Chapter 107

That day there was a usual lecture from Iruka-sensei on the use of chakra, a little about the ranks of missions and techniques, and then another change began. On that day, everything had to go, as always, peacefully. Chоji would chew on chips, Sakura and Ino would chat about nonsense, and Shikamaru's clone would idly flip through the book, sighing about his cloned fate. But this time something interesting happened.

In the academy, as in any other class, there were some hooligans, as well as those who they would make fun of in turn. Naturally, there were those whom they did not touch and were even afraid of, but there were naturally those who would sooner or later come to their turn. So that day, it was Hinata's turn. Although they sometimes made fun of the harmless girl in between times and a couple of such guys laughed at, they usually never made such scenes as they do today. It can be said that this was the second time that Hinata was so pestered and teased by several children. The girl, as always, shrank and lowered her head. The ridicule from three children poured out ...

The entire class itself, those who were still present in the audience, had already paid attention to this, but no one was in a hurry to interfere. Shikamaru, Chоji, Ino, and Sakura were some of those. They just watched. They all had their own reasons, the InoShikaCho trinity had their own views on this, and they tried not to get involved in their own affairs, especially after communicating with Shikamaru, their views on many things changed.

Of course, there were those who immediately decided to intervene. Whistling at the window Naruto, when he saw this booth without thinking, jumped off the desk and walked quickly towards these children. He always intervened and broke up fights, if any. But at the same moment, the guy stopped abruptly when a silhouette flashed right in front of him and Shikamaru's back appeared. Naruto frowned and glancing towards Hinata asked:

- Shikamaru, what are you doing? Get away!

Shikamaru just turned his head slightly, slapped Naruto on the shoulder and sat down in an empty seat:

- Don't bother yet, she can handle it. If not, then she shouldn't be a shinobi. "Looking intently into his friend's eyes, Shikamaru said earnestly:" Are you going to cover her back all my life? What will she be then?

Naruto frowned, but thoughtfully nodded and sat down next to his friend.

- If something...

- Shut up and watch. She is a Hyuuga, if you studied, you should know what they can do.

Naruto nodded briefly and both continued to stare. Only moments had passed since their little skirmish, so nothing much had changed in the class. Almost no one paid attention to their skirmish. Only Sasuke, sitting to the side, glanced at Naruto, snorted and turned away.

At the same time, the children continued to point fingers and laugh at Hinata, someone even grew bolder and decided to touch her hair, but the girl, without even lifting her head, easily dodged the boy's hand, which pretty much surprised everyone.

Shikamaru did not take his eyes off her. Naturally, he knew that Hinata herself was capable of taking care of herself. In an extreme case, he would have intervened himself, but Shikamaru believed that the girl would remember their last meeting and that something would change from his presence and condemning look. She just had to start, and then she could handle herself ... He did not allow Naruto to interfere because he understood that he could not go on for so long. Naruto sometimes does not think about the consequences, helping others was not shameful, but not in such a case. Hinata is a member of a noble clan, if she allows this to continue with her abilities, she will never learn to defend herself. Moreover, since in this reality the girl did not have the connection with Naruto that would allow her to become brave in the future, Shikamaru had to do something. Indeed, to some extent, it was his mistake that Hinata did not develop a child's love. At least for now ... Without it, Hinata may remain weak, which would only be one person's fault.

Shikamaru well remembered one experience from the past, when, while still young, he helped one person. Since then, although he was faithful to him, in fact, he always relied on him and unconsciously needed protection. Therefore, Shikamaru remembered this experience forever. Never help someone who can do everything himself.

- Ha, look, this big-eyed seems to be able to dodge. Straight ninja! Ha ha ha! The same boy who tried to grab Hinata by the hair said with a laugh. Naturally, he felt that she did not intend to answer and grew bolder even more.

"Hmm, how long are you going to be silent?" Shikamaru's gaze sharpened and Hinata involuntarily felt him on herself. When she looked up, their eyes met instantly. Shikamaru tilted his head with a smile and continued to stare.

Hinata immediately understood everything ... She clearly remembered the day when Shikamaru helped her, and also remembered all his words. Now he did not help her and was definitely waiting for her actions ...

"You could fight. You might not have won, but you could have tried. So why didn't you? "

"And if they laughed at your loved one, what would you do?"

"If you don't figure it out the next time, they'll suffer a lot more from me, do you understand?"

Hinata was afraid, she did not want to harm them, but at the same time, remembering everything he said, her fists involuntarily clenched, and his mocking look made the girl even more nervous. She was already at her limit. She was annoyed not so much by these childish taunts, but by this disappointed look.

"Do it ... Or it will be worse, do Hinata ... Come on" - even without Hinata's words, it was as if she was listening to everything he said.

Just then, one of the bullies finally grabbed Hinata's hair. Naruto clenched his fist and was about to stand up when he suddenly stopped and stared at Hinata in amazement. A loud slap went through the audience at the same moment ...

- BUT? Naruto stared at Hinata in surprise. Shikamaru nodded approvingly and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Not bad ..." - As he expected, his presence clearly influenced the girl. She needed some motivation, and getting someone's disappointed and mocking look is fine too. This, of course, is not the same as taking the example from Naruto, but also a method.

- Aaaa! - just at that moment, the boy who barely touched Hinata's hair screamed at the top of his throat, holding his swollen cheek. His small body flew almost a meter away from just one slap in the face, and he only now realized what had happened. It seems that Hinata did not have much time to restrain herself, and in this blow she put all the accumulated resentment. Usually she was always silent, but now everything has changed.

Hinata herself didn't expect to do it, she didn't even understand how it happened ... Everything was immediately clear from her face. The girl looked in surprise at the slightly reddened palm, and then at the defeated boy:

"W-I'm sorry ..." After saying that, Hinata glanced at Shikamaru, then turned around and quickly ran out of the audience.

Shikamaru sighed and shook his head.

- Even so, it's better ... It's a pity she didn't beat them all, this will obviously not be enough for them to understand everything. Eh, I'll have to clean up a little after her, she must understand that she coped herself, - reluctantly getting up Shikamaru went to these bully.