Chapter 78: The Festival

The experienced Jongin was still strong and seasoned in Shinobi battles, even if without equipment. Kakashi quickly broke the distance and broke away from the pursuit. Although even he found it difficult to dodge, the shadows were much faster than the normal Nara shadows. Yes, and Shikamaru controlled them like his own limbs. Breaking away, after a moment, the shadow arrived at Kakashi. But, the fight was not serious, so Shikamaru did not want to overdo it too much, so within ten seconds of the demonstration, he folded another seal and all the shadows, along with bones, were thrown into his body with incredible speed. When it was over, the guy let out a long sigh and returned to the hot spring again:

- Something like that...

Standing ten meters away from this young ninja, Kakashi smiled in surprise. This he certainly did not expect ...

"Damn, these shadows ... This is the first time I've seen this, and even these things, they were definitely bones. Hmm, bones ... If it's not ... "Kakashi stared in amazement at the relaxed guy and muttered:

"How is it possible ..." With a frown, he immediately realized a lot, but then, Kakashi shook his head and returned to the source. When he finally got into the water and relaxed, Shikamaru asked:

- How do you like it? This is my special technique. I combined the power of my Genome with the clan Hijutsu. As for me, the Shadow Needle Technique reflects the basic abilities of our clan. My father created the perfect capture technique, albeit not without flaws. But for me, its properties are not very practical, I prefer to fight, rather than shackle enemies.

Kakashi was silent for a moment and then asked:

"Is your genome the genome of the Kaguya clan?"

Shikamaru nodded curtly. There was no reason for him to hide it anymore, Danz was aware, so some of the dangers were dropped, and the Kage's protection and his own abilities gave him more confidence. Of course, Shikamaru understood that the Hokage was looking after him for more than just the kindness of his soul. The guy's abilities were useful to the village, albeit in the future, so he could well use her protection without hesitation. He may not have been such a patriot, but in difficult times he would certainly have defended the village. As for the dangerous Orochimaru, he is unlikely to find the courage to pry into the village now. Plus, he's kind of a lot more interested in Sasuke. His obsession with the Sharingan speaks volumes. It is for this reason that opening these eyes was naturally unwise at the moment, unlike Shikotsumyaku. Orochimaru may not have Kimmimaru yet, but he will soon.

When Kakashi received the answer, although he confirmed his thoughts, he was still surprised:

- But how?

Shikamaru shrugged.

- Nobody knows.

- And you just told me about it? Kakashi narrowed his eyes. "That's pretty important information."

Sensing that piercing gaze, Shikamaru smiled nervously.

"You're Hatake Kakashi, I'm sure I can trust you. The person who said, "In the shinobi world, those who do not obey the rules are called trash, but those who do not care about their comrades, which are much worse than trash," will definitely not stab me in the back. Well, and also, I have some protection and I know when to say something and to whom it is "something" to say.

When Kakashi heard those words again, he was once again amazed. He didn't say that often, very infrequently, but this guy heard that phrase from somewhere. It was too strange and suspicious ... Hearing these familiar words again, the man involuntarily remembered the past and sighed heavily.

Shikamaru was silent, and noticing Kakashi's condition, he also recalled. He knew well what both Obito and Kakashi had gone through, but of course he would never have been able to feel all their feelings and understand all the pain and loneliness. He sympathized with Kakashi and could only partially understand him. Yet he lost his father much later and his childhood was filled with hunger, cold and struggle. It is difficult to compare with the war, but still they both grew up alone ...

Shikamaru sighed and chuckled softly with a slight sadness in his eyes. These memories were still vivid in his memory, even if he started a new life here. Kakashi looked up and, after observing the guy's unusual state for a bit, asked:

- What's the matter?

Shikamaru came to his senses and looked up, smiled again.

"No, nothing, I just remembered something," the guy waved his hand and slowly began to get up: "Okay, Kakashi-san ..." Standing up, Shikamaru said, "I'll go.

"We need to consolidate the learned techniques," he added mentally, and then turned around.

"Hmm," Kakashi paused for a while, and then waved back, "Good luck guy, I think we'll see you again.

Shikamaru nodded, grabbed a towel, and leisurely left the springs.

Left among the steam in warm water, Kakashi muttered thoughtfully:

- Shikamaru, huh? - straightening the mask, the man finally relaxed and exhaled. He didn't expect something so interesting to happen today.

"I should probably talk to the Hokage ..."

Shikamaru had already changed at this time, and then went to the exit. Leaving, he waved to the old woman:

- Thank you, Grandma Ryo, I'll come back after tomorrow.

The old woman waved the newspaper in displeasure.

- Yes, just close the door ...

Shikamaru grinned and left, sliding the door behind him. This grumpy grandmother hasn't changed at all. She probably still remembered the day Shikamaru first arrived there.

Once on the street of Konoha, the young man smiled contentedly and breathed in fresh air. Do not say about the ninja and their rules, and he really liked the village. The fresh air and this warm atmosphere are so deeply ingrained in his bones. Shikamaru really began to love this quiet village ...

Although, Konoha was not so quiet at this hour. Today was the Fire Festival and paper lanterns lit most of the village streets. No electricity, just the warm and warming light of paper lanterns. All of Konoha today was extraordinarily beautiful and lively. Looking at the stars already rising in the sky, Shikamaru quietly closed his eyes and inhaled again.

Streets were decorated with colorful ribbons dominated by bright reds. People dressed up in the most beautiful clothes and the holiday was about to begin very soon, as the sun had barely set over the horizon. The festival will take place in the main square, where the Hokage must appear with his speech. This was the usual tradition of the main spring holiday.

Shikamaru even forgot that such an event would happen today, now it became clear why Hiruzen was in such a hurry. Probably, he had much more to do than usual today. Opening his eyes and observing the people passing by, the guy smiled a little and slowly headed home. He was not very fond of crowded places. Although the festive atmosphere lifted his spirits, he did not want to spoil it with noisy crowds. Now he wanted to enjoy the quiet atmosphere of his home while gazing at the stars and sipping sake.

"My father seemed to have been busy the last week at the residence, and my mother would definitely not have missed such a holiday. Beauty, I will rest in silence ... "With a rather grin, Shikamaru continued on his way, looking at the decorated streets of Konoha.