Chapter 92

After Shikamaru's words, Naruto nodded and quickly walked outside, feeling light pressure all over his body again as he touched the barrier. A strange wave seemed to pass through his body, and then immediately receded. The feeling was a little odd, but Naruto didn't even think about it. In his opinion, everything was as it should be, because this is the first time he encountered such a thing. In part, he was right ... This barrier tested his relationship with its creator. The Uzumaki were very adept at this kind of Barrier Ninjutsu.

Shikamaru grabbed his friend's shoulder, and then they slowly walked towards the barrier. When the moment finally came to touch him, Shikamaru exhaled and took a step forward, right after Naruto. He immediately felt pressure, as if something were pushing him out, not allowing him to enter. But, unlike the last time, he was not pushed out immediately, and he was not harmed. He was advancing ...

Probably, the one who is able to cross the barrier can lead someone nearby. Even though he will have to face difficulties. This worked into his hands, Shikamaru was already planning another option, but since everything worked, he clenched his teeth and continued to advance. It was much more difficult for him than for Naruto. In addition, he did not even imagine that he passed not only because of the guide in the person of a young jinchūriki, but also due to the possession of the Uzumaki lineage. If he did not possess her, even Naruto's help would not have solved anything. If you are here Hiruzen and try to use the same method, although he will not be repelled, he simply cannot squeeze through due to the pressure. Of course, the old man can destroy it in a different way ...

Ten seconds later, Shikamaru was able to cross this invisible wall and could finally breathe a sigh of relief. The progress was quite difficult, his face was even slightly sweaty.

Catching his breath, the guy immediately took out a cigarette. At that moment, Naruto asked:

- What now?

Shikamaru breathed out the smoke in relief and said:

- Let's go look for something. Follow me. "With a wave of his hand, Shikamaru stepped forward." Walk alongside and don't go far.

Naruto nodded quickly and followed ...

At the same time, Hiruzen was sitting by the Crystal Ball and frowning:

"He still managed to get through ..." - although the Hokage didn't like it, he continued to watch. He, like Shikamaru, was sure that there shouldn't be any traps, so he didn't worry too much. But, with Shikamaru's abilities, even if they are, he still has to avoid them, or at least see them. At least Hiruzen hoped so. These two were important to him.

Shikamaru moved slowly, he activated the Sharingan and looked around without turning to Naruto. He didn't want the boy to see his eyes, so he tried to keep him at a distance. Naruto was in no hurry to approach and himself looked around with curiosity. It was the first time he had gone this far from home. It seemed to him as if he had left the village and embarked on an adventure.

The barrier was located almost twenty meters from the house, so the path was not long, but not short either. At a slow pace, both approached several flower beds, with already wilted plants. All the way Shikamaru noticed fuin seals, they were very small, but they could not hide from the Sharingan. Chakra slipped into them, but since Shikamaru did not understand Fuinjutsu at all, he did not know the purpose of these seals. Therefore, I tried to avoid them.

Climbing a small ladder of only three steps, Shikamaru stopped, Naruto also slowed down just a couple of steps from his friend.

After examining everything with his Sharingan, Shikamaru deactivated the power of his eyes and calmly reached out his hand to the doorknob. It was a little dusty, but the guy didn't care much. He just turned it and the door creaked open. Then, Shikamaru opened it completely and entered, Naruto not falling behind.

Walking across the dusty floor, the guys found themselves in a small room. Apparently, it was a hallway. There was a small closet next to the entrance, which still had clothes and shoes on it. But, like everything around them, time did not spare them ...

Shikamaru smiled and thought.

"It's strange why the original story didn't have all of this ... I don't know anything about this guy's legacy. Was it or not? "

As Shikamaru looked around, Naruto picked up someone's tattered sandals and blew off the dust, immediately picking it up all over the place. Shikamaru coughed and folded the seal.

- Naruto, close your eyes! - then shouted: - Expand! - at the same moment, the chakra of the elements of the wind went out, raising a large cloud of dust. But, Shikamaru did not stop there, when everything around was clouded with impenetrable grayness, the guy folded another series of seals and quickly moved towards Naruto.

- Ahh! - the guy screamed in surprise, but Shikamaru deftly pressed him against the wall and folded a couple more seals: - It's me Naruto, don't shout!

When the young jinchūriki calmed down, Shikamaru finally continued, freeing his hand.

After folding three more hand seals, he injected his chakra into Naruto's body.

At the same moment at the Hokage residence, Hiruzen's Shar suddenly lost contact with the jinchūriki, and a gray haze completely blocked his view. Naturally, Hiruzen noticed this immediately and became worried.

Shikamaru seized the moment deftly. The dust blocked the view of everyone and the Hokage, including, and since the Jutsu needed direct contact with Naruto to perform the Jutsu, it was the perfect moment to act without the old man noticing. He would probably guess, but Shikamaru wasn't worried about it at all. Without proof, questions are useless ...

The dust was still circling madly, but when Shikamaru solved one problem, he quickly got rid of that too, by directing the wind towards the exit. The dust quickly left the room, not a grain remained. The place was again as clean as it once was. True, not a trace remained of the past order, things were scattered everywhere. Shikamaru didn't care anymore, he walked away from Naruto and went to another room. He didn't know what Hiruzen would do, but the old man might well have a way to get rid of Shikamaru's blockage. He would have gotten rid of it anyway, but according to the guy's calculations, it would take almost half an hour, which could be enough for everything for the eyes. Therefore, he did not hesitate and immediately began searching for books and various records.

Shikamaru frowned more and more as he passed from room to room. It was an ordinary house, save for a lot of dust and a foul smell. Otherwise, there was nothing interesting. He even went up to the second floor and checked the rooms there, even the office and he checked, but nothing. All the books he could find were useless. There was nothing in them about Fuinjutsu, and indeed about any things related to ninja. Shikamaru usually flipped through them using the Sharingan, but even so he could not grasp the details. He already had a plan to seal the items that he would take out, but now, apparently, there will be nothing to take out. It was completely empty ...