Chapter 121: Another Dojutsu

As for me, what I have already received, I probably don't use half of everything. The only thing is that the system seems to force me to spend points. Not surprisingly, after that reward for spending one hundred thousand, the system changed, I even began to feel it, somewhere deep in my soul, this pleasant warmth ... As strange as it sounds. Plus, I want to try everything and get my hands on every power. It will not make me stronger, of course, even if I get everything out of this system now. Of course, I will increase my talent, but ... Training is still important. I'll go out now, maybe I can compete with Kakashi a little without his Mangekyo, but who knows ... Without experience and a well-formed set of techniques, I can hardly be able to. I'm like a child who has everything he wants, but is still unable to decide. I kind of like it, but I would have to choose a set of techniques, and use the rest as normal side abilities. So the Byakugan is not such a useless idea. Logically, too few pedigrees are of any use to me right now. They will only give me that compatibility with the elements or a little more chakra volume. In general, this is not so good ... Chakra, that's not all, as a last resort I can find the jinchūriki and take his Bijuu for myself. Everything is extremely simple here. Increase the strength of the water and wind techniques? Well, here it is also controversial, the water is very impressive, I have an idea for it, the wind would be useful too. But, as for me, there will be enough fire with lightning. Plus, Senju's bloodline can give water compatibility. Therefore, Byakugan ... Why not? Well, what the hell knows what will happen when I combine the ancestry of the Uchiha and the Hyuuga. Isn't that a reason to try, even with the loss? Smiling, Shikamaru nodded emphatically.

- Yes, why am I thinking here? Hyuuga and Uchiha are two sides of the same pedigree, it remains to find a third side and ... - with a gambling gleam in his eyes, Shikamaru immediately bought the Hyuuga pedigree!

Unlike the others, the Hyuuga changed his body very noticeably, so the process dragged on, as did the pain and other consequences.

After another unpleasant procedure for assimilating forces, Shikamaru opened his eyes as usual and checked the status:

`` Hmm, everything seems to be fine ... Since this is the case, I'll reach four hundred at once ... '' At this thought, Shikamaru swallowed the available amplification pills one after another.

With that finished, Shikamaru nodded contentedly.

- Now it's better, I have almost fifty thousand more. Uchiha and Hyuuga are now equal when there is a chance to combine them. Then the unification pill will still be effective ... But this is the next time, now we need to finish the deal with Genomes and, under good circumstances, get something else for a complete set. Quite recently, I had a very strong desire to combine some abilities and thus find my lineage and my own path in the world!

With this thought, Shikamaru once again began to examine the list of Dojutsu with bloodlines. It was they who interested him in the first place. Still, this choice was clearly more profitable, albeit more expensive.

"In the past, I liked one ... But now it's worth taking a closer look at their capabilities. Basically, a new dojutsu doesn't have to be outright strong or super expensive. The price of twenty thousand is quite a normal limit, in fact, most are worth it. No more, no less ... Awakening, that might be the problem. It is worth choosing something similar to the Byakugan, which is given from birth. Let's see ... "- having opened the list, Shikamaru began to check his memories and draw conclusions.

A few minutes later, the guy rubbed his temples in annoyance and sighed:

- Damn it, this is all too complicated ... Too little information. I want to take a chance and take something like that, but ... I don't need these guessing games right now. There may be great dojutsu there, but without a plan of awakening, they don't make sense. Therefore, I'll take what is ... Yes, just what to take. Ketsuryugan or Dojutsu Ranmaru. On the one hand, I was trying to get a pedigree, but this is exactly the problem ...

[Chinoike - strength 50%] → Ketsuryugan → Improved chakra control + 5, Improved mastery of the element "Water" 10%.

The pedigree wasn't all that bad, so Shikamaru didn't mind buying one. Only Dojutsu Ranmaru cost five thousand cheaper, and for the same five thousand one could purchase Akimichi's pedigree to combine with the Yang element, which would be clearly more profitable. Moreover, Dojutsu Ranmaru was special in some aspects of observation and had a lot of undisclosed points. The blood management was impressive, but so was Ranmaru's Dojutsu. In any case, Shikamaru did not know about the awakening of both eyes, but taking Ranmaru's Dojutsu was much more interesting. If it was owned by a simple child, maybe there is no difficulty there ...

Shikamaru nodded with a shrug.

- If so, better let it be, why occupy the slot of useless pedigree, right? I already have Nara and Inuzuka, they can be described as the weakest, this is a waste of limited places. Nara I can still accept, yet these are my roots, albeit a little in strange circumstances. Anyway, the sensing will be better, so I'll take Ranmaru's Dojutsu, let's see what it gives me ...

With this thought, Shikamaru made the purchase of the first Superior Genome without a bloodline. At the same moment, he focused and began to wait for the consequences. They did not keep themselves waiting long, after a minute the burning sensation reached the eyes ...

After another painful hour of mastering the ability, Shikamaru activated the Byakugan, then tried to activate Ranmaru's Dojutsu, but nothing came of it. He already knew that he could activate them immediately, but for some reason it was not possible to activate the second Dojutsu, moreover, after trying to use the Sharingan, Shikamaru only faced unpleasant pain in his eyes.

"How strange ..." Shikamaru, frowning in thought, folded the seal and created a shadow clone, then activated the Byakugan again. After that, the clone immediately spontaneously divorced and poured the received information into the mind of the original. At that moment, Shikamaru wondered in surprise.

"So this is how, my Byakugan is kind of gray, the veins are slightly less than those of the owners of this Dojutsu, but the activation is the same. Chakra needs to be directed to the eyes ... The odd thing is why I can't use other Dojutsu. "After waiting about a minute, Shikamaru decided to check again. He had a hunch ...

Activating the Sharingan, he immediately nodded.

- It is clear, my eyes are rebuilt and cleared of chakra in a certain time. Chakrakanals are different for Sharingan and Byakugan. While receiving Ranmaru's Dojutsu, I felt some pain in my head, and throughout my body, which means that it also affected the brain, the entire circulation system and the body as a whole. Not as obvious as the Sharingan and Byakugan, but also tangible. Curious ... Let's wait. It's worth taking a closer look at how I look, a bit dark here.

Deciding not to resort to the new Dojutsu yet, Shikamaru began to understand the Byakugan and the principles of its work and structure.