Chapter 126: Shikamaru Goes Into the World

Folding his hand seal, Shikamaru activated the Byakugan and looked out of the hideout. The clone dispersed, and the Anbu began to look for traces of the guy's presence. He hadn't been particularly annoyed by this before, but now he has a clear desire to get rid of the annoying tail in the face of these two ninjas. Shikamaru has been a very determined person in the past, and when it comes to making a move, he always makes it. It was a necessary rule of life - the slow dies, the determined and ruthless survives. He has already attracted enough attention, sitting in the bushes, admitting his own weakness and inability to respond, only a coward does this. Even if you are weak, you should not hide in the shadows like a mouse, especially when a tiger is staring at you. Besides, why would Danz just act like that? He may be a bastard, but he never just did something stupid like that. If he attacks, it will be for special reasons. Shikamaru's unusual behavior and talent is not yet a reason to act so decisively. Although, possession of the Sharingan is already something ... But hiding is ridiculous! Hiding behind someone's back was completely out of the spirit of Shikamaru, he now did not at all understand his trust in Hiruzen. You have to trust the authoritarian leader, the main of the freeloaders of this country. Forgetting the main principles of survival just because he had family and friends, looking at it now, it seemed to him even a little funny. This Hokage has good charisma and influence on the kids ... Not that it was a mistake, but rather it caused a strange feeling ... Trust doesn't sound very familiar. Shikamaru now felt like an adult reminiscing about his childhood foolishness. Only he grew up much faster than usual, which made it look even funnier ...

In any case, he no longer intended to hide. Gone are the days when he could not figure everything out and tried not to stand out. Only insecure weaklings are hiding! If the enemy comes, you need to respond with all possible force, Shikamaru has never escaped in the past, not even from death. The fact that he forgot this rule in his new life was really disappointing ... How good that he was able to return and finally take matters into his own hands!

With a slight grin, Shikamaru threw in three pills and swallowed immediately. The time has come to strengthen the pedigree to worthy values. Previously, he wanted to gain independence, but now he was ready to start making his moves. If Hiruzen looks from the side, then let him look, but he should stop thinking that Shikamaru is not able to answer at the right time. The same goes for Danz, these elders should learn who the future is behind, and it doesn't matter what secrets Shikamaru is hiding. He is strong, and strength is everything in this world!

The pills instantly went into action and an hour later, Shikamaru opened his eyes, and then opened the status:

Name: Shikamaru Nara

Age: 10 years old

Faction: Nara Clan, Hidden Leaf Village

Ninja Rank: Genin

- [Strength: 287] - [Stamina: 317] - [Speed: 278] -

- [Talent: 950] - [Chakra Size: 47050] - [Chakra Control: 227] -

Pedigrees (8/8):

{Nara - Kaguya Confluence} → [??? - strength 425%] → Improved mastery of the element "Yin" - 85%, Unique body + 42 to indicators - Strength, Endurance and Speed.

- Improved Genome: Shikotsumyaku (mutation)

- Evolution: absent

- Improved Genome: ???

- Evolution: absent

[Uchiha - power 400%] → Improved mastery of the element "Fire" - 80%

- Improved Genome: Sharingan → [Completed]

- Evolution: absent

[Inuzuka - Strength 50%] → Upgrades of all senses +5 speed

- Improved Genome: absent

[Uzumaki - 400% strength] → Improvements in control and chakra volume. + 40 to control, + 16000 to chakra volume. Improved vitality and disposition to fuinjutsu. + 5 to stamina.

- Improved Genome: absent

[Raijin - strength 425%] → Improved mastery of the element "Lightning" - 85%

- Improved Genome: Storm Release

- Evolution: absent

[Hyuuga - 400% strength] → Unique body and improved tanker + 5 to indicators - Strength, Endurance, Speed ​​and Chakra Control. + 8000 to Chakra Volume.

- Improved Genome: Byakugan

- Evolution: absent

[Senju - power 425%] → Improved mastery of the element "Water" - 85%, + 5 to stamina, + 17000 to the volume of chakra.

- Improved Genome: Wood Release - 50% → access to the most powerful vitality and regeneration + 5000 to chakra volume and + 15 to stamina.

- Evolution: absent

Improved Genome (6/7):

- Dojutsu Ranmaru

- Evolution: absent

Extended Genome (1/1):

- Metal Release → 50%

- Evolution: absent


- Water Release → 85%

- Wind Release → 12%

- Earth Release → 50%

- Fire Release → 109%

- Lightning Release → 85%

- Yin Release → 124%

- Yang Release → 72%

The status did not disappoint, everything turned out to be within expectations. It remains only to raise the lineage of the Hyuuga and Uchiha to equal values ​​with Senju. Therefore, without hesitation, Shikamaru bought two more pills and quickly accepted them to upgrade the bloodlines. He already had a clear desire to combine the three legendary bloodlines descended from Kaguya herself. It was definitely not a bad idea, so it was worth getting ready now.

Having finished with the assimilation of the pills, the guy looked through the next notifications about the completion of tasks:

-"Nothing is impossible"

Reach 1000 talent

Reward: 20,000, Improved Chakra Storage Expansion Pill, Mutation Pill.


Reach three hundred stamina points.

Reward: 10,000 fate points, Elixir of Wood Release x2. Elixir of Water Release x2.

After collecting the awards, Shikamaru nodded contentedly and put the blue pill back in the box. With this new pill, there was a chance to immediately complete the chakra task, but he decided to refrain. Until regular expansion pills are used, there is no point in using this one. Judging by the description, it will completely extinguish the effect of weaker pills if you take them after. Therefore, it was worth refraining, and Shikamaru did not have any special plans for the mutation pill. It was imperative to check for mutations, this is natural, but for now it is worth leaving this for another case. As a result, possessing an additional thirty thousand, Shikamaru decided not to spend it yet. He still had the opportunity to complete the task, but he decided to postpone it for now, at least he got enough from this pumping, it is worth getting used to the forces and only then continue. In any case, the next time will be about fusion and mutations, so the gain will also be rather big. Now it was worth finally leaving this shelter.

Shikamaru yawned, got up, cracked his neck and collected all his things, went to the exit closed by a huge cobblestone. Without standing on ceremony with him, the guy stretched out his hand and formed a vortex on his right hand, which in an instant turned and took the form - Rasengan. One movement and the famous technique crashed into the cobblestone!

The stone blocking the entrance shattered into pieces, and then a silhouette flew out from the other side of the waterfall, in an instant reaching the back side of the cliff. It was Shikamaru, in the same black T-shirt and gray shorts. He stopped at the same place where not so long ago, almost two days in meditation, his clone was sitting, and right now there were two Anbu shinobi. This is not surprising, because the clone dispersed just at the moment when the Senju bloodline entered the final stage of assimilation. Even after obtaining the Hyuuga pedigree, somehow, but the clone was saved, but in the end, everything went exactly according to this scenario. One way or another, Shikamaru didn't care much, now he has completely become himself, and he will no longer allow others to meddle in his affairs.

The Anbu reacted at the moment when the rock collapsed, but before they had time to move, a dark-haired guy with unusual gray pupils appeared right in front of them. The sight of those eyes, for some reason, made the two Anbu for a moment be amazed and lose their vigilance. This guy looked so familiar but also different. It was the traces of Shikamaru, Yugao and Kage that they had been trying to find for several hours. And here he is ...