Chapter 123: Gold

As mentioned earlier, the Sharingan takes only the required minimum of chakra. After all, he uses only basic abilities, even in the three-tomoen version. This minimum is formed in the brain, it is impossible to create more due to restrictions, more precisely, it is possible, but due to the load it will be impossible to support the eyes. This is a kind of protection that Mangeky does not have. Therefore, clones with a Sharingan are a very complex matter, because it is impossible to put chakras into them more than a certain minimum to maintain the work of Dojutsu, and in the end this will still lead to costs and loads. So no Uchiha in his right mind and even with large reserves would never spend money on such a thing. Unless, of course, he has Senju's body and the Eternal Mangeky, or even the Rinnegan. Then it will become too dangerous ...

But it seems that such a limitation did not apply to the Byakugan, because the usual chakra was enough for him! Naturally, this is most likely available only to the original user of Dojutsu, with transplanted eyes, one should not even dream of such a thing. The waste of chakra can terrify even the Uzumaki. But, the fact is that with shadow clones everything should work perfectly.

"Hmm, how strange ..." Shikamaru stepped closer and examined his own clone. In dim lighting, he initially did not attach importance to some of his changes, but now he was sure when he considered everything with the Sharingan. With a displeased face, Shikamaru chuckled.

- Yeah, it's not even better ... Ordinary people may not pay attention, but all my friends will definitely see the difference. - the first change is something quite bearable - skin pallor. Shikamaru was pale before that, but now in this aspect he is not inferior to the same Hyuuga.

Another problem is in the eyes. Now his black pupil has become gray and more dilated, becoming gradually darker towards the very edges. When the Byakugan was activated, the veins were less, but the pupil became completely gray with a black outline at the very edges of the pupil.

Shikamaru returned to his seat and shook his head.

- Well, now nothing can be done ... - with a sigh, the guy activated the Sharingan and allowed the clone to take a closer look at the chakra channels involved. After a couple of seconds, the clone dispersed. Shikamaru grimaced again.

- It's funny ... Much better. - Another change concerned the Sharingan itself. Now, instead of the usual bloody color, the eyes darkened, they were not yet black, but dark red, with gray, almost white tomoe, now these eyes looked like Sharingan only in part. The view was impressive, no Uchiha had ever seen such eyes or any other shinobi in the world.

Shikamaru did not think about this for a long time, now the changes did not matter. Everything can be attributed to some secret technique. The only problem is that my head ached from constant attempts to first activate one dojutsu, and then another. It was worthwhile to understand from the very beginning that the Byakugan must completely change the structure of the eyes. It's not Uzumaki's red hair ...

Tests showed that the Sharingan did not activate certain chakrakanals. This could be due to an incomplete version of it, and possibly something else. Shikamaru knew medicine, but not on such a deep level. In any case, it was not that important now. The body was in order, and this is the main thing.

Half a minute later, Shikamaru tried to use his third Dojutsu, but nothing came of it, but after ten seconds he directed the chakra into his eyes with the power of thought, only he used not a special chakra for the Sharingan, but something new, a special mixture of chakra ...

"Wow ..." With a strange feeling in his eyes, Shikamaru felt all the chakra flowing through his body. Moreover, he even heard the beat of his own heart, how the blood flows through the veins and the sound of the contraction of the diaphragm.

Exhaling forcefully, Shikamaru rubbed his temples and nodded.

- This is a chakra, but after formation it seems to be enriched with vital energy, and then it touches the eyes through the usual channels. This is Dojutsu, but rather strange, as if it already interacts with the whole organism ...

"Dojutsu Ranmaru is somewhat similar to the Uchiha Genome, it uses a special chakra that is formed due to new changes in the brain. They are completely invisible, this is just some kind of mutation in certain tanketsu because of what exactly the chakra "mutates" in them, as a result it allows you to interact with Yin and Yang on a different level. This mutation is interesting. Eyes expand the range of capabilities of the brain, in general, almost like the Uchiha, only with some additional bonuses, but it's even impressive. But I'm not completely sure of this yet ... This is partly a theory because of my own feelings. "Shaking his head with a grin, Shikamaru returned to other business.

There were still plenty of things to do. New awards, and then new buildings, after which it was worth dealing with your own strength and even new bloodlines to choose from. Still, the place so far allowed and the number of points all the more ...

`` Okay, three dojutsu are ready and two more tasks are completed, let's see ... '' after his words, he glanced at two new notifications, which he had ignored until now:


Obtain five Enhanced Genomes

Reward: 20,000 points, Elixir of Fire Element enhancement x2, Two techniques for one of the Improved Genomes.

- "The Power of the Eyes"

Obtain three Dojutsu

Reward: 20,000 points, a unique Jutsu for two eyes, Bloodline Stabilization Pill, Bloodline Enhancement Pill.

Taking the awards, Shikamaru nodded.

- Not bad, very much even ... The stabilization pill is of course useless, but that is, forty thousand completely cover all the problems. But, as far as these techniques are concerned, this is perhaps the reward so reward ...

Enhanced Genome Technique:

- Metal Release: Gold liquid dome

- Metal Release: Forge Welding Technique

Dojutsu techniques:

- Izanami

- Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms

After understanding everything, Shikamaru chuckled wryly.

- Perhaps if I had Mangekyек I could get the technique for him, and this is clearly a huge advantage. It's a pity of course, but there's nothing you can do about it. Even these techniques are so secret that I simply wouldn't have had a chance to get them. True, I definitely do not intend to use Izanami, and for the Eight Trigrams, I will probably need to master weaker techniques, which are generally based on the Soft Fist. True, now I can copy it, probably, so in principle the technique is actually not that good. In the end, I can copy the others too, if I can spy on them. Yeah, not a lot, only it doesn't matter, all this pales in comparison with the rest: Metal Release: Gold is a liquid dome. That's where I'm lucky, it's here! I have not only gained an understanding of metal management through this technique, I have gained the necessary foundation and can, more or less intelligently, in theory, now create most metals with an atomic mass less than gold. In addition, there is a stone's throw to Mercury, Gold in the table is quite low, if I remember correctly. Moreover, it is not a simple metal, it is liquid! I suspected it was possible, but now ... Impressive. This will allow me to understand a lot and take the path of forming my own Jutsu of this element.