Chapter 93: The Search

On the second floor of the residence, Shikamaru scowled through the bookshelves, dusting off every book he came across. Scrolling through them over and over again, he shook his head in disappointment and tossed them aside. A whole bunch of them had already accumulated in the corner, but Shikamaru stubbornly continued to search.

At the same time, a couple of his clones searched the house for oddities. Naruto at that moment also wandered around the house with curiosity, inspecting the situation. Unfortunately, he couldn't find anything worthwhile. There were no photographs, no reminders of the past owners of the house - nothing at all. Looking around place after place, he became more and more disappointed, that he and Shikamaru looked like, although they were looking for different things.

Although, some were not completely disappointed, but rather very nervous and worried. In the Hokage's office, a gray-haired old man walked from side to side and frowned with displeasure:

"This is a blocking method ... Was there a protection there? But, there should be no traps. Perhaps an additional barrier was activated, not allowing me to pass. Hmm, maybe this is all Shikamaru. This sly man guessed the right moment ... "- Hiruzen sighed and threw another worried glance at the muddy crystal ball. He tried all known countermeasures. But it didn't work ... As if someone specifically used the transmission blocking technique. Hiruzen was almost sixty percent sure that this was the work of Shikamaru. The guy was clearly trying to prevent Hiruzen from knowing what was happening inside. It was quite arrogant and presumptuous of him. But at the same time, Hiruzen could not help but praise his skills. The blocking method is not something simple, and it is quite impressive to perform such a technique at the right time. Although, he did not expect less from him. It just upset him that even his own student was trying to hide something from him.

But even if the ability to see was canceled, the telescope technique still had some ability. Hiruzen independently invented this method. Its effect was very simple, it could roughly determine the state of the person being monitored. But, approximately - still not enough. It was only possible to determine whether the object is alive and whether it is in critical condition. More precisely, how his chakra behaves. If it is not enough, or vice versa, a lot, the technique is to determine. Which naturally allows us to draw some conclusions. That is why, Hiruzen was not particularly worried. Naruto was fine, his huge chakra reserves hadn't changed much. Of course, he could have been under Genjutsu, which the Hokage would not have been able to verify for sure, but the guy was definitely alive and definitely not wounded, at least not seriously. As for Shikamaru, Hiruzen could not draw conclusions. But even if he was worried, he decided to give them time. If they do not return within an hour, he will definitely take action or if Naruto's state changes. The promises were important, but the lives of the villagers are much greater. Deciding on this, Hiruzen sat back down at the table and tried to dispel the blockage again. Naturally, this was almost impossible, Shikamaru injected his chakra into Naruto's body and changed some of the chakra features of the guy, which meant that the main advantage of the technique was impossible to apply.

While the shadow clones of Shikamaru scoured the old house. Calmly wandering, Naruto looked around with interest, trying to find at least something. He knew that Shikamaru was looking for something, but he did not say a word, but simply left him alone.

From the hallway there were two rooms, one to the left leading to the kitchen, and the one to the right leading to the main hall. Further down the hallway was a staircase leading to the second floor, which contained only three rooms and a small staircase to the attic. Right there, Shikamaru's clones were combing everything, and he sent another down.

Naruto walked down the stairs to the closet where one of Shikamaru's clones was now trapping.

When both met, the clone nodded to the blonde and continued to examine the boxes filled with various junk. Naruto briefly watched this when he suddenly saw something and abruptly walked over to one of the boxes. Right there, at the very top, there was a photo frame, all dusty, but Naruto quickly brushed it off and looked closely.

- Sh-shikamaru, look!

The clone turned around and glanced at the keen blonde, who was examining something unusual. Shikamaru immediately noticed in his hands a frame with a photograph showing two people in the background of an autumn forest. On the left stood a tall, dark-haired man in red armor from the Warring States era, with a Leaf protector on his forehead. Hashirama was hard not to recognize. Shikamaru had seen his face on more than one occasion in Hiruzen's office. True, he was very serious there, but here he looked rather happy and carefree. It's hard to believe that this is the same great Shinobi God who went through a hundred battles and one of the founders of the Hidden Leaf Village. Founder of the Will of Fire ...

The First Hokage gently hugged the short young girl around the waist. Her appearance was quite attractive, especially her red hair, tied in two buns, pinned up with hairpins, to which were tied a pair of funi seals. It was definitely Mito Uzumaki, Shikamaru could not confuse her. Although in this life he did not see her even in photographs, it was not difficult to establish the identity of the one whom Hashirama could hug in this way. It was definitely her - his wife. At least her looks and white high collar kimono were proof enough, not to mention everything else. This is how she appeared in Shikamaru's thoughts from the memories of her past life. Memories that slowly become a thing of the past and become almost a dream.

Watching Naruto staring at the photo with interest, Shikamaru sighed and said:

- This is the first Hokage.

- Hokage? Naruto looked up in surprise. "How do you know?" Is this his home? But, you said ...

"Be quiet, take your time," Shikamaru waved his hand and continued checking various boxes. This time he was lucky and was able to find some fuyin seals, very old seals. Put a dozen of them aside, he continued:

- This is not the house of the First, you are not related to him. At least not in blood, - at this moment Shikamaru grinned and put several surviving seals in his pocket: - Well, this house belonged to the woman next to him.

"Um, and she ..." Naruto looked at the photo again.

Shikamaru explained:

- She's your relative. It's hard to say how far away, though. But, you are from the same clan ... Well, you would if he still existed.

Naruto looked up sharply.

- Was there? What do you mean?

Shikamaru rubbed his head and thought irritably.

"Oh, he's so chatty, shit, and why did the original make me babysit him?" Exhaling, Shikamaru shook his head.

"You are Uzumaki. I heard? Shikamaru slowly spelled Uzumaki, then looked into Naruto's confused eyes and said:

- Information about your clan is not hidden. Maybe they stopped talking about it, but ... Ah, it doesn't matter. Let's just say you, Naruto, are one of the few existing descendants of Uzumaki, a long-vanished clan. Even during your mother's childhood, the Uzumaki clan was almost completely massacred. It was a very long time ago, and I know little of the details. Even old man III didn't tell me much about those times. For details, contact Iruka-sensei, he will tell you more. "With a wave of his hand and leaving Naruto alone with his thoughts, Shikamaru continued his search.

Naruto arrived in a strange state. Lowering his head, the boy sighed ... He suddenly felt very sad. A new wave of sadness swept in.

"Cut out? The whole clan? " - it turned out that not only Mom and Dad but even his clan no longer exists. He was all alone ...