Chapter 124: A Little Practice

As for Metal Release: Forge Welding Technique, Shikamaru did not attach much importance to it. It was based on the creation of weapons from metals. But these were rather simple blacksmithing instructions for maintaining the correct proportion of the creation of swords, axes, shurikens, and so on. Of course, for the owner of this element. Without an accurate understanding of the distribution of the metal, it will be too difficult for a beginner to achieve the desired result. The sword may be too heavy, or the steel will not harden properly. The only problem was that the technique concerned only copper and iron, and the correct separation of the heat of the element of Fire. To put it simply, it was the basis of the Forge Welding technique, it was clearly something else of a higher rank.

With a happy face, Shikamaru decided to test his capabilities a bit. He had such thoughts even earlier while receiving the Byakugan, but now he wanted to check everything. Yet now there was very little left until the last step in pumping.

After activating the Byakugan, Shikamaru folded the seals, and then with a pensive look pulled out the gray bone, after which he covered it with gold, it was quite easy for him to check the Golden Dome technique and understand the principle of creating liquid metal from chakra, this could be controlled with just a few seals, which is noticeable facilitated future training for Shikamaru. Having received everything he needed, he nodded with a satisfied face:

- Just as I thought, it fits perfectly. If you hide the explosive seal inside, you can create a whole fragmentation bomb. If I still had the opportunity to use Uranus ... Damn, you could create a very dangerous weapon! With the right interaction, you can even create an analogue of the timer using fuin, and with the Byakugan, you can calculate the distance for the bombardment. All this is in theory, but there are already plenty of ideas for implementation.

Looking beyond the walls of the hideout, Shikamaru looked in the distance from his clone, and even further from the observing Anbu shinobi. Everything seemed to be going fine, only there were two Shinobi for some reason now. Perhaps Hiruzen tried ...

Not worrying much about it, Shikamaru began to create blades, axes, and kunai in turn, referring to the forging method. It was based on the interaction not only of the Metal Release, but also of Fire for more precise hardening and the creation of alloys. But, Shikamaru was just creating shapes out of metal, trying to give them a spice. He has not yet tested toxic metals, but he has created many weapons from ordinary ones. A decent amount of chakra was also spent. But with his reserves, these expenses were almost invisible.

It was not yet possible to test the element of Storm, it was quite destructive, and as such, Shikamaru did not have any techniques, so he did not take risks in experiments and tested the abilities of Dojutsu Ranmaru. He should definitely have been given a different name.

Dojutsu, as expected, allowed the senses to be sharpened. The eyes, although they were an important part of it, but as already mentioned, the main part of this genome was in the brain, and the eyes simply embodied some abilities. Therefore, this Dojutsu is only partly, making it unique in this respect. When activated, the hearing increased significantly, so Shikamaru could easily hear even the breathing of the Anbu watching him. The sound of the waterfall, the chirping of crickets and the singing of distant birds. All this, ideally, was heard by him. It was only important to do a little training to focus and get used to the abilities. The rest was simple.

In addition, this Dojutsu made it possible to determine not only chakra, but also somehow feel the mood of others. So, for example, Yugao was now clearly annoyed, and the guy next to her was quite calm and collected. For shinobi, understanding the mood of enemies from a distance is a pretty useful ability.

Thus, after testing the ability to create copper and titanium, Shikamaru finally finished. There was still some risk with the metals, the toxic substances might not have killed him, but it was still dangerous, especially in a place like this. So he decided to take it easy and practice afterwards, in a more prepared environment.

Basically, all of Shikamaru's new abilities were noticeably delighted. At least it made it possible to better understand the Release of Metal and to understand in more detail the Dojutsu of Ranmaru. In essence, it even turned out to be something like a simple increase in the potential of the brain: vision, hearing, perception. This is not to mention the ability to manipulate life energy. Only in this case, Shikamaru did not yet understand how everything worked. But in theory, it made me wonder how far the influence of this genome extends. Is it possible with the help of it to strengthen the potential of the body? Accelerated regeneration and the ability to emit electromagnetic pulses, although this is a theory, but in the world of shinobi, and even with such a Dojutsu ... It made me think.

Fortunately, this genome was still perceived as a dojutsu, otherwise there would definitely be problems with the reward.

Sitting more comfortably on the gold slab again, Shikamaru looked at several of the brass kunai with a rather grin. It was not for nothing that the Metal Release had the rank of Extended Genome, because it allowed not only to impart elemental properties to the chakra, but also made it possible to better manage the transformation of the form. In this aspect, it was even higher than the wood jutsu from which one-piece structures were created. It is not so easy to give shape to a chakra transformed into an element. But the owner of the Extended Genome had a clear advantage here. Not only by creating a coating of metal, but also the creation of structures was possible only by calling the chakra and transforming its shape. The liquid metal was highly manipulative. Unfortunately, not enough to create perfect shapes. The drawbacks were still there, from this side the forging technique now looked more interesting. After all, it allowed you to train the shaping of the created metal. Naturally, this is not the same as combining the form of the transformation of the chakra and the transformation of nature, but rather simply the transformation of the form already transformed into the element of the chakra. Simply put, the Release of Metal allowed you to give the chakra special properties of many different types of metals, and then manipulate them. Unfortunately, even this requires seals. Conversion seals to gold and copper are different, but the principle of shaping is identical. As a result, it was only necessary to learn how to create strong ninjutsu for each type and understand the seals of the call of a certain type of metal, and Shikamaru could do such simple things as the creation of ingots thanks to the forging method.

Experiments like this could definitely allow her to get used to manipulating the transformation and reduce the number of hand seals, so she was already starting to develop a training plan. It remains only to train more often in shaping, and then it will not be far before the creation of whole structures. A metal house instead of a wooden one sounds pretty good. Plus, the golden house can be sold!

"Yeah, this is even more of a resource scam than Senju timber. With a grin, Shikamaru furrowed his brows and muttered.

- We should finally return the chakra to its normal value. Previously, I neglected this, but now it's time to tweak everything a little and return to the standard. This will make it easier to calculate the amount of chakra. Still, I may not have as much of it as Naruto, but many times more than any Jonin.

With this thought, Shikamaru brought the chakra to its standard value. Before obtaining the Uzumaki bloodline, this did not make much sense, since there was not so much chakra. It was after receiving this bloodline that the reserves increased tenfold and Shikamaru could create almost a hundred horses. Now the Hyuuga bloodline also appeared, so it was time to bring the status back to normal.

Name: Shikamaru Nara

Age: 10 years old

Faction: Nara Clan, Hidden Leaf Village

Ninja Rank: Genin

- [Strength: 280] - [Stamina: 284] - [Speed: 274] -

- [Talent: 600] - [Chakra Size: 26250] - [Chakra Control: 221] -

Pedigrees (7/8):

{Nara - Kaguya Confluence} → [??? - strength 425%] → Improved mastery of the element "Yin" - 85%, Unique body + 42 to indicators - Strength, Endurance and Speed.

- Improved Genome: Shikotsumyaku (mutation)

- Evolution: absent

- Improved Genome: ???

- Evolution: absent

[Uchiha - power 400%] → Improved mastery of the element "Fire" - 80%

- Improved Genome: Sharingan → [Completed]

- Evolution: absent

[Inuzuka - Strength 50%] → Upgrades of all senses +5 speed

- Improved Genome: absent

[Uzumaki - 400% strength] → Improvements in control and chakra volume. + 40 to control, + 16000 to chakra volume. Improved vitality and disposition to fuinjutsu. + 5 to stamina.

- Improved Genome: absent

[Raijin - strength 425%] → Improved mastery of the element "Lightning" - 85%

- Improved Genome: Storm Release

- Evolution: absent

[Hyuuga - 400% strength] → Unique body and improved tanker + 5 to indicators - Strength, Endurance, Speed ​​and Chakra Control. + 8000 to Chakra Volume.

- Improved Genome: Byakugan

- Evolution: absent

Improved Genome (5/7):

- Dojutsu Ranmaru

- Evolution: absent

Extended Genome (1/1):

- Metal Release → 50%

- Evolution: absent


- Wind Release → 12%

- Earth Release → 50%

- Fire Release → 109%

- Lightning Release → 85%

- Yin Release → 124%

- Yang Release → 38%