Chapter 101

Guy had been preparing his body all last week, this guy seemed to not want to teach Shikamaru without good bodily torture, and only after so much time, he finally did it. Of course, not without his inherent pathos and long lectures. Therefore, even without being an official Disciple of Might Guy, Shikamaru was able to learn this legendary technique. So now he can be said to be half his student. Although Shikamaru didn't care much, he achieved his goal, the task was completed:

- "Along the Way of Taijutsu"

Achieve: 100 Strength, Defense, and Speed. Learn any B grade Taijutsu style.

Reward: 5,000 points, elixir of muscle strengthening x2, elixir of bone strengthening x2. The Seven Heavens Breathing Method.

Special conditions: to achieve all this, up to 10 years.

Special reward: 5,000 points, elixir of body strengthening x2,

This task was one of the first, so the reward was not particularly surprising, in those days even tens of thousands of points were not something special. But, everything changed and such tasks became less and less. The pedigrees have met the limit, the rewards have become smaller, and who knows how soon the system will throw out new difficulties. Although Shikamaru didn't care much, he was glad that he already had it.

Now, barely moving his legs, he finally arrived home ...

Approaching the long residence, whose windows were still lit, he slowly opened the gate and strode to the door. Before he could knock, the door opened and the mother's displeased face appeared right from there. The guy grinned wryly and nodded:

- Hi Mom ... What's for dinner?

The woman flashed her eyes with displeasure:

- Where were you young man?

Shikamaru sighed and, looking straight into his mother's eyes, said earnestly.

- I trained with Gai-sensei, he taught me new taijutsu techniques.

Yoshino narrowed her eyes, looked up at Shikamaru and nodded wryly.

- He didn't feel sorry for you at all, did he? How similar to him ... - sighing, the woman threw a towel over her shoulder and waved her hand: - Come in, take a shower and go to the table, your father, as usual, disappears somewhere ...

Shikamaru blinked in surprise, but didn't argue. Usually Yoshino was not so restrained and Shikamaru could well receive an unpleasant punishment, such as hard housework. But now everything has gone surprisingly well.

"Has my father finally decided to devote time to her? Ha, it looks like this is my luck, I need to dump it while I'm safe ... "- Exhaling, Shikamaru quickly went home and took off his shoes. Just as he was about to quickly go to the shower, he was stopped by his mother's displeased voice:

"Wait a minute ..." Shikamaru turned around warily, and Yoshino frowned again. "Shikamaru!" Have you smoked again ?!

"Damn female scent!" Cursing, Shikamaru frowned. He just hated it when this woman started swearing at him, like he was some six-year-old boy! But there was nothing to argue, she was his mother.

As usual, I had to get out with a typical childish excuse:

- Mom! How can you? Just think, I tried it once, this time it was definitely not me! It's all this old Hokage man. You know he smokes all the time!

Yoshino naturally didn't believe it, but only frowned more. Then, her mood suddenly changed, and she grumbled in displeasure:

- Go wash yourself, you stink and put on clean clothes!

"Yes, yes," Shikamaru waving his hand and headed straight for the shower. After that, he ate a quick dinner and finally returned to the tranquil atmosphere of his room.

Right by the large window was Shikamaru's small bed, neatly tucked in. Next to which was a wooden curbstone, on which was a dim lamp and a lonely cactus. In general, an ordinary room with no frills. Shikamaru had no intention of changing her, he didn't spend much time here. Even his office was better furnished ...

Now the guy was only in his pants, so he rolled onto the bed, threw his bare feet onto the windowsill and exhaled with relief:

- How good ... I finally studied the Eight Gates, now there is very little left.

With a mental grin, Shikamaru immediately summoned his status. He was interested in looking at some of the indicators. He has not yet taken the award, but this moment will come soon.

Name: Shikamaru Nara

Age: 6 years old

Faction: Nara Clan, Hidden Leaf Village

Ninja Rank: Genin

- [Strength: 113] - [Stamina: 135] - [Speed: 120] -

- [Talent: 225] - [Chakra Size: 1335] - [Chakra Control: 85] -

Pedigrees (5/5):

[Nara - strength 425%] → Improved mastery of the element "Yin" - 85%

- Improved Genome: absent

[Kaguya - 50% strength] → Unique body + 5 to indicators - Strength, Endurance and Speed.

- Improved Genome: Shikotsumyaku

- Evolution: absent

[Uchiha - power 400%] → Improved mastery of the element "Fire" - 80%

- Improved Genome: Sharingan → [Completed]

- Evolution: absent

[Inuzuka - Strength 50%] → Upgrades of all senses +5 speed

- Improved Genome: absent

[Uzumaki - 50% strength] → Improvements in control and chakra volume. + 5 to control, + 200 to chakra volume. Improved vitality and disposition to fuinjutsu. + 5 to stamina.


- Wind Release → 5%

- Earth Release → 38%

- Fire Release → 107%

- Yin Release → 116%

- Yang Release → 20%

After examining his status, Shikamaru nodded contentedly.

"Not bad, became noticeably stronger ... I doubt my talent is as huge as that of Itachi or Madara, but at Kakashi's level it may well be. Pedigrees are useful, but there are some problems with them. As I understand it, pedigrees with the same bonuses do not add up. So when I get the Yamanaka bloodline, my Yin compatibility will not change, no matter how I pumped it. Although it would be nice to get sensing. Although, of course, spending points on it is pointless. Elemental compatibility is a great help, but it certainly doesn't offer the terrible benefits of the Rinnegan or Sage Mode. It is worth thinking about it in your free time ... Although, where should I rush? I'll have time for everything, do not be greedy "- Shikamaru understood that from the pedigrees in his presence, some were simply useless, but he could not get rid of them, except that he could combine, but this pill was so expensive that such an idea disappeared by herself. It might seem that the guy's talents and current abilities are enormous, but do not forget that At thirteen Itachi was already an S-rank Shinobi, even without the Mangeky Sharingan. On this side, there was still room to grow, not to mention Madara and Hashirama's talents.

"The pills have limits, and the prices are not so inclined to accept them. As for the technicians, this is not a particularly profitable pleasure. "Now Shikamaru was deciding what to spend his available glasses on. There were as many as nineteen thousand in stock, so there was something to spend, it was quite possible to get a gene expansion pill and buy something worthwhile with the remaining points. But also, it was possible to acquire a Genome, which, in fact, was not a pedigree and did not seem to have any special restrictions so far. But Shikamaru was sure there were some tricks here too. And I didn't want to receive special genomes either. The spontaneous ones were useless, and the ones that were interesting were based on the Pedigree. The Mokuton was desirable, the Byakugan was natural, but the prices bite terribly ... Sarutobi, with its advantages to control, were also interesting.