Chapter 98: Return to the Surface

The Nine-Tails was rarely interested in the outside world. He was already used to being eternally sealed, and looking at the people he hated so much was clearly not his favorite pastime. He tried to just doze and wait. The current jinchūriki was caught quite still as a jerk, so the fox managed to influence him. If everything goes as it should, then one day, the Nine-Tails was sure that he would free himself from this vile vessel.

But, nevertheless, sometimes the fox was distracted from hibernation and watched something interesting. Today was just a similar case.

The Uzumaki Quarter ... Perhaps this Fox clan hated as much as the Uchiha or Senju. It was the damn Uzumaki who sealed it - three times. The fox was here in the past with Mito, but now everything was different, in this place now there was only death. Uzumaki had come to an end, which undoubtedly made him happy. Lys even slightly improved his spirits when he looked at photographs of many familiar people, who are now most likely being devoured by worms, and from some of them there was nothing left at all. The clan that captured him got what they deserved!

Quite grinning, Kurama continued to listen to this curious boy - Shikamaru Nara. He found this brat rather interesting. Fox has seen a bunch of annoying kids in his life, but this one clearly wasn't a kid at all. The Nine-Tails was sure, no matter how you look, but this is not a child, something was wrong in him ... Moreover, when it came to the Bijuu, the guy behaved too unusual.

The Nine-Tails continued to watch.

Shikamaru turned to Naruto and said:

- Nobody forced these people to use the Fox for their own purposes. His anger is understandable, but here's how you react ... '' With a wry smile, Shikamaru paused, and then said:

- A few years ago, the fox broke free and threw out his anger by destroying part of the village and killing many people. In those days, your father and mother died ... - from the look of Naruto Shikamaru felt a little uncomfortable, but he decided to finish what he started: - They died defending the village.

Naruto's expression changed slightly, but he didn't react too harshly. But in his gaze, a strong sadness and sadness clearly flashed. The jinchūriki lowered his head and fell silent.

Shikamaru raised his head and looked up at the ceiling:

`` I feel sorry for Naruto ... But if it becomes easier for you, I can say that you can still meet your parents.

- What?! Naruto lifted his head in amazement and stared at his pensive friend.

Shikamaru let out a long breath and nodded.

- I am not kidding. You've seen what Ninjutsu is capable of. I can say that there are those who will even allow you to see the dead and call them into our world. It's difficult, but I think it's real. It's just ... - Shikamaru decided not to finish making sacrifices for the likes of Jutsu. You have to pay for everything. There were already enough words. At least he said everything he wanted to say. He could not tell about the Fourth and everything connected with him. But, at least the guy had the right to know about this, he deserved it. Shikamaru had acquired so much knowledge that he had to repay him. Although it was not enough, and Naruto, in fact, did not recognize almost anything, but it was enough for now. If the guy is smart, then he will find everything himself, and Shikamaru did not want to talk too much, especially about Minato.

Relieved, Shikamaru decided to leave Naruto alone with his own thoughts, while he continued to study the scrolls and memorize everything that is written in them. Once again making sure of the correctness of his choice of the Sharingan. If not for these eyes, which make it possible to perfectly remember everything photographically, now he would not have received so much. It would only be necessary to rely on the sealing of all these scrolls and slow familiarization in the future. However, now he only remembered them outwardly, without even understanding.

The set time limit passed pretty quickly. During this time, Shikamaru looked through all the scrolls and sealed some of them in his personal scroll. Although it was not necessary to take something with him, he decided to endure some knowledge, they could come in handy. Having original manuscripts has always been helpful. In addition, some still had chakra, which could help in learning. The guy has already noticed the basics with which to start learning. And there was one strange scroll that was impossible to print. Shikamaru was especially interested in him. After all, after receiving it, even the system reacted by issuing another task.


Print the Uzumaki Mito scroll.

Having recovered from the mass of information after dispelling the clones, Shikamaru left everything here as it is and taking Naruto quickly left the dungeon, there was nothing else to catch.

Naruto was still arriving in his own mind. Now he knew why everyone hated him so much. He understood the reason for all these cold looks. Most importantly, he now knew what had become of his parents ... The creature that killed them was inside him. He did not understand at all what to do now.

Shikamaru decided not to bother the guy anymore and leave him. He has already, and so, heaped up things, history will definitely go the other way. He didn't really want to aggravate everything even more. And things were more important now ...

When the guys left the old residence, they immediately stumbled upon an old man bored to the side. He was standing right behind the barrier with his hands behind his back. Hiruzen stood with his back to the guys and looked at the slowly darkening sky. He didn't even turn when he said:

- Naruto, go home, I'll come to you later, we have something to talk about. Shikamaru stay.

In any other situation, the guy could start asking questions or even be surprised at the arrival of the old man, but now, his mood was not very good. The boy simply nodded and slowly trudged home.

Shikamaru was silent. The Hokage also made no sound. Even when Naruto was out of sight, the old man stood quietly, watching the clouds floating across the sky.

Shikamaru left the barrier and stood near him and also looked up to the sky. Now the guy's thoughts were in a slight disarray due to the huge pile of information. But the sight of the slowly drifting snow-white clouds calmed his mind a little.

If the Hokage was silent for so long, it was clearly not good. Shikamaru naturally knew that he might have done something recklessly hasty now. But remembering the presence of a bunch of new Fuinjutsu, he firmly understood that the choice was the right one and the risk was worth it. Hiruzen's suspicions are unlikely to cause him to act too excessively. But now, the mistrust will definitely be even stronger than before. Plus, Shikamaru was having a hard time understanding what this old man was thinking.

Silence and a light breeze brought peace, but at the same time, some anxiety. Only, Shikamaru was not a child, such an atmosphere did not affect him at all. An ordinary child probably would not have resisted and would have started trying to justify himself or at least somehow resolve the situation. He just waited.