Chapter 103: Preparation

On the one hand, you can take a step towards the path of the Extended Genome, on the other, open Mangekyo, because the glasses were quite allowed, but then there will be an obvious loss of five thousand fate points, and Mangekyo now will not give out special advantages like other paths. Further, one could generally embark on the path of Improved genomes and get only three more pieces and, in place with the existing two, get excellent rewards. As a result, which would definitely pay off not only the points spent on them, but also the strength. But, on the other hand, it was necessary to think about pumping current capabilities, to raise talent and the amount of chakra. This would clearly speed up and improve the quality of training, help to protect yourself and give an advantage in the field of creating your own jutsu, for which there were their own awards.

"Hmm, I decided!" - Laughing, Shikamaru stopped thinking and chose his further path, fully thinking over further actions. The system had some flaws that hadn't been changed yet. These flaws were demonstrated at the very beginning, back in the days when rewards for quests were visible and these rewards were very impressive, and the tasks themselves were not particularly difficult. In fact, in those days, doing one thing, Shikamaru not only did not lose anything, but also quickly gained. As a result, it was possible to close a couple of tasks and remain with a lot of advantages. It was difficult to know if this was a bug or an interesting feature. But now these "benefits" were becoming less and less, but they still remained. It was them that Shikamaru was examining now. The moment with the Extended Genome was tempting, but at this stage of development it was not the time to act. There were still not enough points, but this shortcoming could be solved very soon. In addition, no one forbade paving the best path for this and laying the foundation.

"So, if you complete the assignment in the elements, then I will receive ten thousand, but I will spend fifteen on it. In the end ... Hmm, if you accumulate twenty-five, then in theory everything should work out. Five for a pill, twenty for Darui's pedigree, another two thousand ... And that, I need twenty-seven thousand for a successful outcome! But, it must be done at one moment, so as not to waste time "- exhaling, the guy's eyes flashed, now all that was left was to acquire points of fate. But first ...

First of all - Uzumaki!

As much as he wanted something new, he really wanted to upgrade the existing ones, even if the price was not small. Not pumping up Uzumaki's bloodline was a mistake, especially now that he was preparing for the long retirement, so he decided to start with her. He was not concerned about the others yet. He did not plan to pump the same Inuzuka pedigree and was even in some way angry that it took him into his head to get it in due time, he could well have refused the award that time, after all, there was a choice. Now the extra slot was occupied by an essentially useless pedigree, even Akimichi was much more interesting in this regard ...

Focusing on sharing, Shikamaru first chose - Bloodline Enhancement Pills.

"Okay, you just need not to overdo it, you should understand that I can take the gene expansion pill only three times, now you shouldn't drop points less than fifteen thousand. If everything goes according to plan, then for the upcoming missions I can buy seven thousand, and in the best case, even as much as fourteen. In extreme cases, I will improve Kaguya's pedigree and acquire the necessary, for the same speed or strength there is a task with an excellent reward. It is too early now, my physical indicators are still not enough to reach the same two hundred and fifty points of strength in one step. It's a pity it's over, I could have invested right now, but I'm afraid, although this will raise my talent, the rate of growth of indicators will decrease, because I will become many times stronger. In the future, this would be a mistake. About Uzumaki also, perhaps, although not exactly, after I now invest, chakra growth will drop very much, as well as control growth. But, I just can't sit now and do nothing, I need more talent, and if this slows down the growth of my strength, then it's okay, I wasn't going to become Madara by the age of ten, and then kick Kaguya off. It was necessary to act. And in general, if you look at everything in this way, then I just need to wait for the age of majority, and then upgrade, this is clearly the most profitable way. But how can I go for such a thing? It's terribly boring ... Therefore, it's even better, I may be a crook with luck, but I will slow down my development. Not bad, the power of Jonin by the age of twelve will be enough for me, the main thing is that this power should be like that of an elite Jonin, otherwise they would have laughed at me. I believe in karma and if I continue to sit and wait for a better moment, I'm afraid it'll end badly "- grinning and stopping all these long reflections, Shikamaru finally began the long-awaited pumping.

With a simple mind, Shikamaru immediately exchanged four thousand fate points for two bloodline enhancement pills. At the same moment, his glasses dropped to fifteen thousand three hundred. This is how he took a step back, in order to make more than a dozen forward in the future.

Opening his fist with a couple of round balls in his hand, the guy's eyes flashed decisively and he immediately threw the pills into his mouth, having previously selected the Uzumaki pedigree for pumping:

- According to my calculations, the chakra of an ordinary jonin does not even exceed two thousand if they are converted into system numbers. Jonins, like Kakashi, have maybe five hundred points more, no more. As a result, with such a leveling up, in terms of the amount of chakra, in just one step I will reach the elite Jonins. It may not have been too surprising, but worthy ...

Having undressed, Shikamaru settled himself more comfortably on the floor and got ready. He was no longer afraid of taking two pills at once, because the abilities allowed. Everything went according to plan ...

After an hour...

Sitting on the floor of his room, Shikamaru was in a sad state. A puddle of sweat had already accumulated under him, which was rapidly decreasing, and his hoarse breathing indicated that everything was clearly not going according to plan.

The whole body of the guy was incredibly red, veins were swollen, muscles tensed to the limit, blue chakra circulated around, mixed with green vapors of sweat. From all this, even the hair on his head moved without the wind!

All this chakra could be seen with the naked eye and marveled at its terrible amount. An ordinary child simply could not accommodate such a huge amount. What Shikamaru forgot to calculate was just chakra! He completely forgot that one cannot just take it and in one leap reach such a terrifying volume. He used everything as an example to Naruto, but completely lost sight of the fact that the boy grew up with the Bijuu inside, who slowly changed his chakra channels and increased his reserves. Now, in one step, Shikamaru has more than doubled the amount of chakra from his current capabilities. The pills had almost no effect, but the effect of bursting channels and rapid chakra growth was so painful that Shikamaru involuntarily activated the Sharingan, and bloody tears slowly flowed from his eyes. The guy's fingers have already broken through the skin of the palm, but the blood just evaporated from the enormous heat. Now he seemed to have opened the seventh gate and reached the limit!

Guy's training was not in vain, he continued to endure and hold back the chakra in his body. He knew that as soon as he made a wrong move, only lumps would remain from his carcass!

"Heck! I suspected ... that it might go sideways ... two pills of risk ... but who knew that everything would be so bad. This Guy with his Power of Youth ... powdered all my brains ... damn it! If it weren't for the pedigrees, I would have died. It's good that ... I'm starting to understand something now ... maybe it wasn't an osh ... oh you, damn it! " Gritting his teeth, a new wave of pain swept through Shikamaru's body. If there were a Hyuga shinobi here right now and he looked with his dojutsu at Shikamaru's current channels, he would be shocked! They were cracking at the seams and had hundreds of cracks, only thanks to the unique body and bones, Shikamaru was still holding on. The recent training of the Eight Gates also played a role and the injuries did not reach horrific levels.

Another three hours passed, and the pain finally began to subside. The fierce pressure of the new chakra began to slowly slow down. The frantic stream of waves seemed to have wasted all its strength and turned into a small wave, the strength of which also quickly subsided. In the end, it finally ended.

Shikamaru was no longer sitting on the floor, he just lay with his back on the boards and breathed heavily ... His whole body was working to the limit.

When finally everything stopped, he barely opened his bloodshot eyes, in which it was even difficult to see the pupil and smiled with teeth as snow-white as pearls. There was not a hint of pain in this smile, there was a feeling that he was even pleased. This was not surprising. After all, this time he gained much more than he had previously thought. Now it was finally possible to rest ...

Closing his eyes, the guy fell into an unconscious sleep. As for his state, it was nowhere more sad. He was no longer in the balance of death, but the injuries he received were horrific. Thousands of damage to the channels, ruptured blood vessels and cracked bones from the pressure of the chakra. But, all these were only external injuries, his mental state received an even greater blow. Although he gained a lot from this, the price was impressive ...