Chapter 127: Against the Anbu

Not immediately, but Yugao recognized the young man in front of her. From the slow understanding of who he was, the girl was more and more surprised. The guy looked exactly like himself, the same long hair, face, but the eyes and gaze were different. Previously, he did not look like a child, but now he no longer looked like an ordinary adult. It felt as if they were an experienced shinobi who had gone through a war, and his gray eyes seemed too piercing. In addition, from the guy's grin, there was a cold air, Shikamaru changed beyond recognition.

Yūgao and Kage wore standard Anbu gear, both carrying a blade on their backs and animal masks. The appearance of this "stranger" was quite unexpected, because they were already preparing to repel the attack.

But, the guy didn't seem to notice them. Looking around, Shikamaru closed his eyes and breathed in fresh air.

- Great, I love the evening air in Konoha, reminds me of digging graves in the rainy season ...

A light breeze perked up his black hair and the cold glint in his gray eyes made even an experienced Anbu uncomfortable.

At that moment, Yugao stepped forward and asked loudly:

- Shikamaru Nara, we are obliged to be responsible for your safety, where have you been all this time?

The Kage narrowed his eyes and finally saw Shikamaru in this boy.

"In business, what's wrong with him ..."

"Oh ..." Shikamaru turned his gaze to the petite girl and replied with a sneer, "Beauty, I know it's your job to babysit me here, but from now on I will release you from your duties." You can leave and take your boyfriend with you, I don't need your concern anymore. Shikamaru brushed them off and continued enjoying the clean air. Now he seemed completely different to him. After receiving the Senju bloodline, nature felt completely different.

The two Anbu were naturally reluctant to leave, especially after such rudeness. Shikamaru himself understood this, because this is the meaning of provocation. The question is how will things go on ...

Yūgao frowned, and Kage just chuckled.

- Boy, don't be offended, but it's not for you to give us orders. We are here by order of the Hokage, therefore ... - but Kage did not have time to finish his sentence, when suddenly everything around him darkened, his world changed and all that could be seen was the bloody sky and shadows roaming everywhere. They are like restless ghosts, slowly trudging into the unknown, without eyes and souls, simple empty shells in this darkest bloody void.

At the same time outside of Genjutsu, Shikamaru flashed dark eyes with gray tomoe and turned his gaze to Yūgao with a grin. Catching a slow, smart guy with a powerful genjutsu was as easy as throwing a kunai. The only problem was ...

Yūgao reacted quickly, she was startled by a surprise attack, Shikamaru attacked without warning, and his eyes too ...

"What the hell is this ... Sharingan ?! I don't understand ... "- one way or another, Yugao simply reflexively drew her blade and rushed to her comrade, to understand that he was under Genjutsu was as easy as shelling pears, so it was worth helping him quickly!

But even earlier, before she began to act, Shikamaru had already identified this maneuver and made his own. Dark, almost black eyes flashed with an ominous light, and now Shikamaru appeared before the girl. Yūgao raised her blade and slashed at the enemy. Now she no longer tried to stand on ceremony and attacked with all her might, even if she had to protect Shikamaru. She just felt that this person was not the Shikamaru she had lost sight of. Whoever he was, he emanated from a huge chakra and ominous power, he was very dangerous!

At the same time, even the Third Hokage did not know what was happening, Shikamaru suspected of being monitored, so he was concerned about blocking seals in the hideout for a long time. Moreover, his chakra has completely changed over the past two days, no matter how hard the Third tried, he could not see anything. Moreover, Shikamaru would not have allowed, as soon as he changed, he immediately destroyed the final seal of the Telescope technique that Hiruzen had put on him for safety. He used to put up with it, but not now. Now he decided to take matters into his own hands. If he was already so special and could attract attention, then don't care, let everyone come! He made the mistake of telling about his secrets, so why now keep them and pretend to be a fool and make fools out of others? It was time to be yourself and not play silly children's games! He's in the shinobi world, it's time to show your strength!

Yūgao's cold blade flashed and instantly reached Shikamaru's seemingly defenseless hand. But, a clang of steel was heard and the blade simply collided with a gray bone, after which a volley of such bones flew into the girl. Shikamaru was not going to let her reach out to her partner and increase the strength of the squad. If he had operated in hostile territory, he would most likely have rushed to kill the second Anbu right now, but he was still part of the Lista village and no matter how strong he became now, this is an empty phrase in the face of an entire village. Therefore, I had to find an alternative ...

After exchanging a dozen blows, Shikamaru's eyes followed every action of the enemy with incredible speed, they darted from side to side, leaving behind them gray flashes. The guy jumped to the side, while folding several seals, then shouted:

- Fire Release: Hidden Fire Bullets! - at the same moment, the guy exhaled flame and brushed off his palm from which five bones flew off, and as if the bullets hitting the fiery Jutsu. Throwing herself into the flames several times, Shikamaru retreated, Yugao easily dealt with the first volley of bones and threw it towards the enemy. At that moment, the two techniques merged and a volley of several dozen fire bullets was already flying towards Yugao. Their strength was worth reckoning, no simple Chūnin in their right mind would even try to repel them, the penetrating power of the bones and the scorching power of fire made them very terribly difficult to block.

Shikamaru clearly knew that Yugao was an experienced swordsman and in Anbu she was definitely not for a pretty face. Catching her on the Sharingan will not be easy, and the guy behind him will hold out for no more than a few seconds. Shikamaru's genjutsu is strong, you can't argue here, ten seconds is a lot for Jonin. Without the support of eye contact, this further reduces the effect of the technique. Without Yugao, her partner would have been dead long ago. Distance already possessed, Shikamaru could kill him from this place, just a step and a kunai could be stuck in the neck. Therefore, he took a step and struck several chest tanketsu and hitting a couple of hearts, completely blocking the opponent's chakra. This method could be performed not even by the Hyuuga, but simply by an experienced doctor. Only, this method was naturally inferior to the style created specifically for the Byakugan. It was still necessary to get into the tank correctly and choose them in a certain sequence. In the end, even if Shikamaru struck, it would leave the opponent helpless for only a few seconds. Naturally, the genjutsu immediately dissipated, but it bought time, because this jonin was already one step away from liberation ...