Chapter 84: Hinata Hyuga (2)

The girl continued to squat, tears were still visible on the edges of her eyes, and looking at that cute pale face, Shikamaru could not resist and stepped on the fat man's foot. After a muffled scream, the guy slowly walked over to Hinata and held out his hand to her. The girl hesitantly looked at the boys lying in the snow who had recently teased her, and then at Shikamaru's outstretched hand, immediately noticing the thick layer of bandages. Hinata barely touched the boy's fingers, then hesitantly asked:

- What's with your hand?

"Oh, this ..." Shikamaru extended his palm further and still grabbed Hinata by the fingers, quickly lifting her to her feet: "It's just bandages, nothing special," the guy took a step forward and touched the girl's scarf, slowly straightening it. Hinata's eyes widened in surprise, but didn't move.

"Here ... this is much better," removing his hands, Shikamaru smiled, Hinata's neck was covered much better. "Well, let's go, the lesson will begin soon." These fools wake up in ten minutes, a simple genjutsu won't hurt them. By the way, why are you alone? I thought the Hyuuga heiress was always being watched?

"Um, yeah, it's just ..." Hinata spoke rather quietly and indistinctly, "I just wanted to go alone and ... I left."

Seeing her behavior like this, Shikamaru smiled.

- Okay, I understand. You are the heiress of the clan, you must have been charged with a lot. Your taijutsu is quite specific, but your demand is probably greater. Escaping from problems may also be a thought ... - the guy sighed and raised his head to the sky: - Sometimes training can finish it off, remembering these terrible training with Guy, Shikamaru shuddered.

Listening quietly to his words, Hinata looked at the boy in front of her in surprise. He really understood her problem, the girl felt a little strange.

The silence continued ... Hinata wanted to talk more, but her natural shyness allowed her only to stare at him with a curious look. His behavior was unusual, he just looked at the sky and was silent for almost a whole minute, smoking a cigarette. Hinata clearly didn't like the smoke, but she still didn't want to leave and just looked at his profile, wondering what she was expecting.

Shikamaru took another drag and bounced back.

- Okay ... Shall we fight?

- Wh-what? Hinata visibly tensed at the suggestion and took a step back.

The guy followed her movements and grinned:

- I was the same at your age, but a few fights, broken bones and ... - the guy suddenly realized that he had blurted out too much, and Hinata, of course, heard everything.

"Um," Shikamaru coughed and waved his hand: "Well, yes, that was two years ago, like you, I started training early.

"Uh ... W-I see," Hinata blinked again and fell silent.

"Nde ... And what should I tell her? It would be nice if this little one could stand up for herself, she's a shinobi after all "- Shikamaru sighed:" Eh, I hope this does not end badly. "

Throwing away his cigarette, Shikamaru lowered his backpack and stood up, waving his fingers at Hinata.

- Come on, I know quite a bit about Gentle Fist, Gai-sensei hasn't shown me much, show that you can.

The girl rubbed her hands hesitantly and quietly asked:

- M-maybe not necessary? I don't want to fight you ...

This behavior upset the guy a little, so he sighed.

"Listen Hinata, I know you don't like fighting, you can see it right away, but you should understand - you are a shinobi, you need to fight. I see that you are trying, your hands say a lot about you, look at mine! Shikamaru unwound the bandages and held out his hand. The whole palm was covered with calluses and abrasions, even worse than Hinata's. Her pale hands also had a lot of bruises, it was not difficult to understand that she was training hard. But at the same time, she did not fight back these boys, although she could well, if she tried, this was Shikamaru and disappointed. The girl had a clear problem.

Glancing at Shikamaru's hands and then at hers, Hinata dropped her eyes, and the guy said:

- You could fight. You might not have won, but you could have tried. So why didn't you?

`` B-but, they didn't do anything to me, they just ...

- Laughed and mocked? Shikamaru chuckled, "If they were laughing at your loved one, what would you do?"

"I ..." Hinata clenched tighter, she was clearly uncomfortable with this conversation, but Shikamaru continued, "You are too kind, until you find a reason to fight and find your ninja path, you will never get rid of your own weaknesses."

Hinata became quiet and Shikamaru sighed after a moment.

"Okay, the fight won't be of any use, you need something else ..." With a wave of his hand, Shikamaru slowly walked to the academy: "Let's go already. If next time you don't figure it out yourself, they'll be much more hurt by me, okay?

Hinata looked up and nodded slowly, pursing her lips. She didn't want to fight at all, but she couldn't refuse either. The girl was too insecure. Certainly, if he had insisted, she would not have been able to refuse. But, although Shikamaru wanted to fight the Hyuuga, he decided that it would not be Hinata. He didn't know how to help her, all he could give her was just a little advice. As far as he knew, it was the stimulus that Hinata needed, something to give her confidence. But, Shikamaru understood that now he had no right to do something, and also put pressure on her. Trying to act like Naruto and try to replace him was not his style. He, of course, was not against the adult Hinata and would even be ready to use cunning to conquer her, but now, he did not intend to use the position. He has already, so, intervened not in his own business.

Thus, the two went leisurely to their lessons ...

Returning to a long lesson at the Academy.

Pulling away from the memories, the guy sighed and muttered:

- Too much pressure on her ...

Just at that moment, Hinata seemed to sense Shikamaru's gaze and turned. When their eyes met, the girl blinked and immediately turned away. Shikamaru cocked his head gloomily.

- Really cute. It's worth fighting Neji, I definitely need to learn their style. Guy is too twisted on his techniques, he didn't tell me any sensible counterattack.

At that moment, Shikamaru felt someone gaze on him and immediately turned around. Naruto looked at him and grinned, saying that today you will definitely tell me everything!

Running his hand over his face, Shikamaru sighed.

"Damn, this jinchūriki, too." With a wry smile, Shikamaru nodded to the waiting boy. Naruto immediately beamed and turned away.

"Eh, this guy ... If you think so, he becomes the same Naruto, of course, with the exception of training. When he realized that he was doing well and received an incentive to grow further, now he cannot be torn from training. Eh, and why did I start doing Jrayi-san's work? " - remembering this old man, Shikamaru involuntarily remembered about the sage's regime:

"Yeah, a tempting topic ... If you think so, then Jugo's genome may well fit."