Chapter 85: End of Test

Just at that moment, a bell rang through the school and the lesson finally ended. Shikamaru sighed, threw his backpack over his shoulder and slowly trudged to Iruka-sensei's table.

Nodding to the teacher, he passed the test and left the classroom, smiling at Sakura as she walked out, and then walked slowly down the hallway. Chоji and Ino kept up, although the blonde had a few words with her new girlfriend. Sakura thoughtfully looked after the three, then smiled a little and went to get dressed.

Following Shikamaru, Chji and Ino were filled with anticipation. The lights of expectation danced in the eyes of the guys. Shikamaru rubbed his head and quickened his pace.

"We need to end everything quickly, today is an important day, Guy will finally reveal his secrets" - in fact, Guy was ready to teach Shikamaru the Eight Heavenly Gate technique a month ago when he became convinced of his anomalous body abilities. His vitality, bone strength, allowed him a lot and could significantly reduce the training time for preparation. But at the same time, even his chakrakanals were very strong, giving a very likely opportunity to withstand the first gate. But Might Guy was really very picky, even though he taught the Hokage student. As for Hiruzen, he did not mind at all, he recently spent only sparring with Shikamaru, and less and less often, in the last month it was only a couple of times. Although, the guy suspected that this old rascal could well teach him the Gateway, but he did not even mention this topic.

Therefore, Guy delayed his studies for a month, and then generally went on a mission to the Land of the Sea. Having recently returned, Shikamaru went through another series of his tough tests, and only then received the coveted approval.

It should be understood that the Eight Heavenly Gate technique is completely easy to learn. It was not even really a technique, but rather a method of amplification. But the one who opened the "gate", without proper preparation, most likely will not be able to safely endure the process of this strengthening. The first gate for an unprepared Genin can lead to a not very pleasant and rather spectacular death. But, most of the Jonins may well be able to open them if you know the method, only the recoil will still follow and can lead to some injuries to the internal organs. But, this is only the first gate, and they are far from the last ...

The preparation process for this amplification method is rather unusual. First of all, these are intense training and that's just putting it mildly. Basically, the user has to go through just a lot of the hardest tests associated primarily with endurance. In the beginning, the shinobi must temper the limbs, in this he will succeed himself. Then, hardening the whole body, which is many times more difficult and comes down to training with a partner. Simply put, one suffers, the other strikes, at a stationary target. It is like quenching metal on an anvil. Of course, this is just the beginning that Shikamaru went through. The main thing that is necessary for the Eight Gates is strong and strong chakrakanals. Therefore, the main practice comes down to distilling chakra throughout the body, its huge volumes. In general, the exercise is not easy. Of course, everything was much easier for Shikamaru, with his unique bloodlines that changed the body.

Uzumaki naturally have stronger chakrakanals, greater stamina and chakra volume. We can say that they are ideal shinobi for difficult chakra-costing techniques, as well as for holding back very powerful enemies. Although Shikamaru did not possess the famous Sealing Chains, which at least two members of the Uzumaki clan had, he believed that it was due to blood. Something like an innate technique, like Kekkei Genkaya. Unfortunately, it was impossible to confirm that it was. There was a good chance it was just Hiden no more. Even the Third, being the Hokage, was not privy to all this, and did not know the exact use of the chains, and even more so about how they work. All Shikamaru could do was rely on Uzumaki's notes on the outskirts of the village, as well as his own strength. If everything goes as it should, then he may well come to this himself, if it is an Improved Genome.

Well, and the Uzumaki are naturally ideal vessels for biju, other shinobi, of course, may also be suitable, but only Uzumaki is truly able to withstand someone like Kurama, full of his form naturally. This makes them even more dangerous, because the biju strengthens the user, and with already naturally perfect shinobi, the biju can show terrifying power. If you also take it under control, then it will be a real disaster. Although, this certainly does not explain the extermination of this clan.

In general, gaining the power of Uzumaki, even if Shikamaru had not yet strengthened it, it radically changed his body. Therefore, even at only six years old, his strength might well have been enough for eight gates. It was actually not very surprising. To be objective, the current Shikamaru is far superior to any member of the younger generation of the current era and probably the past too. He possesses the power of two very powerful clans - the Uchiha and the Uzumaki, not to mention everything else. With such bloodlines, it shouldn't come as a surprise that he, at the age of six, can begin to study Heaven's Gate and still have the strength of at least an average Chūnin. After gaining new bloodlines, Shikamaru's strength increases so quickly that it even shocks Hiruzen. The old man believed that with his current growth rate, Shikamaru would reach terrifying strength by the age of ten. He hadn't even imagined that Shikamaru's growth rate hadn't even been revealed yet. He had no idea that by the age of ten, Shikamaru could well have received more new bloodlines.

With all this, Shikamaru saw his future very bright, although he was a little afraid of everything. Such rapid growth and all this strength, gave a very unusual sensation and portended dangers ... Shikamaru wanted to deviate from hard training for a while and give himself a rest, devoting himself to ryoninjutsu and fuin. Nevertheless, he had plenty of time, and the tasks for fuin and ryyonin could be completed, recently he had already completed several of them in simple jutsu, so this was another good way to get hold of points and knowledge. Of course, all this will be after receiving the Gate and the next amplification ...

Outside, Shikamaru walked farther, stopping in a small park next to the Academy. This place was unusually beautiful in summer and winter ... Now every tree was shrouded in snow, and snowflakes falling from the sky gave a feeling of serenity and tranquility.

Sighing, he turned around, immediately meeting Ino and Chоji's gaze, tilting his head slightly, he noticed a grinning blonde next to them. Grinning, Shikamaru put his backpack on the ground and got into a stance. The guys were noticeably surprised, but immediately took a serious expression and prepared for battle, only Naruto looked at everything with an incomprehensible look. Shikamaru chuckled and waved his fingers.

- Attack, let's see what you have achieved!