled himself together and nodded.

"You're right, I don't know how you guessed, but I created Chidori as a result of trying to create a different technique. More precisely, add your natural lightning chakras to one ready-made technique. In the end, everything turned out like this ... It became difficult to keep in shape, because of this, chakra losses increased. So this jutsu is not particularly suitable for frequent use. Even so, it is quite deadly due to its destructive power and speed.

Shikamaru nodded thoughtfully. In fact, he didn't quite figure this out on his own. Some memories were a good help in such conversations. Although, the expenditure of chakra and the unstable form of Chidori was visible to him anyway. There was no need to even know the history.

- Have you tried to give a different shape to the technique, a blade for example?

Kakashi was startled again and then laughed.

- Haha, you're right, I've already thought about it. Based on this, my other technique was created - Raikiri. I slightly changed the distribution of the lightning, and also strengthened the shape, making it sharper.

- Oh, I see ... Then how about releasing the sharp Chidori form not in the hand, but in several directions? Shikamaru suggested.

Kakashi nodded thoughtfully.

- This is an interesting thought. Lightning is fast enough and I can easily affect several opponents at once, hitting their nervous system, - Kakashi turned his gaze to Shikamaru and smiled: - You are a pretty smart guy, thanks for the idea.

Shikamaru laughed and waved his hand.

- What are you, Kakashi-san, I'm just chatting. It's time for me to show you my technique, we agreed.

Shikamaru simply suggested to Kakashi the technique Sasuke had created - Chidori Flow, and before that he had only mentioned Raikiri a little. He thought that Kakashi might not have created it yet and wanted to give him a little hint. But, since he already owned it, then it's okay. Now is the time to demonstrate your own technique.

Shikamaru rose from the water and without worrying about his appearance, he quickly began to fold the seals. These seals were typical of Ninjutsu Nara, but somewhat different. Kakashi frowned slightly and slowly opened his left eye. Having brought to light the famous Sharingan. He suddenly became curious what this curious boy would demonstrate. Shikamaru didn't pay attention to it, no matter how Kakashi watched, he still wouldn't be able to copy anything. After folding a dozen seals, Shikamaru growled.

- Dance of dead shadows! - at the same instant, several fast shadow tentacles flew out of Shikamaru's body, but at the same time their edges were tangible and seemed to be compacted by something. Out of the corner of his eye, Kakashi noticed that there was something white in them that looked like ... Bones. The bones were large enough to project additional shadows, there were about twenty of them. In just a second, all the bones covered the area around Kakashi, at the same time the shadows merged into a shadow circle - empty inside. Experienced Jonin tensed, this was the first time he had seen something like this. Bones flew out of the guy's body, combined with the shadows of the Nara. But, it was only a second before Shikamaru changed the hand seal. At the same moment, the circle of shadows quickly began to fill. Kakashi immediately understood how everything was working and moved abruptly, trying to leave the circle. But at the same moment, one of the bones twitched and, guided by the shadow, quickly flew towards Kakashi.

"Ho, how interesting ..." - the man took his torso to the side and dodged the bone, but the one controlled by the shadow easily changed its trajectory and continued the chase. All the bones forming the net also moved and flew towards Kakashi. Each of them flew in a certain direction. But naturally, the shadow was not infinite, so the bones eventually separated and in a certain direction crashed into the ground to lengthen the shadow. This was perhaps one of the weaknesses of the original technique - its size, not counting chakra loss. Although, the losses were no longer so dangerous for Shikamaru, after gaining the Uzumaki bloodline. The based weakness of the shadows in which they were harmless to enemies disappeared after Shikamaru combined them with the sharp bones of his genome. The second weakness - the limited distance of the shadow, was also half-eliminated, also thanks to the bones. Shikamaru has long studied absolutely the entire set of techniques of the clan, thanks to which he created the technique created by Shikadai - the Fields of Shadow Imitation. But, it was not particularly effective in a direct collision, but it was on the basis of it that this one was created. Basically, Shikamaru had already created a more deadly version, but against Kakashi, he simply demonstrated the usual Dance of the Dead Shadows.