Chapter 79

"Yes, an interesting conversation came out with Kakashi. In reality, he seemed to me even calmer. Although, there is a very pleasant aura around him, no matter how strange it sounds. He is not verbose, which I liked, but sometimes I get carried away ... Ha, if it's Guy's business, he's not for him as soon as he starts chatting, "Shikamaru stopped abruptly and narrowed his eyes, he felt a strange movement from behind, and there were no people around, it was suspicious. But then everything stopped, and when Shikamaru turned around, he was surprised to find several people in the distance.

"Hmm, so it was their shinobi, no wonder ..." Shikamaru immediately realized who had swept along beside him a second ago. Several members of the Hyūga clan walked straight ahead. Among them were both Hinata and Neji. There was also the head of their clan and several other famous members. Shikamaru has already studied the files of many ninjas during his work in the archive, several Hyugas were also present there.

In general, he was a little surprised, yet it is not often these people can be seen in the village, and even in such numbers. These shinobi do not appear in public very often. In any case, he was not going to chat with them. They, one might say, were from different worlds. Almost everyone except the children walked with their heads held high, not even paying attention to Shikamaru. Therefore, waving to Hinata, the guy continued on his way ...

"Noble clan huh? How serious they are ... Well, one way or another, I will make my clan noble in due time. You have to start somewhere ... "


The next day, right after the festival, Kakashi decided to head straight for the Third Hokage. He returned from his mission yesterday, rested at the hot springs as usual, and then drank with Guy and the rest of his childhood friends the rest of the time. But, all that time, he did not get out of his head meeting with Shikamaru Nara, a rather amazing young man. Everything would be fine, an intelligent and quick-witted guy, has some talents, even Shikotsumyaku Kakashi could well accept. He himself became Chūnin at the age of six, so this could not surprise him much. He just also knew that this genome is not something typical and may well cause problems for its carrier. But, the boy was definitely confident in his words and was not at all afraid of disclosing such an important secret, according to Kakashi. He didn't know if this was false bravado or not, but he definitely had to talk to the Hokage about it. If a guy is just showing off, it can cost him dear. He knew what Danz was capable of and was confident that he would simply not pass up the opportunity to get Shikamaru. Of course, Kakashi also suspected that the Hokage was already aware of everything, but he wanted to make sure of it for sure. The boy seemed to him very promising, and most importantly, he created his own technique. Moreover, it was not some simple technique, it was definitely a strong ninjutsu, at least B rank. Basically, Hijutsu was also divided into ranks, just in each clan there were different methods. But feeling this ninjutsu on himself, Kakashi could say for sure - this is definitely a strong Jutsu, it is not an easy task to create such a thing as a child. Such talent is no longer just skills and abilities. Creating your own techniques at this age is already a serious matter. Kakashi ran into Danz at one time, and he realized that he would definitely not be stopped by the Nara clan if he found out about this. Therefore, it was worthwhile to play it safe and discuss the situation with the Third.

Silently making his way to the roof of the Hokage's residence, Kakashi hid out of habit. Today he wore his standard Anbu outfit, wearing a cat mask. After exchanging glances with several familiar personalities, he nodded briefly at them, greeted them, and then quickly moved to Hiruzen's office.

Noticing the movement, the old man looked up in surprise from the papers, and when he realized who in front of him smiled slightly:

"Kakashi, good to see you. How is Itachi doing?

More recently, Kakashi, along with Itachi, were on a mission to monitor the negotiations of the Forest Country shinobi, unfortunately the deal was canceled by the Forest Country. But it didn't seem like Hiruzen was particularly upset about this.

Looking from behind the mask on the Hokage, the man spoke:

- After the mission he headed home, I think he's fine.

"This is good," Hiruzen lit his pipe. "So why did you come? I thought you had a couple of days off.

Kakashi was silent for a moment, and then finally said:

- This is about one child. I met Shikamaru Nara yesterday and ...

The man did not have time to finish, when Hiruzen chuckled and asked:

- Are you surprised? How do you like it?

"Oh, so you know," Kakashi breathed out in relief, "That's good," then he replied, "He's not bad, even though I didn't have time to test his skills. Only one ninjutsu, but even that was amazing. I think he has a lot of chakra, at his age this is a good achievement.

- I'll tell you more, - Hiruzen exhaled smoke: - His skills are not worse than yours at your age. In taijutsu, he certainly would not yield to you.

"Is he really that capable?" Kakashi smiled. "Looks like Shikaku-senpai is growing a worthy heir.

Hiruzen grinned with satisfaction, but did not say about his plans for the boy, but simply asked:

- So what did you want to say? Did he do something strange?

"Yes," Kakashi nodded. "He showed me his ... abilities.

The Hokage exhaled smoke and narrowed his eyes.

- What are you talking about?

"This ... Apparently, this is the genome of the Kaguya clan. I read about him and ...

Hiruzen interrupted:

- I know what you mean, you don't have to explain.

Kakashi let out a sigh of relief.

- It's good. My point is that it is quite dangerous to demonstrate your abilities this way, especially when there are some personalities in the village.

Hiruzen smiled and chuckled:

- I understand what you mean ... But you don't have to worry, we can say this issue is somewhat sorted out. Although it's still strange why he decided to show you his powers ... - Hiruzen thoughtfully stroked his beard: - It seems he decided that you can be trusted. How perceptive ... - Hiruzen put down the receiver and said: - You don't have to worry, nothing threatens him.

Kakashi nodded briefly and got up to leave, but then he remembered something and stopped:

- And something else.

- Yes?

- He showed me the technique of at least B-rank, there were bones and shadows, apparently he created it himself, someone from Nara definitely would not have been able to, for obvious reasons.

Hiruzen tilted his head and asked in surprise:

- What kind of technique? Can you describe?

When Kakashi spoke in more detail, Hiruzen leaned back in his chair and chuckled.

- Dance of the Dead Shadows, ha, not a bad name. It looks like this kid decided to show it to you, but not to me, to his teacher, that's the impudent one.

- To the teacher? - Kakashi was amazed: - Hokage-sama, you ... Did you take him as a student?

- Yes, - the Hokage picked up his phone again: - It just so happened, I wanted to find him a good teacher, but after thinking everything over, it turned out that I fit him much better. Although, looking at you now ... - Hiruzen narrowed his eyes: - Maybe I hurried.

- What do you have in mind?

Hiruzen waved his hand:

- Nothing, the job has already been done. But, thanks for letting me know Kakashi, now I was wondering what kind of technique he invented there. Here is a smart guy ...

Kakashi grinned wryly and disappeared, leaving the satisfied Hokage alone with his thoughts.