Chapter 99: Suspicions

After another couple of minutes, Hiruzen chuckled as usual slyly and shook his head:

"I don't know how to explain it, but you raise a lot of suspicion. Your behavior and actions are not childish tricks and self-indulgence. I used to doubt it, but now I am sure of it. To use the boy for his own purposes, a real shinobi would do this, but ... - Throwing a studying glance at Shikamaru, Hiruzen said: - Children always ask questions, in this troubled world they are looking for themselves and their way. What's your path, Shikamaru?

Shikamaru was still studying the clouds, not paying attention to Hiruzen's attentive gaze. Now, having heard his question, for the first time in a long time, he did not know what to answer. On the one hand, he considered himself a Shinobi, and quite successful and talented. He understood all its advantages and realized the benefits of the system, coupled with knowledge of the history of the future. But to realize his own path and walk along it, he did not yet understand how to do it, and what, in general, this is - his own Path. The way of the Ninja of others was easier to understand, but finding your own is a completely different problem.

Shikamaru wanted to know and study everything about this world, he was really interesting to him. He wanted to become incredibly strong and gain power, just like before. The one who has the power and authority is able to control his own destiny. Shikamaru has always strived for independence. But, calling it the Ninja's own way was difficult. It was more of a goal, nothing more. The desire to learn everything and explore, isn't this the same path that Orochimaru took?

Realizing this, Shikamaru chuckled wryly and finally met the old man's gaze.

- Do you think I will go the same way as your last student?

Hiruzen chuckled and looked away:

- Talented ninjas always act unexpectedly, it is difficult to understand and predict which path they will choose. Orochimaru was one of those, he was different, but changed. Now you ... I can't understand you, I thought I could, but it looks like I was wrong. Then with him, I did not realize it in time, and then it was too late, sighing, Hiruzen turned to the student and said:

"Listen to Shikamaru, you must promise me that you will stop meddling in the affairs of the village until you become a Jonin. Keep your head down, now is not the time, you still have many years ahead of you to prove yourself. You don't have to twist behind my back and turn something like today's. You did a good job, but you have to understand - Naruto is your comrade, and I am still the head of this village and your teacher. This should not happen again.

Shikamaru nodded calmly.

- I understood.

"Okay," the old man nodded. "What did you say to Naruto?" What do you even know?

Shikamaru paused for a moment, then replied with a sigh.

"I don't know much, but, I know about the jinchūriki, and who is sealed in Naruto. I thought that he must know why everyone treats him this way.

Hiruzen frowned and Shikamaru added:

"I don't know why you did this, it's none of my business. But Naruto helped me, I helped him. Plus, I think it will be for the best for him. It will get stronger and ...

- Enough, - Hiruzen waved his hand and turned away, staring at the sky again: - I understand you. The guy is really doing well, you are great. But, you have to understand, if he now knows that he is sitting inside him, this can affect him and affect him not for the better. Although ... - the old man sighed and shook his head: - To be honest, I myself do not know what will come of it. To tell the truth or not, I've thought about it more than once. But, he is still a child, the time will come, and of course I will explain everything to him. Until then, Shikamaru, stop it all. You understood me?

From the Hokage's serious gaze, Shikamaru could only nod in agreement. In any case, he got everything he wanted, he was not going to talk about anything anymore. Although, of course, he was pleased that the old man did not inflate an unpleasant problem out of this.

At this point, already about to leave, Shikamaru was stopped by the same serious voice of Hiruzen:

"This time, my dear student, I will not interrogate you strongly or punish you for such tricks. Let's consider this a small task. But, you will prepare a progress report. Tell me everything you found there. Now I will watch you more closely, you must understand this. Moreover, you have to give me your word that you will stop implicating children, especially Naruto, in your plans.

Shikamaru stopped and nodded briefly without turning his head.

- I understood the teacher, - then he turned around, bowed and immediately disappeared from his place.

Left alone, Hiruzen let out a long sigh. A light breeze gently shook the hem of his cloak and hat, after which the old man looked up at the sky again and muttered:

- I hope I'm doing the right thing ...

At the same time, Shikamaru finally left the second barrier and entered the flat, rocky road of the village. The Hokage's situation was very unusual. While this was one of the expected options, Shikamaru believed things would turn out a little differently. But, at the same time, this option was one of the main probable ones. It was also possible to draw conclusions from it.

"Apparently, the old man decided to make me his student and started talking about the future Hokage in my role just for the sake of checking, all this is clearly not just that. Previously, I could not be sure for sure, and my father behaved strangely, but now I am sure that the old man is studying me. Fortunately, he is not Danzo, he has not yet begun to act. He would have tried to re-educate me long ago in the direction necessary for the "village". Hiruzen is more sentimental, he wants to see if I become the problem of the village to deal with, or become useful. It seems that even my father is taking part in this matter. When playing Shogi with me, all his questions usually boil down to probing the ground. Unpleasant ... "- walking along the road, Shikamaru frowned with displeasure. -" If everything is so, there is reason to believe that they both have suspicions about my identity. Probably, I am too insolent and behave very unusual. I thought it would not be noticed, because I am from the Nara clan, and even a Shinobi, early growing up could be justified, but now ... Could it be that even my father doubts me? If so, then I am in an unpleasant position. On the one hand, Danzo, who can make a move at any moment and this despite the fact that he does not know about all my powers, including the Sharingan. On the other hand, Hiruzen ... "- Shikamaru sat down on the bench and threw back his head, exhaling heavily, now he was thinking intensely about the consequences and where everything could lead. Now it was worth drawing conclusions and revising some plans.