Chapter 83: Hinata Hyuga

Smiling, Shikamaru turned his gaze to the side, continuing to inspect his group. During his studies, he managed to get to know most of those present. Even with some older children, he was able to get to know Rock Lee, for example, or the cute Tenten, who is obsessed with different types of weapons. The topic with Kusarigama was very informative. Even at seven years old, the girl gave Shikamaru a lot of information to think about. It was then that he began to think about his own weapon. Although he was attracted to different fist styles, he didn't mind possessing something edgy.

Shikamaru was definitely not shy or withdrawn, he rather simply loved silence, and sometimes, on the contrary, loved to have fun, especially annoying Avie. He was not very interested in flirting with little girls, so he had to relax like that. Well, you could also enjoy the views in hot springs, on especially crowded women's days ...

Stopping his gaze on the girl sitting on the second desk in the middle row, Shikamaru involuntarily recalled some of the events that happened not so long ago. She was one of the few who still managed to solve the test by this time, by the end of the lesson. Her dark blue short hair barely fell over a white blouse with a high warm collar, gently warming her pale neck. Hinata Hyuga sat, as always, in her usual calm manner and just waited for the end of the lesson.

Not far from her, there was another girl who had finished the test even earlier. She, like the others, was dressed in warm clothes. Her pink hair was slightly longer than Hinata's and fell over a green sweater with fluffy sleeves. Sakura relaxed gnawing at the pencil, looking around the whole class, in it one could catch a clear superiority, which amused Shikamaru a little. With such a sweet face and such beautiful eyes, her behavior looked quite charming ... When their gazes met, he once again winked at the pink-haired woman. Sakura was immediately embarrassed and blushed slightly as she quickly turned away. She was clearly uncomfortable with such signs of attention, and this was not the first time, Shikamaru did so often. He just liked to see her embarrassed face. Although her reaction was very strange. The guy reasonably believed that he was handsome enough to attract the attention of many girls, and so it happened, but not with her. It was as unusual as possible, Sakura sometimes cast a sidelong glance at Sasuke, and sometimes at Shikamaru, it was even more amazing, she did not shout or run after anyone ... Although, lately, Ino and Sakura began to get along and kind of like found a common language. Maybe it just hasn't come to this yet and everything may be ahead ...

"Sakura is not chasing Sasuke, and Naruto is fixated on training, where I got ..." - grinning, Shikamaru returned his gaze to Hinata and remembered the event three days ago.

Three days ago.

A short, dark-haired boy without a hat walked slowly along the snow-covered street of Konoha, he looked no more than eight or seven years old, but what he did, raised questions. Putting his hands in the pockets of his gray down jacket, Shikamaru smoked a cigarette without worrying about passers-by. Lately, he has not been shy at all, lighting a cigarette anywhere. Naturally, the parents did not encourage this, especially the mother. But, he was not interested in their opinion.

As usual, making his way to the Academy, he was a little late today, which caused him to walk alone, without Chоji. Training with Guy sometimes has consequences ... In general, already approaching the Academy, the guy found a rather interesting sight. He even didn't want to go to boring lessons, he quickened his pace and began to listen.

Not far, literally ten meters from him, something curious was happening.

Three boys surrounded the short girl and laughed wildly. Of course, Shikamaru recognized Hinata immediately. The girl in a warm red jacket and white scarf, her lavender eyes were, as always, very attractive and innocent. Shikamaru always liked them, there was something unusual about them. He was always curious to see those eyes with some special emotion. Anger, envy, love, lust ... Although, he had no time to admire. The three stood a meter away from Hinata and called her names, laughing and poking their fingers.

The scene was very familiar and utterly weird, no defenders of the Hyuuga heiress, it was too surprising. But, Shikamaru remembered exactly this event, only ... Looking at the lonely swinging swing, Shikamaru frowned and swore.

- It sucks ... - he clearly did not expect this, he did not think at all about the consequences of his actions, until this moment. Now he realized that Hinata was left defenseless that day, Naruto was not around, the boy was probably training and did not even know what had happened. Unlike himself in the past, Naruto really devotes a lot of time to development and very often consults with Shikamaru about training, and Chоji too. Basically, these two train together. As a result, the girl is alone, on this very day ...

Shikamaru, out of habit, took a drag and exhaled smoke, and then briskly walked towards the three. Since Naruto was not here, he simply could not leave, this of course could create a slightly unusual situation, but he still was not able to pass by this.

"And where are her guards? Are the Hyuuga blind? " - already approaching closer to these jerks, Shikamaru asked loudly: - Hey you, have you arranged a hurley here?

- Haha, I think her eyes are more like ... - the boy in the middle, the oldest and a little plump, did not have time to finish when he heard Shikamaru's displeased voice behind his back. The Troy immediately fell silent and turned around warily. But when they saw only a short guy in front of them, one of the children immediately laughed:

- Ha, look, what kind of idiot is this? - this guy wore a white hat with a pompom and was the smallest of them all.

On the other side of the fat man, medium in height, the guy in the black sword narrowed his eyes:

- Look, does he have a cigarette?

- Ha-ha, exactly ... - a boy in a white hat shouted: - Hey, you moron! Come here, show me what's in your bag.

Shikamaru wore a small backpack, a gray jacket with a fur hood and matching trousers. But when he heard the words of this daredevil, he even involuntarily laughed:

- What a funny ... Yeah, in my past people like you very quickly put in place, - exhaling smoke, Shikamaru shook off the ashes: - And usually a cigarette was the first remedy.

- What are you doing there?

"Ha, older brother, this idiot, in my opinion, suggests itself," snorted the boy in the black hat.

The small one nodded:

- Exactly, these stinking first years do not know manners at all! It is worth teaching him to respect his elders.

But, the two finally noticed the oddity, their "older brother", the one that was the largest and tallest, stood motionless, he froze and did not move. When the two guys looked into his face, they recoiled in horror ...

- Oh! What is it?!

- B-brother ... your face ...

Shikamaru, standing in the distance, exhaled smoke and chuckled.

`` Although, you can and so, be a shinobi much more practical, '' having said this, Shikamaru threw his cigarette into the snow and slowly walked towards the trio, all three immediately fell to the ground and began to tumble and tremble, screeching with fear. Actually, Shikamaru didn't use anything special, just a little genjutsu for little kids, kind of a waking nightmare. Although, if he could use the Sharingan, then he would not refuse to make everything more amazing, then these fools would certainly not have any more thoughts of offending the girl.

Stopping a couple of steps away from the boys writhing in the snow, Shikamaru chuckled.

- Sleep guys, - immediately, with the last word of the guy, all three stopped moving and lost consciousness.

Stepping over the fat man, Shikamaru came close to Hinata.