Chapter 91: The Barrier

All this time, Hiruzen did not take his eyes off the crystal ball in front of him, carefully watching Naruto. He was really serious now. Although he did not interfere all this time, but Shikamaru's actions worried him, especially now, after what he had heard. The fact that he knew much more than a child usually was already clear for a long time, Hiruzen really liked this trait of his new student. He accumulated knowledge and knew how to dispose of it. According to the old man, this was one of the most important features of the future Hokage. Strong, not boastful, not withdrawn and quite serious, and most importantly, he knew when to stop and retreat. The question was, what is he willing to do for the sake of knowledge? Hiruzen was interested in this as much as Shikamaru's relationship to the village and the clan, or rather the main thing for him of the two.

What secrets the boy possessed is not important. What matters is whether he will be ready to fight for the village and what it will become under his rule. Will he be like Danz or Orochimaru ... This is exactly what Hiruzen could not allow.

Now the old man did not understand what this guy was trying to achieve with his actions. Why did he get involved in this story with the young jinchūriki? It was difficult for Hiruzen to understand how much this guy knew, but definitely a lot, and this prompted questions. The hokage has already tried to find out everything from him more than once, but the guy is too smart and easily finds excuses to avoid the topic. But he has not yet started a conversation about the situation with Naruto. He had doubts ... But today they were dispelled. He clearly knew something. If Shikamaru started a topic about the boy's parents, then he most likely did not lie and could confirm his own words. The problem is that there are not so many who know about the son of Kushina and Minato. So how does he know?

Crossing his fingers, Hiruzen narrowed his eyes.

It looks like Naruto already knows something. Has he already said something to him? " - Hiruzen was worried about the situation. If Shikamaru knows the truth about that day and Naruto hears about it, it could end badly. The question is not whether Shikamaru knows the truth about the boy's parents or will tell it, but what Naruto will do. Hiruzen wanted to tell the child the truth about who his parents were and what they had done a hundred times. But, he could not ... Children are too talkative and Naruto could well call trouble on himself knowing the truth. From this knowledge, everything can only get worse. He's not strong enough yet. Once he divulges this secret, something unpleasant can happen. It has the Nine-Tails in it, which complicates things even more.

This is what worried Hiruzen. What does Shikamaru intend to do? He is not stupid and should know the reason for hiding the truth, if he knows it. Then what will he do? Is it possible that the threat to Naruto doesn't bother him? Hiruzen didn't believe it ... Naruto is very important to the village because of his simple desire to open the barrier, Shikamaru would not have done so stupidly.

"Should I interfere?" - The Hokage became thoughtful. He could well decide everything, the orders of the Hokage are not discussed. But, Hiruzen is used to not interfering, and now the situation is still completely incomprehensible. There is a risk, but he believed in Shikamaru. If he got to know his student well enough, he would not do such a stupid thing. If he does, then nothing can be done about it ...

Hiruzen let out a long sigh and continued to stare into the crystal ball.

Just at that moment, the guys crossed the first barrier, and Hiruzen continued to look gloomily ...

In the past, the Hokage never attempted to break this barrier, although he had some desires. He was undoubtedly interested in what was stored there. All he knew was the connection of that place with Mito Uzumaki. Yet once upon a time that place belonged to her. But, the Third made a promise to Minato and Kushina ... Therefore, he forbade anyone to try to break the Barrier. But, he could not keep Uzumaki there either. Hinder Naruto? It was getting late ... It looks like this is what Shikamaru was trying to achieve.

Now, the guy wanted to reach that place with Naruto's support. As a result, the barrier will not be broken, which means he did not go against Hiruzen's promise.

"Damn boy, I definitely have to talk to him about this ..." Hiruzen chuckled inwardly.

Shikamaru and Naruto crossed the first Barrier. Surprisingly, Naruto was able to get through even with his strength. This meant that it was somewhat similar to the second barrier, only with fewer restrictions and a larger size. Further, without slowing down at all, the two reached the second barrier, the one that surrounded the small residence.

Naruto was visibly surprised when he saw such a whole house among these ruins. Shikamaru already understood a little more and could make out a lot of fuin seals, almost all over the house. There was a high probability that the safety of the house was just their merit.

Coming close to the barrier, Shikamaru thought again. Although he planned to use Naruto for the passage, how to do it was already a completely different question. It was impossible to calculate it, all he could do was to guess and try already on the spot.

While Shikamaru scowled at the barrier, Naruto walked slowly towards him.

- Now what? Why are we standing?

- I told you, there is a barrier.

"Um," Naruto scratched his head and chuckled, "You didn't say."

Shikamaru shrugged.

- But now I speak. Try to get through.

Naruto nodded quickly and took a few steps towards the barely perceptible barrier. Shikamaru watched him intently. When the blond touched barely perceptible matter, he calmly was able to go further, feeling only a barely noticeable resistance. Seeing this sight, Shikamaru was pleased but at the same time frowned seriously.

If Naruto could get through, that's great, but what next?

"Hmm, I'll try to touch him ..." Nodding to his thoughts, Shikamaru said:

- Try again, only with me.

- With you? Naruto asked in surprise, "Why?" Can't you get through?

Shikamaru chuckled.

- As you can see, otherwise I would not have called you.

- So that's why I needed to train!

"You're right," Shikamaru nodded. "But that's not just why. Workout and strength never hurts. Here I need your assistance. Who knows what is hidden inside, so I would not advise you to go alone.

Of course, Shikamaru was sure there weren't likely to be traps inside. Still, it would be strange. Now, if they were activated after the destruction of the barrier, it would be quite real. Now, Naruto did not go through by force, and if his mother installed him, then Shikamaru was simply sure that there could be no traps there. But, Naruto had to be warned, otherwise Shikamaru's plan might not have worked and he might not have been able to get through. Naruto is quite capable of doing something stupid ... Although he trusted the boy a little and knew that he would cheat him, it was still worth it to play it safe.