Chapter 102: Plans

Lost in thought, Shikamaru smiled oddly and shook his head.

"Okay, I'm a little too insolent. It will be too much if I become strong like Madara by the age of ten. Although this is unlikely, I really don't know how I will need to swing in order to achieve his talent. Yet he received a special reincarnation power, which did not weakly increase his potential. Sasuke and Naruto at one time also got hold of her and developed well that way, and this is not to mention their innate talents. Although, what is already there, I also have my own tricks ... In the future, it is worthwhile to devote time to useful things, namely Iryeninjutsu and Fuin, thanks to them I can increase strength not only with the help of the system. Fuin can help in sealing, the same Bijuu, although there I have some questions and things that require planning ... Akatsuki can cause a headache, it is worth thinking about counteraction if I decide to hunt for their prey. With their powers, it won't be easy to snatch something out of their hands! Well, Iryoninjutsu can also help, that Tsunade's technique is very useful, and I'll improve control. Having super regeneration will be of great help. But how can I get this technique? I doubt that the big-breasted woman will get it and give me this Jutsu ... Although Tsunade has weaknesses, you can also take a risk there, albeit not without a set of abilities, so that the risk does not turn into a mortal risk. She is very strong, you need to be prepared. Maybe Hiruzen will help me here, let's take a look ... Okay, with the nearest teachings, the matter is already decided long ago, I will go into the lock and study techniques and increase my experience "- with a rather chuckle, Shikamaru planned things for the first time, not related to the system. He was not particularly worried about business yet, he can earn Ryo only after he leaves the village and can improve relations either by renegades or bandits. Now he was quite happy with what he had ...

"Okay, back to the points of fate ..." - after looking at the rather significant figure, Shikamaru ran a glance over the pedigrees. On the one hand, he could easily have purchased some for ten thousand, the same Dragon Veins were curious because of their uniqueness. It was a bloodline that directly influenced regeneration and gave the strange Kekkei Genkai. Basically, it strengthened the body, bones and skin. It was one of the few interesting abilities. Still, although there were some Genomes and Bloodlines in the system that were not shown in the manga, there were too few of them. From that it was even better, you didn't have to rack your brains once again about their principles of work. As for the Extended genomes, of which there were only three pieces, Shikamaru did not even think about them, not only the price was high, but the natural predispositions which he did not have at the moment were also important ...

At this point, the guy thought a little:

"Hmm, although on the other hand, I'm still able to see the rewards for acquiring the first Enhanced Genome, and she's very tempting. If you count ... Hmm, I need to get a three-element propensity for the same Dust or Metal Release. They are much more suitable for me than the same Release of Rust, which requires a predisposition to water, wind and earth for its mastery. For Dust I already have fire and earth, just like for Metal. Curiously, this Metal clearly surpasses the element of Steel. Judging from a rather short description, this is not just some kind of Metal, but all metals in general: gold, copper, tin, mercury. The ability to create and manage them. Terrible technique and damn useful. Only it needs more lightning, and Dust needs the wind. So the question comes out of everything. What should I choose?

Glancing at the already darkened sky and the stars shining in the distance, Shikamaru did not hesitate for a long time. The wind was undoubtedly strong, but lightning ... Their mastery opened up good prospects in Nintaijutsu, and for Shikamaru it was another interesting section to study.

With a determined glare, Shikamaru returned to another question.

"And what pedigree would give me a predisposition to lightning? Elixirs to pump a predisposition is stupid, I can only put on pedigrees. On the other hand, although Metal is desirable, I know Dust and have seen it in action. True, the advantage of creating metals with the help of chakra is something beyond. Well this is almost Mokuton with its endless wood resources! Damn, is this ability even legal? I haven't heard a word about her in the manga. Although, on the other hand, there was Steel, which is clearly inferior to her ... Interesting, very interesting! " - Shikamaru was really impressed. But, the path that will need to be paved to the Extended Genome is also not easy. First of all, this is the gene expansion pill, then the lightning pedigree that still needs to be found, and only then the extended Genome, the price of which is no joke. In general, the points of fate needed to complete this business will require no less than to obtain the Hyuuga bloodline. But the awards were also worth it ...

"Hmm, if you do, then right now, while there is an opportunity. It will take years, if not even decades, to increase the potential of lightning possession with simple workouts and elixirs, and this is with my talent. I've just raised nothing in recent years, there's no doubt about it, it will be more and more difficult further, this is a known fact. And I will have to focus only on lightning and work a lot in this direction. This is clearly not an option, so the pedigree is an excellent choice. There must be something in the Hidden Cloud, what is the Raikage's pedigree? " Blinking his eyes, Shikamaru quickly scanned the bloodlines for lightning bonuses, while at the same time looking for bloodlines from the hidden Cloud.

"So, here ..." - stopping at one curious pedigree "B", Shikamaru immediately sharpened his gaze:

"All these Raikage were relatives, straight Royal family! I read that the first and the second were from the Bi clan. Although, no wonder, we have no better in Konoha, starting with Hashira the problems are over the roof. Hmm, or from Hogoroma? " Shikamaru grinned and focused on B's bloodline.

[Bi - strength 50%] → Improved mastery of the element "Lightning" - 10%, improved innate physical potential + 5 to Strength, Endurance and Speed.

Looking at this bloodline, Shikamaru could only chuckle bitterly.

- Again indicators, unpleasant ... - the guy's feelings could be understood. On the one hand, it may seem that the additional bonuses are incredibly good, there is also an improved mastery of the element. But their main problem was that they did not add up. Simply put, all the bonus received from the "clan B" pedigree that added +5 to the parameters will be simply useless due to those already available in other pedigrees. Shikamaru realized this quite recently, when he figured out everything in more detail. Previously, the system did not show any problems at all, as if everything was perfect, but having changed, flaws began to be seen immediately. The inability to stack up bonuses from pedigrees is one such flaw.

Simply put, Inuzuka's pedigree, which was already not very useful, became even worse, because its +5 bonus to speed was counted by the system only at the moment it was received, and then it did not make sense - since it did not increase. So pumping this pedigree is useless. Even if it rises to 400%, nothing will change, +5 will remain so forever, also related to the increase in the stamina of the Uzumaki clan. Since Kaguya was acquired earlier, the +5 stamina gains will only increase there. There was a similar outcome from the Bi clan lineage. Fortunately, they had a bonus to lightning, this made Shikamaru think ... There was also Darui with an excellent Storm Genome, but the price for him was twice as much, so the option to take possession of his power was unprofitable. But at this point, Shikamaru thought of several options. Still, it was better to choose a more profitable path ...