Chapter 86: Shikamaru vs. Ino and Chоji

Ino and Chоji exchanged serious looks, and then Akimichi pulled on the hood, Yamanaka took a couple of steps back and quickly pulled a couple of gray balls out of the bag. It was not hard to guess that these were small smoke bombs. Shikamaru nodded and waited for their further action.

Last time they fought about a month ago and both lost pretty quickly, as their strategy was too obvious and useless. Indeed, without its presence, it was impossible to defeat the superior in strength of the enemy. Now Shikamaru hoped for much greater success for them. He understood the idea of ​​smoke bombs, yet usually in clashes with these two he only used Taijutsu, and they could use Ninjutsu. In another situation, the smoke screens were not very useful, their coverage does not particularly affect the distance of the shadow, and due to the sensory features of the same shadows, the smoke was simply not effective. Naturally, Ino knew that Shikamaru would not use them, since they had discussed it a long time ago. As soon as he applies Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, he will automatically lose.

But, the guy did not understand a little, what is the point of using smoke in such a situation? Chоji needed direct contact in order to use the clan jutsu, and Ino's sensory abilities were still not sufficiently developed to transfer consciousness only by feeling the enemy's chakra through an obstacle such as smoke. Although it was possible, it was just that there were flaws in such a situation ...

Concentrating, Shikamaru waited, slowly moving from side to side with a light gait. Unfortunately, he was not a sensor and was just terrible at it, so it was difficult to determine the exact location of opponents due to the smoke. Even in the snow, Ino and Chоji moved very quietly, the lessons at the Academy were not in vain.

"It's better ... But, still, something needs to be done with the sensor system." Shikamaru sighed with displeasure and narrowed his eyes, straining all his senses. His hearing, sense of smell and sight were very developed, but now they did not give reliable results.

Suddenly, something flashed in the smoke and several shurikens flew out. Shikamaru did not beat them off and just dodged to the side, immediately, he widened his eyes in surprise and changed his body position, pushing off the ground with his palm. At the same moment, in the same place, the ground rose slightly, and then sank again. Shikamaru began to realize what was happening, but at the same moment, the ground shook again under his feet. This time Shikamaru did not dodge, but simply waited ... Just a second and a huge hand flew out of the ground straight towards his jaw.

"Ho ..." Shikamaru exhaled in surprise and moved his body to the side, at the same moment the whole Ch Чji flew out of the ground. Shikamaru just couldn't help but praise his skills. Hiding the Mole was not so easy to master, probably the fat man trained for more than one day. Even if the technique was still imperfect due to the noticeable vibrations of the ground, along which Shikamaru nevertheless spotted the fat man, he somehow mastered it, it deserved respect. That's just ...

Shikamaru dodged another enlarged fist and scowled around. In close combat, Chоji was no enemy at all. Akimichi clearly knew this, throwing himself into such a surprise attack was not a bad method, but Chоji's advantage was in teamwork. Together, they had a much better chance of driving Shikamaru into traps or launching a good series of attacks. But the blonde still did not show up, and the smoke was already slowly beginning to dissipate, it was alarming.

"Hmm, what did they come up with? Ino is not particularly distinguished by his combat abilities ... "- looking around cautiously, and parrying another blow from Chоji, Shikamaru chuckled and abruptly moved behind the fat man. Just at that moment, Akimichi suddenly struck the ground and shouted:

- Earth wave!

"Oh! ..." Shikamaru refrained from attacking and jumped to the side. The still snow-white soil around it changed dramatically, the snow quickly soaked in, and the ground became very soft, slightly deformed, forming a kind of circular field without snow.

Shikamaru was a little surprised, there was no particular use in this technique ... I usually use it to shatter the enemy's ranks, only the technique should be many times stronger. In this same situation, similar seemed a little pointless. But, if Shikamaru did not understand anything yet, he nevertheless decided to interrupt the fat man's actions and immediately moved to him.

"I'm sorry Chji! - finding the promo in front of the fat man, Shikamaru's knee immediately changed slightly in flight. Akimichi didn't even have time to react as a reinforced knee flew into his stomach. At the same moment, Chоji simply flew out like a cannonball and crashed into a distant tree.

This blow harnessed the power of the reinforced kneecap, which was resized to cover the entire knee. To carry the load, it was also necessary to strengthen the femur and tibia. If the strengthening ratio is not correctly observed, then injuries are guaranteed, for the same reason the bone should not have been made sharp in order to evenly distribute the load. Speed ​​was just as important, and due to the large and smooth knee surface, it was almost a full blow from a stone hammer. The blow was very effective, Chоji instantly lost his ability to fight and fell, gasping for air. Naturally, Shikamaru reduced the force of the blow as much as possible, otherwise Akimichi would have suffered greatly with his current body.

When Shikamaru was about to go looking for Ino, he suddenly stopped and looked down at his feet, and then widened his eyes in surprise.

"Isn't that ... Constraining Stream?" Shikamaru turned sharply to the spot where Chоji had taken off at the very beginning and immediately grimaced. A stream of viscous brown liquid poured out straight from that small hole at great speed. She barely touched Shikamaru's feet, so he could still escape, but the guy still refrained, wanting to test her viscosity. Still, it's rare to find such an interesting combination of Shimura techniques.

At the same moment, a small figure flew out of the smoke and stopped next to the thrown shurikens.

Shikamaru glanced at the smiling blonde and chuckled.

- Not bad ... Combine the mud stream and the water stream, creating a combination of Shimura's Restraint. Who taught you this?

Chоji finally regained consciousness and sat down in the snow, while Ino folded her hands into a special consciousness transfer sign. Smiling, the girl replied:

- Mr. Hokage, he said that you would be very surprised, hee hee ...

"Yeah," Shikamaru chuckled and looked down at his feet. The limiting flow was a rather special variation of the combination of the two elements. When properly combined, dirt and water can create a suction force that is even stronger than conventional mud. The technique will severely restrict shinobi, much better than even a swamp. But, its main use in management ... For example, Mud spore, which is a combination of these two elements, another type of combination of mud and water, with a slightly different ratio. But she is also quite dangerous and good at controlling, thanks to the element of water. Here, the user of this element is also able to direct the mud technique. Ultimately, it is possible to limit the movement of the enemy quite well if everything is done correctly. It was one of the famous techniques of the Shimura clan, renowned for their combinations of elemental techniques. In the past, this clan has created a host of Jutsu-like forces, directing the genin squads into battle. Thanks to the strength of several shinobi and the combination of weak techniques, bringing out the stronger ones, they could even defeat the more dangerous ninja. Unfortunately, this clan suffered a sad fate.