Chapter 125: Full Awakening!

After examining his updated status, Shikamaru spoke in an undertone.

- The talent is already twice as much, the amount of chakra is generally amazing, there will definitely be enough for more than a hundred clones, I'm afraid to present my strength by the time of war. Although it is worth considering that against Madara and Obito in the ten-tailed mode, you need a hundred times more forces, not to mention Kaguya or the rest of the tsutsuki.

With a small laugh, Shikamaru mentally checked his score and reopened the exchange office.

- So, it would be possible to raise the chakra volume with a pill. Although, if, as I planned, to take Senju with Wood Release, then there is no point in the pill. The pedigree will do everything for her. But, it may be worth it, somehow ...

[Senju - strength 50%] → Improved mastery of the element "Water" - 10%, + 5 to stamina, + 2000 to the volume of chakra. → Wood Release - access to the most powerful vitality and regeneration + 5000 to the volume of chakra and + 15 to stamina.

This pedigree is impressive, yet it turned out to be one of the few that could be acquired without the Genome, which significantly reduced the bonuses.

[Senju - strength 50%] → Improved mastery of the element "Water" - 10%, + 5 to stamina, + 2000 to the volume of chakra.

Without Wood Release, it looked noticeably weaker and this also affected the price. The most expensive bloodline just belonged to Senju - sixty thousand fate points, a huge amount, but for the current Shikamaru it is quite bearable.

To all this, it is also worth adding that it is the Wood Release that reveals all the abilities of the true Senju, so it is not surprising that, unlike other elements, an increase in percentage to the element itself increases the bonuses. For example:

Wood release 50% - access to the most powerful vitality and regeneration + 5000 to the volume of chakra and + 15 to stamina


Wood Release 100% - access to the most powerful vitality and regeneration + 10000 to the volume of chakra and + 30 to stamina.

The gains are quite tangible, especially when you consider that the stamina bonus in bloodlines for Shikamaru has ceased to add up, but it is this element bonus that does not apply to bloodlines. Therefore, it will continue to grow even from an increase in the strength of the elements. Because of this, Senju's lineage could be called quite special.

Shikamaru didn't hesitate for a long time. Since he had accumulated enough points, it was time to spend them, in the plans he was quite enough to strengthen the new pedigree. Therefore, he immediately bought the famous Senju bloodline and the legendary Improved Genome - Wood Release!

Sixty thousand were instantly debited from the account and at the same moment a shiver went through Shikamaru's body. Without hesitation, Shikamaru popped the strengthening pill into his mouth, closed his eyes and waited for the development of events.

Over the past couple of hours, nothing really new has passed. Again pain, again suppression from the pill and quite tolerant assimilation of a new pedigree. Now he finally got what he wanted, the legacy of three legendary clans: Uchiha, Hyuga and Senju!

Covered from head to toe with slime, the guy exhaled hot air and snapped open his eyes. In a dim room, the glow of these eyes seemed especially bright. Shikamaru has definitely become much stronger than before, even his body has changed, as has the aura emanating from him. Now there was a kind of harmonious unity with nature and a serene dormant power in it.

Shikamaru stood up and peeled off the peeling skin along with his clothes. This time the rest of the body was being rebuilt. The changes turned out to be even deeper than with Shikotsumyaku, they directly affected the whole organism, every cell, everything was renewed and merged with the new pedigree. Shikamaru has now become completely different, from the brain and bones, to the chakra channels and the whole body. From the Nara there was only a pedigree cleaned of impurities. As a result, he became a completely new person who created himself on his own. Nothing remained of the others, now only his soul, knowledge and his own body. It all belonged to him! Therefore, it is not surprising that literally everything from his skin to hair and other fluids has peeled off. The system rebuilt everything perfectly. Moreover, the system perfectly matched all of Shikamaru's previous abilities. He was almost reborn and stronger than ever!

Stepping aside, Shikamaru remembered the seals of the water element technique and quickly washed himself, putting on a small fountain. Now he also owned water, it was not difficult at all. Then, burying everything deep under the ground, he cleaned the place and pulled out new clothes from the ring. He completely got rid of his roots with the Nara clan and direct kinship with them. Burying myself of the past in this inconspicuous cave. Now he was the first of his kind, and only a distant connection with the bloodlines still remained. But as soon as he merges the pedigrees into something new and it disappears. So it was with the Nara, because by merging with Kaguya, this bloodline turned into something different. So, Shikamaru got rid of the connection with the ancestors and laid the foundation for his future bloodline. Nothing kept him in Konoha now. Except for the remaining connections ...

While dressing, Shikamaru slowly bounced back, as if after a long hibernation, he finally woke up and could think as before.

Now his large muscles on his pale skin seemed even more prominent and there was a feeling as if he had grown a few more centimeters. Senju's blood strengthened him as best he could.

Throwing on a black jersey and shorts, Shikamaru put the ring back on his finger, stretched his elbows and shoulders, and then took out the pillboxes and immediately bought three more bloodline enhancement pills.

Shikamaru was noticeably different from his former self, he was all imbued with calmness and confidence, as if he was a completely different person. As if he was fully aware of himself.

Raising four pills, the guy looked at them with a smile:

- I was finally able to completely get used to this body and now everything is under control. Previously, the child's brain and these limitations prevented me from fully becoming myself and realizing what I was doing wrong. But now, I have renewed my body so much that it is completely assembled by myself, my soul and my body, I have finally completely reborn!

With a cold laugh, the guy looked thoughtfully at the pills in his hand. He knew the risks, but now he was more than confident in the strength of his own body. Now he understood himself better than anyone else, maybe he changed his name to survive in this village, but he was himself, that very person for whom the lives of enemies did not matter, and the world was a place for survival. The name didn't matter at all. At the end of his past life, he was looking for his own path - but death decided everything for him. Now, in this new life, you can continue your search. With the power of chakra and built up power, you can turn this damn world upside down! Take everything that exists in it and continue walking along this endless path of the seeker!