Chapter 122: Building

Sharingan and Byakugan are two legendary Dojutsu that still exist today. Although both were called eye techniques, in fact, only the Byakugan could be called a pure eye technique. As in the case of the Sharingan, the eyes were only a tool, but the Byakugan did not need any special chakra or anything other than the presence of the Byakugan itself. Everyone could reveal his power and he did not need awakening, in particular, all the techniques of this Dojutsu concerned the capabilities of the eyes - vision. Of course, one who is not born with these eyes will be able to reveal only part of their powers, this is reasonable. Still, the Hyuuga had an advantage - they had a special Tanketsu system for more convenient use of the Byakugan and even for its development.

The transplanted eye will not develop. This point was controversial, but Shikamaru became more aware of it after receiving the given Dojutsu. The power was in the eyes, mostly, at least they were the most important advantage the Hyuuga were able to uncover. Otherwise, their tanketsu and the circulation system itself did not differ much from ordinary shinobi, but Shikamaru experienced very serious problems during the assimilation of this bloodline just because of these changes. His entire circulation system seemed to have renewed itself and shed its skin. There were no clear advantages, but it became much easier to manage the challenge and actions with the chakra. For Taijutsu, this is indeed an advantage, but otherwise, that's all. For the most part, this will not affect transformation and control, but it will completely affect the formation of chakra. Just without transforming or changing the shape, this chakra is just suitable only for Taijutsu in general. That is why the Hyuuga are, perhaps, the closest to the first owners of the circulation system, to the Sage and his Brother.

Shikamaru would not attach any importance to this if he did not know about the origin of the Byakugan. But this knowledge not weakly fueled interest in these Tanketsu and in the eyes themselves. They can be called a mutation as a result of chakra possession, but having clearer channels is also a nice bonus.

The Hyuugas rather acquired not a body like that of Senju, or a Brain like that of an Uchiha, but chakra circulation channels and special eyes, not awakened, but innate, as a unique organ. A curious question, what will happen if these three forces are combined? The body and the brain give rise to the Rinnegan, and if we attribute to this special eyes, from which, it seems, the Sage awakened just his own special Rinnegan, allowing him to interact with chakra at the highest level, surpassing even Madara-jinchūriki of the ten-tails in this respect. Obviously, the Hyuugas have the ability to influence everything ... Moreover, maybe they are the very missing part, which can be replaced by the Sage chakra to awaken the Rinnegan? Unlikely, but interesting theory ...

In any case, with the Uchiha brain that Shikamaru acquired, the eyes had already changed and when he received new ones, it could not leave a mark. In the case of the Uchiha, the eyes worked like a projector and made it possible, thanks to a special chakra and the brain, to influence the surrounding world and perceive it more clearly. This chakra was special even in the understanding that it acted on the principle of a special radiation from the brain, from which the load on the eyes was measured not only in chakra waste, but also in quantity. That is why there was no particularly strong Sharingan superior to everyone. He, in fact, had limits and restrictions just to prevent such ailments as blindness. This Shikamaru realized after using his eyes for a long time. But, this again gave me thoughts. These chakra waves in certain quantities were even harmful, like many quite tolerable radiation in the world. An interesting point of these eyes - worth a more detailed study ... In addition, the chakra from the Uchiha's brain to some extent tempered the body to balance with the brain. The problem, again, is that this most likely did not concern the Mangekyари Sharingan and perhaps for this reason he was so harmful to the body. Moreover, the hardening of this chakra was clearly not comparable even with the masters of Taijutsu who were hardened in years of training, let alone Senju. Therefore, if you think so, then the Mangeky Ш Sharingan was, although an evolved form of eyes, but in a certain aspect it was not controlled or possibly incomplete. Under a surge of emotions, a certain Sharingan barrier was destroyed, precisely for the awakening of Mangeky, possibly to protect the user. Therefore, such a process of awakening could well be called a protective reaction of the body when it uses all its resources despite the damage to the organs. That is why these eyes can be so harmful. Without the right body, you cannot achieve completion - Rinnegan.

Sharingan is an Uchiha instrument, the power of which is in the brain. But this tool is very important, because it was he who allowed the brain to receive information at the proper level and vice versa send it to the victim's brain. Mangeky, however, opened access to, albeit a small part, but very similar to the power of the Sage of the Six Paths power. Manipulation of reality, matter - Izanami and Izanagi. A simple ninja cannot do that. This is why Orochimaru's desire to get this power is understandable.

Again, the true power of the Uchiha chakra was revealed after evolution and mostly harming the body and eyes. In the case of the Hyuuga, the eyes were a whole organ that was simply amplified with chakra. But, as for the nameless Dojutsu Ranmaru ... When receiving it, Shikamaru experienced less painful effects, but they affected not only the eyes, but also a certain part of the brain, as well as organs and, in general, the whole body. Simply put, Ranmaru's eyes were rather strange. These eyes reflected not only the potential of the brain, but also from a part of the organism itself.

"If you remember, the guy owned genjutsu - it's amazing, yet his eyes are in direct contact with the chakrakanals coming out of the brain. Although the Byakugan touches all channels, but basically, oddly enough, it does not use the deepest channels through which the chakra flows for the Sharingan from the brain, or rather most of them. But the Sharingan does not use everything ... I feel it vaguely, it is too difficult to feel the current chakra in such remote places, it is worth checking more carefully ... "- with a scowl, Shikamaru created another clone and forced him to activate the Byakugan when he used Sharingan. Due to the guy's large chakra volumes, the load on the clone turned out to be small ... Thus, it turned out that two different Dojutsu can be activated. This discovery made me think ...

The problem was that the clone was not able to generate chakra, especially the very chakra important for maintaining the Sharingan. Moreover, the clones with the Sharingan are real, but if you put enough special chakra into it, then the load on the brain can easily faint. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Uchiha did not use this method. His problem was the limited amount of Sharingan chakra.