Chapter 106: Meeting Friends (2)

Ino and Chоji threw barbs for a long time, but then the girl suddenly noticed the sad state of her older sister and the pale face of her friend. Naturally, Ino knew that she was tormenting Avie. Because of this, she called her here today. She knew well that Shikamaru could somehow cheer her up, and he himself would take a little rest from his "affairs". Sighing, Ino smiled and spoke loudly:

- Do you want to tell a secret?

Shikamaru and Avie immediately turned to Ino and listened. The girl grunted in satisfaction:

- Okay, if you ask so. In general, this is about two of my classmates. It all started as usual ... This Naruto and Sasuke suddenly decided to have an argument right in the classroom. This is a common thing for them. They decided to check who could be the first to steal Uruki-sensei's protector ... - laughing, Ino waved her hand: - Well, these two argued for so long that one guy Tobio accidentally pushed Naruto, and he fell right on Sasuke and their lips ... - Ino temptingly stretched out her lips and burst out laughing: - Believe me, this sight was gorgeous! You should have seen the faces of all this crowd of girls drying for Sasuke, hee hee ...

An odd grin crept across Shikamaru's face, and Avie just shook her head.

Chоji chuckled and said:

- Brother Naruto is not to blame and this is not funny. By the way, he won, he somehow managed to deceive Iruka-sensei. Although, I do not envy him after that. Sensei always knows how to invent punishments.

Ino nodded.

"Yeah, you're right, Naruto always gets hit. He's just his favorite ...

Shikamaru could only chuckle at this situation.

"It looks like these two are destined to take the first kiss from each other. Oh heaven ... "

Glancing at Ino, Shikamaru casually asked:

- And Sakura?

The blonde blinked in surprise:

- What's with her?

Shikamaru chuckled.

- How did she react? Isn't she one of those who dry on Sasuke?

In fact, Shikamaru knew that Sakura didn't act like that, but he still wondered if something might have changed since he left. He didn't have much time to watch everything now.

Ino narrowed her eyes and asked with a strange chill in her voice:

- Why do you care about Sakura?

Shikamaru coughed and shrugged.

- Yes, just remembering, her chakra control is very good.

- Chakra control? Ino snorted and turned away. Shikamaru just shook his head and sighed. Naturally, he knew he liked Ino. She was just still a child and it was too early to act. Although Shikamaru was a little surprised that the girl didn't run after him and didn't act like a child. If you remember, then they ran after Sasuke with Sakura like crazy fans, but here Ino behaves so secretively. Probably, girls either have their own instinctive approach to each guy, or they still depend on these guys. Shikamaru was more inclined towards this option. Yet he was not withdrawn like Sasuke and behaved differently. More grown-up. As for Sakura, in recent years Shikamaru had been in contact with her, but everything was somehow strange ... There was a feeling that the girl liked him, but she seemed to be avoiding him. Which was clearly not like her. Shikamaru sometimes wondered if he was in that world?

"Can the presence of a person influence those around him? Curious ... Maybe I give myself away with my manners and it scares others away? No, Sakura can hit Naruto as usual, I saw it more than once, well, and Sasuke, she doesn't seem to notice him ... It's clearly my fault, otherwise everything would be like the original "- after a pensive pause, Shikamaru returned to guys.

Avie was sad, Ino was throwing disgruntled glances at Shikamaru, and Chоji was crunching his chips without worry. Silence...

Shikamaru coughed and said:

"Don't be angry. Ino, by the way, did I say that your hairstyle is adorable?"

The girl puffed out her cheeks, offended, and then turned around:

- I am no longer a child, your words do not please me much.

- Really? Why did you blush then? Avie asked with a grin.

- Hmpf! I didn't blush, this sun is falling. Anyway, I will go, I have trainings for the transfer of Consciousness. Until! - waving a small hand, the girl got up and left.

Avie smiled oddly and rose with a sigh.

- I'll go too.

Shikamaru nodded and gazed after the girls, leaning back on the couch and letting out a sigh of relief.

At that moment Ch Чji spoke up.

- She didn't care.

- What? Shikamaru blinked, and then began to understand, "Are you talking about Sakura?"

- Yeah, - chewing chips, the fat man put the pack on the table: - I don't understand these girls. I can prank this Sasuke with my eyes closed, and they all squeal because of him. What's so special about it?

Shikamaru just chuckled.

- A cute face decides a lot. It looks like you and I are two scumbags. Shave both of them and we'll be your typical gangsters.

Chоji laughed.

- I agree, a man must be scary, that's what Dad says. The main thing is not what the face looks like, but the spirit and confidence! Take this Sasuke, while he sits there quietly, I will grab all the girls like a man and he won't get anything.

Shikamaru laughed and nodded with praise in his eyes.

- This is my brother. You say the right things. Take it while you can!

- Ahaha, definitely noticed!

Shikamaru smiled again and asked:

- What about Hinata? How is she there?

- Ah ... Well, as usual, she is modest, I saw her a couple of times at the training ground, she trains harshly. After that time, no one bothers her much.

Shikamaru laughed and waved his hand.

- Well, good, it's even better.

Chоji put the Chips aside and asked with a grin.

- Sakura, okay, but do you really like the small Hyuuga?

Shikamaru rolled his eyes and shook his head.

- That's why, as a question about girls, you liked it so much? Sakura is cute, here I can not argue ... Hyuuga too, but the second interests me on another issue.

- Oh, are you talking about that time? Well, yes, then I really wondered why you decided to stop Naruto. But when I saw you, I respected you even more.

Shikamaru looked away and remembered with a smile that day at the academy ...